In This Issue
University Homes Centennial Alley Party July 8
Out-going President's Message and Report: Julia Frazier 2022-2023
Election of TCNA Officers and Board Members for 2023-2024
Message from Pat Hawthorne and Mike Travieso, new TCNA co-presidents
Neighborhood Committees
- Public Safety Updates
- Events Committee
- Calvert Liaison Committee: Update Calvert on Lower School and new roof
- Greens Committee:
- Streets Committee: New Project, Charles Street
- Membership Committee
- Communications: Website: History - University Homes
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Neighborhood NewsA
- Another Water Main Break at Stoney Ford and Linkwood
- Stony Run Bridge Naming Event
- Stop the Sign at 3700 N Charles Street
- Neighborhood Demographic: Education Trends in TCNA
- Recycling Message: Weekly Recycling
- Neighborhood Dumpster
- Residential Parking Permits: Need Your Feedback
Neighbors in the Spotlight
- Delegate Regina T. Boyce: Selected as Vice Chair of the Transportation Committee
- Maggie McIntosh: Orioles Game June 28th
- Lane Harlan & Matthew Pierce, new bar, Coral Wig
Johns Hopkins University
- JHU Student Union Construction
- 6 Tips for Better Sleep When You Travel
Restaurants In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury
Home & Condo Current Sale Prices
Tuscany-Canterbury Summer Photo Gallery
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Save the Dates
July 8 3:00-7:00 University Homes Centennial Alley Party
July 19 7 pm TCNA Board Meeting
Broadview Apartments, Lower Level Meeting Room
Neighbors are always welcomed. Agenda will be posted on website TCNA calendar
Additional events included at the end of the newsletter
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A hundred years ago, Tuscany Canterbury was born and was called University Homes. | |
Neighbors are supplying a variety of snacks and drinks; Mat's 12 year old son, Luka, designed the above flyer; TCNA is providing the band.
The entire neighborhood is getting involved. Everyone in Tuscany-Canterbury is invited. If you know of someone who has moved, please invite them to come back and celebrate with us.
Josh Cohen & Mat Leffler-Schulman
Tuscany-Canterbury 100th Anniversary Coordinators
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TCNA is stronger with you as a member! We’d ❤️ to have you join us or renew your dues.
An active neighborhood association is important because together we can influence what happens in Tuscany-Canterbury. The most recent examples for which your voices have made a difference:
Stopping an enormous proposed sign
- Decreasing the hours on a new liquor license
- Convincing the legislature to fund improvements to the Stony Run Walking Path
Thank you for being a member and supporting TCNA.
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President's Message: Julia Frazier | |
Hello Neighbors!
As the outgoing president of the Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association, I would like to offer a big, warm welcome to our newly elected Co-Presidents, Pat Hawthorne and Mike Travieso. I have had the pleasure of working with both Pat and Mike for various community projects over the last couple of years, and I am certain that you are in very capable and caring hands with these two outstanding people. They both bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to their role as leadership in TCNA, and I wish them well as they begin their new term. Welcome Pat and Mike, and thank you for your commitment to the neighborhood!
As I exit my term as president, I am reflecting on the many wonderful friends I have made, and on the many lessons I have learned. I feel privileged to have followed in the footsteps of many strong leaders in Tuscany-Canterbury, and to have gained from their wisdom and example. I have learned that neighborhood communities are strong because of the residents that are willing to put in the thought, time and effort to make them so. I have seen that everyday life works just a little bit better when people talk to each other, visit each other, and look out for one another. I have learned that even when different points of view are present, respectful communication goes a very long way to achieve solutions for all.
I have learned that planning for new initiatives that make a community safer and more beautiful is effective when people work together. I have seen that our elected officials work tirelessly, and care deeply for the health and well being of their constituents. I have witnessed projects come to fruition that have been in the works for decades, and celebrated the efforts of those who worked tirelessly to make them happen. I have learned that the things about my neighborhood that I treasure most, and probably used to take for granted, don't just happen by accident. They happen because someone out there is paying attention, and very purposefully working to make things better - for everyone.
