Your monthly dose of flag related news articles, curated with care and intentionality for NIFDA members exclusively. Simply click on the headlines below to be taken to the article(s) in a new browser window or tab. Enjoy!


Featuring NIFDA Members

Celebrating Juneteenth: The meaning behind the Juneteenth flag featuring Flag Center in Wauwatosa

Watch the Grass roots video produced by Saratoga Flag Company to Promote The Make American Flags in American Act of 2023 (H.R. 4137): Featuring NIFDA-member Manufacturers: (Annin Flagmakers, Flagzone, National Flag, Eder Flag, AMI Graphics)

American/USA Flags

Rep. Elise Stefanik introduces "Make American Flags in America" bill

Exclusive: Sen. Cruz, Rep. Stefanik Introduce Bill Requiring American Flags on Federal Property are Made in America

Rep Elise Stefanik's Press Release on Flag Day, June 14, 2023

Congressman Johnson’s Press Release on Flag Day, June 14, 2023

The New Bill # in Congress is H.R. 4137; You can log-in to and set-up your account to send you automatic email updates for this bill.

Text for New Bill # in Congress is H.R. 4137 (PDF)

Senate Companion Bill # S2001, introduced by Texas

Balderson: ‘I introduced the Make American Flags in America Act’

Library of Congress: Today in History - June 14

Sens. Cruz, Rick Scott, and Moran Join Rep. Stefanik In Introducing Make American Flags in America Act on Flag Day

McCarthy hangs Stars and Stripes on Flag Day

White House accused of US Flag Code violation over Pride Month display

From afterthought to national symbol: Here's why the American Flag wasn't always revered as it is today

Marquette professor examines the anxiety some people of color feel toward the American Flag

World's tallest flagpole idea divides Maine town

Man set American flag on fire on Staten Island (New York), community outraged

State & City Flags

One on One: Change North Carolina’s Flag

Minnesota to get a new state flag. Meet the man who spent decades trying to change it.

Formal effort begins to replace ‘cluttered genocidal mess’ on Minnesota state flag and seal

The "bad" US state flags are good, actually 

Bill introduced to redesign the Pennsylvania state flag

House narrowly votes to restore Maine’s original flag

Nine-year old seeks new Village of Oswego flag

Atlanta's flag design lacks inspiration, vexillologists say

Syracuse NY Common Council adopts new city flag 

Pride Flag

Pride flag burned outside a City Hall in Arizona

‘If You Burn One Down, We’re Putting 100 Up’: How a Hudson Family Responded to the Burning of a Pride Flag 

Pride flag ripped from home in Queens, Stonewall flags vandalized

Police investigating Pride, Ukrainian flag burnings in Silver Spring

Confederate Flags

Dispute over massive Confederate flag flying along I-85 gets a day in court

Is the Confederate flag still an issue in Mississippi elections?


Police investigating Pride, Ukrainian flag burnings in Silver Spring

Other Flag News

Anonymous person replaces neighbor's flag in Summit Hill

Union County officer fighting to keep Thin Blue Line flag outside home

Long Islander creates special flag for neuro-diverse population 

County Public Schools consider new flag policy that would ban certain flags


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