HOVC Scouter Newsletter | September 15th, 2023

We are overjoyed to announce the 2023 5K Glow Trail Run and Kids 1-Miler is officially presented by Virginia Family Dentistry! Ever see bling like this? Our unique 5K winner's glow medals are courtesy of JOH Investments. REGISTER NOW to guarantee your own glow-in-the-dark race shirt, and be a part of our inaugural race event on October 7th. See you there!

Hi Heart of Virginia!

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month: September 15 - October 15

From September 15th to October 15th, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month. This special month celebrates the cultures, contributions, and histories of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. We would like to wish all of our Hispanic Scouts, Leaders, Volunteers, and Families a very Happy National Hispanic Heritage Month!

[Learn More About It!]

Annual Health & Medical Forms for All Participants

A reminder to all parents and unit leaders that right now is the time to review your existing Annual Health and Medical Records on file for your Scouts AND participating members of their family. The Scouting adventure, camping trips, high-adventure excursions, and having fun are important to everyone in Scouting—and so is your safety and well-being.

[Update Your AHMR]

Buy A Pie to Keep Them Dry, Now Through November 1st

A Fundraiser for New Tents and Platforms at Heart of Virginia Council Camps!

Our Buy a Pie to Keep Them Dry fundraiser is in full swing, and as of today, everyone is NUTS about our 10" open-faced, pre-baked Pecan Pie! Who can blame you? This sweet pie has a tender golden flaky crust filled with a naturally sweet filling, topped wall-to-wall with delicious pecan halves. This one is Thanksgiving pie-sonified! Get all the delicious pie details, vote for your favorite in our Pie Poll, and buy your pies today!

[Buy a Pie to Keep Them Dry!]

Cub Scout Den Leader Training - October 7th

To deliver the promise of "Doing our Best," please join us for In-Person Den Leader and Assistant Den Leader Training. The online version allows you to satisfy the trained requirement, and in-person allows you to DO THE ROLE WELL!!! In-person also allows you to begin networking, and gathering and sharing ideas beyond your unit - one of the largest goals of Scouting. This is the perfect opportunity to properly train your new Pack leadership team!

[Attend DL Training]

Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training

The South of the James Training Team is offering a fall Scoutmaster Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training on Saturday, September 30th at T. Brady Saunders for registered leaders throughout the Heart of Virginia Council. This training is required for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters.  The cost is $5 and includes water, light refreshments, and "Trained" patches for leaders who have completed all training requirements for their registered position.

[Get Trained on September 30th, 2023]

[Get Trained on January 13th, 2024]

“Then, in that hour of deliverance, my heart spoke. Does not such a country, and such defenders of their country, deserve a song?”

Francis Scott Key, on this day in 1814, penned the poem "Defense of Fort M'Henry," which would later become more famously known as

the "Star Spangled Banner."

Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Heart of Virginia Council, BSA

8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228


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