To all these good people, I thank you. Thanks for working hard to ensure we have beautiful gardens and safe streets. Thank you for making smart, informative newsletters and a fantastic neighborhood website. Thank you for supporting our local restaurants and businesses, and for being involved and respectful neighbors of Calvert School. Thank you for organizing parking permits and potlucks, and for all your big and small acts of kindness. I see them every day. Thank you for caring for one another during the COVID pandemic, and for celebrating our rich history and commemorating our 100th Year Anniversary as a community. Thank you for allowing me to try to be a part of the solution, and for being wonderfully good neighbors. Let's all keep up the good work!
All my best from Canterbury Road...
Your Past President,
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TCNA voted at the general meeting on June 14, 2023 the following board members and officers for June 2023 to June 2024. | |
TCNA Officers and Board Members
- Co-President: Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
Co-President: **Mike Travieso (Tuscany-Lombardy, Stony Run Lane)
- Past President Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
- Vice President: Garth Thompson (Ridgemede Road)
- Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
- Secretary: Sam Park (Tuscany Court)
Board Members:
- Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road), Gardens Committee
- Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road), Events, 100th Celebration
- Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road), Communication Coordinator
- **Eric Elton (Cloverhill Road), Greens Committee, Co-chair
- Paul Gallo (Tuscany Court), Public Safety Liaison
- Nancy Lee LaMotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Linkwood Rd), Residential Permit Parking Coordinator
- Mat Leffler-Schulman (Cloverhill Road), Events, 100th Celebration
- Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House Condo, Charles Street), Membership Committee
- Amy Mutch (Tuscany Road), Calvert Liaison Committee Chair
- Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James Condo, Charles Street), Membership Committee
- Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road), Streets Committee Chair
- **Julie Watson (Canterbury Road), Web Master
** New members
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A special thank you to the board members who are leaving the board.
- Past Presidents: Andrew and Luciene Parsley (Tuscany Road)
- Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court, Events Committee Chair)
- Gard Jones (Tuscany-Lombardy Co-Op, Stony Run Lane, RPP Coordinator)
- Lauren Urbanek (Tuscany Road, Calvert School Issues)
TCNA hopes you will personally thank each of them for their commitment to Tuscany-Canterbury and for all of their time and support they have given to our great neighborhood.
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Message from new TCNA Co-Presidents
Pat Hawthorne & Mike Travieso
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Hello to All TCNA Neighbors
We look forward to working with you and would welcome input, thoughts, and comments from all neighbors on any relevant issues.
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Tuscany-Canterbury Public Safety Updates
Paul Gallo, Chair of TCNA Public Safety Committee
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Summer Safety Suggestions
Keep outdoor lights on your porches and outside your condos throughout the night even if you are not home. This discourages crime from happening.
Check your car doors to make sure they are locked (even if you park in a condo or apartment building garage). Don't leave any valuables visible in your car.
If you see a street light that is out, call 311 as soon as possible. If it doesn't get repaired email TCNA with the confirmation number and location. Click here.
If you are going away even for a few days, tell a neighbor who can keep an eye and ear out for anything unusual.
If you see something suspicious happening, call 911 as soon as possible.
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Events: Different board members & neighbors will chair specific events throughout the year.
Josh Cohen & Mat Leffler-SchulmanTuscany-Canterbury 100th Anniversary Coordinator
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Let us know what events you would like during the year. Some possible ideas (Nothing definite)
- First Fridays
- Yard Sale
- Picnic /Cookout in the park
- Neighborhood night at the Symphony
- Neighborhood event at an Oriole game
- Special presentations such as "Birding"
- Children's bike race
- Halloween event for adults or children or both
- Tour of Calvert's new athletic center and squash courts
- Other ideas to consider?
