
Help SOLF Honor Linda Hubley


The Trustees of SOLF are issuing a challenge. We will match donations to the newly established Linda Hubley Scholarship Fund up to a total of $1000.



Donate on line at or mail a check payable to the Linda Hubley Scholarship Fund to: SOLF, PO Box 345, Southborough, MA 01772. We will see that it gets to the town scholarship committee, but need to have it donated through SOLF for the match.

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SOLF recognized Linda's lifelong devotion to environmental protection by awarding her the Elaine Beals Conservation Award in 2010. Throughout her professional career. Linda worked for environmental causes. She worked for the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management at Walden Pond State Reservation and at Hopkinton State Park Later she was employed by the USDA in Worcester working on the eradication of the Asian Longhorn Beetle. She was a champion of local environmental causes. We want to continue honoring her legacy by supporting the newly established Linda Hubley Scholarship Fund. You can read about the scholarship and Linda at


Visit to donate on line or mail a check made out to the Linda Hubley Scholarship Fund to: SOLF, PO Box 345, Southborough, MA 01772

Earth Day Celebration

Make this donation as part of the townwide Planet Palooza Earth Day Celebration. On April 22nd at 11 am, SOLF will be sponsoring “A Walk Back in Time”  - a review of the history of the Beals Preserve use since 1900, at Beals Preserve. More details to follow.