Wyoming Telehealth Network Newsletter Banner
At a Glance: September Webinar, Spotlight, Excellence in Telehealth Award, UW Dept. of Psychology Study, Consortium, SIGs
September WyTN Webinar
The Future of Virtual Care: An ATA Telehealth Policy Update
September 28, 2022
Presenter: Alexis Apple, EPDH
American Telemedicine Policy Associate
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 948 861 542
September Spotlight - Dr. Joe Kvedar
Celebrating Telehealth Awareness Week with a Provider Spotlight on the American Telemedicine Association’s Immediate Past Board Chair, Dr. Joe Kvedar

When Dr. Joe Kvedar, dermatologist and long-time telehealth champion, first heard about telehealth in 1992, there was no way for him to imagine he would be driving innovation, creating the market, and gaining acceptance for connected health for nearly three decades. In the 1990’s, to take high quality pictures for use in dermatology, it cost more than $12,000 just to purchase the right camera to use with telehealth. That same picture is now taken with a patient’s smart phone in a matter of seconds. The Wyoming Telehealth Network caught up with Dr. Kvedar, the immediate Past Chair of the Board of the American Telemedicine Association (ATA), to talk about the organization’s second annual Telehealth Awareness Week and his own experiences with the ever-changing medical field.

Being ahead of the curve is nothing new for Dr. Kvedar. He has been innovating in the field of telehealth since 1994 at Massachusetts General Hospital where he formed a committee to begin understanding how telehealth could be used to decrease barriers to healthcare. This led to his overseeing the program that became a best practice model for providers throughout the globe.

Excellence in Telehealth Award

The first annual Dr. James Bush Award for Excellence in Telehealth was established this year to recognize a telehealth champion in Wyoming that has accomplished outstanding work in the field of telehealth, including helping to remove barriers to implementation and adoption, innovative programs and activities, technology, patient and/or provider support, education, and training. 

The first award was presented in September during the 2022 Telehealth Awareness Week to Kevin Smith, Telehealth Program Manager at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center. Smith who will be retiring in November 2022 after decades of tireless service in assisting individuals and organizations in Wyoming, and across the nation, in developing successful telehealth programs.

Stay tuned for an announcement here and on wyomingtelehealth.org on how you can nominate a potential awardee for the award in 2023!
Training Available to Become Medical Interpreter

The Wyoming Public Health Office of Performance Improvement and Health Equity is excited to announce that through federal COVID-19 response funds we are currently able to offer training for bilingual people who are interested in becoming medical interpreters. This training will be available at no cost to your programs and is completely online. 

Those interested should register as soon as possible to allow adequate time to complete this training. Training is only available through May 31, 2023. 

Registration link: Interpreter Training Registration 
Please also fill out this brief Google form. Please note that this course does include a brief language test to assess proficiency.
The University of Wyoming Department of Psychology is participants for a department study on improving mental health diagnosis, relationships, and personality. The study is completed entirely online and provides $25 of compensation.

You must be 18 or older. Study requires 1.5 hours total. Please complete the brief (2-3 minute) interest form if you would like more information. For more information, contact: wyomingpersonalitylab@gmail.com or link to:
Wyoming Telehealth Consortium
The Wyoming Telehealth Consortium is the central meeting space to discuss the programs, success/challenges, and discuss ideas on improving the use of telehealth in the state. The Consortium meets on the last Tuesday of every month, from 3:00 - 4:30 pm. Anyone interested in building telehealth is encouraged to attend.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022
3:00pm - 4:30pm
The Wyoming Telehealth Network newsletter is your source for information, resources and best practices in telehealth. We support healthcare entities, providers, and specialists through professional development, collaboration, and leveraging of telecommunications technology.
Special Interest Groups
The Community Health SIG is expanding! Now called Community Health and Chronic Disease Prevention, it now will encompass chronic health issues as well. The time will shift from the first Friday of the month to the second Tuesday of the month from 11 am - 12 pm. Join us by emailing Andrea Shipley (ashiple4@uwyo.edu).
Wyoming Hospitals

Third Friday of the month
October 21, 2022
12:00pm - 1:00pm

Telemental Health

Second Friday of the month
October 14, 2022
12:00pm - 1:00pm

Community Health & Chronic Disease Prevention

Second Tuesday of the month
October 11, 2022
11:00am - 12:00pm

If you would like to contribute information to the newsletter, get involved with any special interest groups, or have your practice highlighted,
please email wy-telehealth@uwyo.edu.

Contact Information
Wyoming Telehealth Network
Wyoming Institute for Disabilities
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 4298
Laramie, WY 82071