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Streets Committee
Brian ten Siethoff, Committee Chair
CLICK HERE to contact Streets Committee or Visit TCNA Website for information about all the Streets On-Going Projects
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University Parkway
Traffic safety improvements implemented in fall of 2022 have reduced travel speeds and improved safety for people walking and biking. The project filled a big gap in the City of Baltimore's priority bike network. Some neighbors have expressed concerns about the poor sight-lines for drivers turning into and out of Bishop's Lane and the various driveways along the north side of University. We're working with the City to fix the situation and make it easier to see cross traffic. We've also heard that it's hard to make the right turn onto Linkwood Road, and buses are having trouble getting to the curb at Canterbury Road. We hear you, and we're trying to get the City to come back and make some tweaks to the design.
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2021 Before repaving and stripping, no bike lane and 4 lanes of through traffic. | | |
2022 After repaving and stripping, bike lanes and only 2 lanes of through traffic. | | |
39th Street
Speed humps will slow traffic along 39th Street, and three new crosswalks will connect the Broadview to Hopkins House and connect Cypriana to the parking lot across 39th Street. The Broadview Apartments has been spearheading this project since 2015 and financing the majority of the project. TCNA, the Hopkins House, Johns Hopkins University, and Baltimore City are also contributing financially to calm the traffic on 39th Street.
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Thanks to our retired Delegate Maggie McIntosh and Delegates Regina Boyce and Elizabeth Embry for securing $40,000 in state funding to close the funding gap for the 39th Street Calming Project. Also special thanks to Councilwoman Odette Ramos for helping us get this project over the final few hurdles to get City approvals so construction can begin.
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Linkwood Road / Stony Run path between the two bridges
The Parks & People Foundation has stepped forward to be the "fiscal agent" for the project. They are a legal entity eligible to receive state funding allocated to the completion of the Lower Stony Run project including the Linkwood Road section.
With Friends of Stony Run, we're working to hire a contractor to prepare final design plans that will go to the Baltimore City Department of Transportation and Department of Parks & Recreation for their review and approval.
In the meantime, we've gotten the City to come out and conduct targeted enforcement of illegal parking along Linkwood Road to free up spaces for neighborhood residents. Thanks again to retired Delegate McIntosh for securing state funding and to Councilwoman Ramos for her support navigating the City bureaucracy.
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Tuscany Road Calming Project
Thanks to everyone who responded to our call for input on traffic calming options for Tuscany Road. We're going to incorporate your ideas into a proposal that we'll take to the Calvert School, our partner in this project.
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Charles Street
We've heard from many neighbors about the difficulty crossing Charles Street, particularly at the complex intersection at Charles, Charlecote, and Stratford, but also at Highfield and Wendover. A group of Tuscany-Canterbury neighbors is forming to discuss issues and potential solutions. Let us know if you're interested in being part of a Charles Street Safety Improvement Team.
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And there's more! We're doing our best to stay on top of broken street lights, we're getting more classic street lights installed that will complement the character of our neighborhood, we're working with building owners and businesses to install publicly accessible electric vehicle charging stations around the neighborhood, and we're working to fix broken sidewalks and complete a few missing curb ramps that prevent people in wheelchairs from getting where they need to go.
What did we miss? Send a note to if you have any feedback or ideas for us to consider.
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Greens Committee
Eric Elton & Patrick Mutch, Committee Co-Chairs
Committee Members: Alison Moliterno, Bonnie Boland, Pat Hawthorne, Mary Loker (Does not include all the volunteers who help throughout the year)
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We have had an intensive year, working on upgrading the gardens which we have been tending for decades.
Spring 2022:
Added several rows of sedges to the 39th Street Garden and trimmed some tree limbs.
Fall 2022:
Major replanting at the Tuscany Oval Garden, taking out the older overgrown foliage and replacing it with hopefully drought-tolerant native species.
Spring 2023:
A few more plants were added, and we may do additional planting this fall depending on how well the new plants are becoming established.
Maintenance of these gardens is a high priority as they are a welcome for visitors and residents alike and they represent our community as a symbol of nature, nurture and stewardship. We always need volunteers to help monitor and care for these gardens.
