Bright Spot: The Husky Pantry
A 2022 Food Ministry Grant Recipient
Submitted by Jolayne Mohs, Director of Outreach at Trinity Lutheran (Owatonna).

One of the many food ministries Trinity Lutheran Church provides to the Owatonna community is called the Husky Pantry. The Husky Pantry is a food pantry that works closely with our local schools and the food shelf–Channel One in Rochester. Families are identified and referred to our program by school social workers. The partnership with Channel One allows our dollars to stretch further than they usually would at a local grocery store. We have a variety of volunteers–including students–that ensure we are meeting our community's needs by providing healthy food options. Husky Pantry options include fresh produce, meats, dairy, a variety of canned and dry goods, and toiletries...
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Continuing Education Opportunity:
Overflow from Faith+Lead
Have you ever felt “Stuck” in your faith? In “Overflow: An Introduction to Growing in Faith,” we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Join our vibrant community of learners who, just like you, have experienced moments of doubt and feeling unworthy. Together, we’ll celebrate victories, learn from setbacks, and discover the incredible worthiness that God sees in each one of us.

In this course, we’ll take you on a journey through various paths of faith, exploring the depths of God’s word and engaging in transformative spiritual practices. You’ll gain a deeper connection to the divine and learn to love God with your mind, spirit, and body.
Important Dates:
Prayer Calendar: July 2
  • Trinity Lutheran Church, Albert Lea
  • First Lutheran Church, Red Wing
  • Mazoezi Maluga Lutheran Church, Tanzania
  • Isanzu Lutheran Church, Tanzania
  • Iambi Hospital, Tanzania
  • Palliative Care Program, Iambi Hospital, Tanzania