MIB celebrated the holiday season with some festive activities with our team:
Holiday attire winners: 1st place - Ellen Stegeman (l), 2nd place - Shari White (r)
Nutcracker decorating contest: 1st place - Sheila Noll (l), 2nd place - Suzan Witt (r)
Q: What can we do if a necessary application requires Internet Explorer after the IE11 retirement date of June 15, 2022?

A: Microsoft's new Chromium-based browser, Edge, comes packaged with an "IE Mode" that runs the MSHTML engine and will allow sites to run that require IE. For more information, please see this informational document from Microsoft: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/deployedge/edge-ie-mode
Q: How should a bank record an investment in life insurance on the balance sheet?

A: According to FASB Technical Bulletin No. 85-4 Accounting for Purchases of Life Insurance, the amount that could be realized under the insurance contract (Cash Surrender Value) as of the date of the balance sheet should be reported as an asset.