Needed activities can include:
- Oversight of the gardens (let us know if there are problems you see)
- Weeding, planting, pruning, watering, mulching, etc.
Any and all level of activity is welcomed. If you are interested in helping, please contact TCNA.
Bonnie Boland
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Our neighborhood is adjacent to the Stony Run Stream Valley. Friends of Stony Run frequently employ “weed warriors” (trained individuals) to protect the park habitat. You can join them (and learn about non-native invasive vegetation) at three upcoming events. Additional information may be found at the main website:
Weed Warriors in Wyman Park
July 15, 2023. 10:00am-12:00pm
West 39th Street & Tudor Arms Avenue, W 39th St & Tudor Arms Ave, Baltimore, MD 21210, USA
August 19, 2023. 10:00am-12:00pm
West 37th Street & Tudor Arms Avenue, W 37th St & Tudor Arms Ave, Baltimore, MD 21211, USA
August 19, 2023 10:00am-12:00pm
West 37th Street & Tudor Arms Avenue, W 37th St & Tudor Arms Ave, Baltimore, MD 21211, USA
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Calvert Liaison Committee
Amy Mutch, Chair
Committee Members: Ferd Latrobe (Canterbury Road), Ned Lewison (Gardens of Guilford), Arna Margolis (Tuscany/Lombardy), Nick Kouwenhoven (Tuscany Road)
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June 2023
The Calvert Liaison Committee is pleased to add an additional resident to serve on the committee, Nick Kouwenhoven, who lives on Tuscany Road and is an alumnus of Calvert School. The Calvert agreement with TCNA allows the committee to have only five TCNA members and they must include representatives from the Gardens of Guilford and the Tuscany-Lombardy residences.
Let’s thank the TCNA Woods Committee as the fence has been painted, the tower is quiet, and trees have been planted.
This summer we expect minimal disruption as Calvert replaces the slate roof on the lower school and constructs the 2-story addition in the rear of the lower school with access from Canterbury Road.
Happy Summer and enjoy your school break!
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New slate roof is replacing the 100 year old one at Calvert School. | |
The fence around the cooling tower was painted to match the stone wall. | |
Calvert planted new trees to replace the ones that did not survive from last summer. | |
Calvert School has approached the TCNA requesting approval to rent out the squash courts in their new athletic facility during squash season (2-3 months in the winter) to other local schools that do not have squash facilities. The TCNA is in the process of putting together a list of questions for Calvert asking for specifics about their request so we can assess its potential impact on our community.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact TCNA's co-presidents - Pat Hawthorne and Mike Travieso
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Calendar Events for Calvert School
- August 30, Fifth & Sixth Age Drop-In/Fifth Grade Orientation
- August 31, Classes begin at 8:00
All dates are also shown on the TCNA web page - Calvert & JHU events
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Membership Committee
Pat Hawthorne, Chair
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The TCNA Membership Committee thanks everyone who renewed their dues during the 2022-2023 fiscal year and for those who became new members. Your continued support is much appreciated. On July 1st we will be starting a new membership year. Reminder notices will be sent out approximately one month before your anniversary date. If you are unsure whether you have paid your dues, please send an e-mail to and we will get back to you right away.
This has been an exciting year for membership. We have 28 new members and 183 members who renewed their dues. That represents a 60% renewal rate for residents who have “ever been members.” Also, our personal outreach to residents with lapsed memberships resulted in 16 renewals. This next year we would like to focus on condominium/co-op residents and, hopefully, increase the number of members in those communities.
I’d like to thank the members of the Membership Committee who assisted with outreach efforts: Sam Park, Ann Christopher, and Nancy LaMotte. Mary Loker and Mat Leffler-Schulman assisted with outreach through December 31st when they had to resign from the committee.
If you would like to join the Membership Committee, please send an e-mail to: We’d love the company!!!!
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Communications Committee
Linda Eberhart, Newsletter Coordinator.
Julie Watson, Webmaster,
John Robinson, photographer
Committee: Ann Finkbeiner, Lois Schenck, TCNA board members contribute articles, photos, and other support for newsletter and website.
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TCNA Website Feature: University Homes
3900 block Cloverhill and Canterbury Rds., Unit Block 39th St.
University Homes (1917-1920)
Between 1917-1920 the University Homes were built on Cloverhill and Canterbury. People moved into University Homes without much of an idea of how the surrounding area would develop. The great mansions on Charles Street Ave were still there and eight or ten apartment houses had been constructed in the area. The University Homes row houses were convenient and affordable, close to transportation and thus attractive to future homeowners.
If you have any additional information or photos that you would like to share please CLICK HERE. Old and new pictures are needed. THANKS
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Plat showing the area before Cloverhill and Canterbury (University Homes) were built. | | |
Questions, Comments, Messages
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June 22, 2023: Another Water Main Break on Stoney Ford at Linkwood
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This was 4th time since March 2023 that work was needed on the water main at the intersection of Stony Ford and Linkwood. 250 neighbors again had no water or low water pressure.
June 22, 2023
4:30 am: The first neighbor who noticed the problem alerted others about the problem.
6 am: Neighbors took immediate action. Dozens of complaints were received by 311 about the problem.
7:45 am: Water Department was on site and diverted the water to solve the immediate problem so neighbors would have water.
12:00 pm: Crews returned to make repairs.
IMMEDIATE CALLS TO 311 GOT IMMEDIATE ACTION but are not a long term solution.
- Councilwoman Odette Ramos has been contacted to get a permanent solution to the problem.
- TCNA has requested that a representative from the City Water Department attend the July 19th TCNA board meeting to explain the problem and the permanent solution.
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Naming of the Stony Run Bridge
The Amy Mickel Bridge
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Maggie McIntosh with her family at the Stony Run Bridge Naming Event on May 20, 2023 | |
Amy Mickel loved walking dogs for so many people and families in Tuscany-Canterbury. She started with her sister's, Maggie McIntosh's dogs and soon found herself helping a Gardens of Guilford resident Brooke Murdock. From there the word spread! She formed a small business named “The Third Dog” and enjoyed neighbors and four-legged friends all through Tuscany-Canterbury.
One of Amy’s favorite spots to walk her furry friends was Wyman Park. Frequently she suggested and even complained that the community needed a bridge to connect both sides of the Stony Run. A group of determined neighbors in Tuscany-Canterbury developed the plan, and then approached Maggie for state funding to create a continuous trail along the Stony Run from Roland Park to Hampden. The bridges became the critical element in the design.
Amy died in 2012 and the bridge was completed in 2017. The Baltimore City Council officially named the bridge, The Amy Mickel Bridge.
The Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood together with her family, former Delegate Maggie McIntosh, Mari Selby, Evan Mickel, Eric Mickel, Amy’s mother Fran Mickel, and nieces and nephews dedicated the bridge to Amy Mickel on May 20, 2023.
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April 18: TCNA was notified about the proposed huge, illuminated sign at 3700 North Charles. TCNA contacted the Northern District Planner for more information and advised her to contact the St. James Condo Association.
April 25: The St. James Condo Association announced they are vigorously opposing this request and planned to hire a lawyer.
April 26: TCNA received additional information from the Planning Department about the sign and current zoning information.
May 2: TCNA contacted Councilwoman Odette Ramos to express opposition to the sign and got suggestions about how to proceed.
May 3: TCNA Board unanimously supported the St. James Association in opposing this request.
May 6: TCNA sent a special ACTION ALERT to 630 neighbors requesting everyone to send emails opposing the sign immediately and posted information about the sign on the TCNA website.
May 20: TCNA May newsletter included more information about the proposed sign and again requested neighbors to get others to support the effort.
Throughout May: The Planning Department and BMZA received at least 100 emails from all parts of the neighborhood and beyond.
May 31: TCNA talked to the Academy management and was advised that the project was on hold indefinitely. No hearing and no further action are required.
Thank you to everyone who helped with this effort. Without the quick notification from Marie Anderson, the City Planner, the neighborhood effort would not have happened as quickly as it did.
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The 2019 analysis reveals that 90% of the Tuscany-Canterbury residents have a bachelor’s or beyond. 62% of residents have also earned a master’s degree, medical degree, Ph.D. or law degree. This is a higher fraction of people with a graduate degree than is found in 99.9% of U.S. neighborhoods. The average American neighborhood has 12.7% of the adults with a graduate degree.
Tuscany-Canterbury has the highest percentage and actual number of Baltimore residents with more than a college degree
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Dumpster Available for Neighborhood Use
September 2
Linkwood and Tuscany
September 30
Start time is at the discretion of the city. It usually arrives in the morning is there for for 4 hours.
Special thanks to Sam Park, TCNA board member who arranges with Baltimore City for the neighborhood dumpsters to come to Tuscany-Canterbury.
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Baltimore City Recycling Program
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Weekly recycling to resume in Baltimore in early 2024 — as long as new garbage trucks arrive.
Baltimore officials doubled down on their commitment to restart the city’s weekly recycling collection in early 2024 provided that the city receives 30 new garbage trucks that are currently in production.
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Residential Permit Parking Issues
Dozens of neighbors picked up their permits at the TCNA cookout and meeting. Many neighbors told us about the difficulties that they experienced in using the Parking Authority's website. This is the second year using the new City procedures. TCNA will notify the Parking Authority and Councilwoman Ramos about the specific problems. Please let us know what worked and what needs to be changed.
Nancy Lee LaMotte, TCNA RPP Coordinator
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Neighbors in the Spotlight
Tuscany Canterbury has great neighbors.
Let us know about a neighbor that should be featured.
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Delegate Regina Boyce named Vice Chair of
House Environment and Transportation Committee
Delegate Regina T. Boyce, our Delegate here in the 43rd District, has just been named Vice Chair of the powerful Environment and Transportation Committee. In this role she will continue her pursuit of environmental justice, fair housing, and transit reforms. This is a monumental accomplishment for someone who's only in her 5th year of service in the General Assembly!
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Maggie McIntosh
June 28 7:05 pm
Oriole Stadium
Will throw out the first pitch
Maggie is being recognized by the Orioles on Pride night as the first LGPTQ+ woman in the Maryland legislature. Delegate McIntosh was also instrumental in passing Maryland's constitutional amendment in 2012, ensuring that all Marylander had equal rights.
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Tuscany-Canterbury neighbors, owners of the Clavel restaurant open a tropical bar at 2 East Read Street.
Lane Harlan's new bar in Mt Vernon finds the restaurateur channeling the islands where she and her husband and business partner, Matthew Pierce, spent their childhoods. The "Coral Wig” was a piece of music Pierce wrote based on an experience the couple had snorkeling in the Caribbean. “...A school of squid stopped in front of Lane and remained suspended for some time,” she wrote. “Lane’s hair was long and floating all around her… like a coral wig.”
The following articles provide a lot more information about the bar that just opened on May 25, 2023.
Baltimore Sun
Baltimore Magazine
Baltimore Business Journal
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Hopkins Student Center
6 Tips for Better Sleep When You Travel
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No, it's not a page out of a Where's Waldo? book—it's a bird's eye view of the construction site that is destined to become the new Hopkins Student Center at Charles and 33rd.
Read more about the Student Center.
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6 Tips for Better Sleep When You Travel
Charlene Gamaldo, medical director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Sleep
Nothing can upset your sleep schedule quite like stepping on an airplane and jetting off to a foreign land — even if it’s for fun.
“All of us have an optimal period when our bodies want to sleep — typically around 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. This is called your ‘circadian window,’” says Charlene Gamaldo, medical director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Sleep . “And any time you travel, particularly across two or more time zones, it ends up wreaking havoc on your circadian window." Whether you’re traveling for work or for play, here are a few tips to keep sleep disruption to a minimum.
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Restaurants In Tuscany-Canterbury
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Brunch at One World Café never disappoints, with Belgian waffles, salmon omelets and buttermilk pancakes on the menu. The variety doesn’t stop at food.
There is also a wide variety of teas: Peppermint, Berry Patch, Euco Mint, and Lemon Zinger are tempting options. There is also plenty of Earl Grey and English Breakfast for the more traditional tea drinkers.
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Current Restaurant Hours:
Breakfast 7am-11am Dinner and Bar 5 - 10pm
The restaurant and hotel are hiring for all employment positions. Call 410 235-5400 or stop by the front desk to complete an application at the Colonnade.
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Now offering Weekend Brunch Buffet. Voted Best Indian Restaurant in Baltimore by Baltimore Magazine, Ambassador Dining Room serves the traditional & authentic Indian dishes.
Enjoy the beautiful outdoor patio, overlooking a verdant urban oasis.
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A casual but upscale authentic neighborhood restaurant
Whatever your occasion, however big or small, Cypriana has the perfect options to choose from.
They cater your birthday party, holiday party,
corporate events, wedding festivities and more!
New Cafe Coming (former Sam's Cafe site in the Ambassador apartment building)
It will serve croissants, coffee, and similar items and will open early for those who like their morning caffeine.
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Hopkins Market Updates
Renovations continue. They are planning a grand opening event and are also creating their website. The neighborhood is looking forward to welcoming them in the Fall.
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Recent Sale Prices of Homes & Condos
in Tuscany Canterbury
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Thanks to TCNA member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information.
Note: The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.
Source: This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, Realtor for the Sales, 42 Village Square, MD, Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:
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Events In and Around
If you have an event that you would like to be included, send information to the month before the event.
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Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off
July 7 & 8 9am-7pm
August 5 & 6 9am-7pm
Northwest Citizen Convenience Center
2840 Sisson Street, 21211
This is an opportunity for Baltimore City residents to dispose of hazardous household materials such as oil-based paints, pesticides, herbicides, car and household batteries, drain cleaners, pool chemicals, and many other items. Latex paint is NOT hazardous waste. It can be dried up and the cans put out for regular trash collection.
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Our neighbor, Mark Eisendrath lives on Tuscany Road. Exhibit ends July 1 | |
Hip Hop & Contemporary Art in the 21st Century
April 5 — July 16
Since its emergence in the Bronx in the 1970s, hip hop has grown into a global phenomenon, driving innovations in music, fashion, technology, and visual and performing arts.
Coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the birth of hip hop, The Culture: Hip Hop and Contemporary Art in the 21st Century captures the extraordinary influence hip hop has had on contemporary society through more than 90 works of art and fashion by some of today’s most important and celebrated artists and iconic brands.
More information
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BMA Sculpture Garden
10 Art Museum Drive, (443) 573-1700
A short walk south of Tuscany-Canterbury is the Baltimore Museum of Art’s Sculpture Garden. It is a great picnic destination among the impressive pieces of art at the Baltimore Museum of Art Sculpture Gardens.
The gardens are free and open to the public year-round every Wednesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., weather permitting. No reservations are required.
Read more
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Old Goucher Hall and Lab School
St. Paul Street south of 25th St.
The original site of Goucher College before it moved to Towson. The first class of students was in 1888 and there were five women in the class. Originally named the Woman's College of Baltimore City, Goucher was founded in 1885 by a group of influential Methodists led by the Rev. John Franklin Goucher, who, with his wife Mary Fisher Goucher, deeded the college the land to begin its original campus.
The college students aren’t here anymore, but there’s still loads of learning in this building with the Lab School!
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Summer is beautiful in Tuscany-Canterbury
Special thanks to John Robinson who takes most of our neighborhood photos.
Send your pictures to share to
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Read more about the Iconic Pride Flag this article by the Museum of Modern Art. CLICK HERE FOR ARTICLE | |
The TCNA cook-out before the TCNA meeting was great. Our cooks did an amazing job and they are planning the 100th University Homes Celebration on July 8. | | | | |