Urs Celebration of Pir Moineddin Jablonski
The 16 Breaths, a practice from Murshida Asha Greer
next gen Sufi community, announces new website
A Message from the Murshids' Circle
Murshid SAM Archive, Selected Reading
Ruhaniat Cafe, link to recording
plus, Connections & Ruhaniat Pets
20th Urs Celebration
b. January 1, 1942 - d. February 27, 2001
"I am not Murshid; we are Murshid.
I do not have all the answers;
we may have the answers."
Join us in celebration, gratitude and remembrance for the life and service of Pir Moineddin. Urs Mubarak!
Urs Celebration Zoom Gathering:
SAT FEB 27 @ 10:00 am PST = UTC-8
"I think the best thing we can do is to join with every single person on the planet as a true love and send them all this love that each of us carry in our divine heart."
The 16 Breaths
A practice from Murshida Asha Greer
photo courtesy of Mariah Dean
This practice is taught by Gautama Buddha and is a foundation practice for all meditation. It prepares one for and leads into the experience of mindfulness, insight, and finally deliverance.
The practice has 4 parts and 4 concentrations each. It can be in 16 breaths which can take 1-5 minutes. Or it can be done for an extended period of time if one uses it as a meditation practice. Each concentration is a meditation in itself and it is recommended that one work slowly to explore how each one develops. It is also recommended to keep the breaths in series and not skip about.
Listen to a recording of Asha guiding this practice. Please note that the first sound begins at 15 seconds in. Click here
Our next gen community has a brand new website! is a fresh, beautiful digital home for and by younger Sufis and seekers that was built to stay up to date and interactive. It includes a calendar of (currently digital) events, a blog featuring creative expressions from our next gen community and resources for younger folks on the path. Ya Fattah!
A Message from the Murshids' Circle ~
Beloved Family,
The Murshids' Circle aspires to be of service to you. Please help by sharing with us your needs, desires, concerns, suggestions and insights. Murshida Asha will your emails on behalf of the Murshids' Circle:
Don't hesitate to speak up. We really do want to hear from you. Asha adds, "Whatever you say or think is perfectly acceptable to me. But I do ask you to please let me know if you want a response, and/or if you want me to pass it along to somebody else. If you don't specify, I'll go with the transmission that comes through me."
Toward the One,
Crescent and Heart, a poem
Tansen writes: As many of you know, Murshid SAM wrote poetry and it can be said that his deepest mystical experiences and spiritual realisations were most completely expressed through his poetry. His major poetic works reflect his inner attunement to and effacement in many of the Divine Messengers and without doubt they are profound esoteric teachings. The mystical poetry that flowed to him and through him was an outer demonstration of his experiences of the inner realms; as well as offering the fruits of his own life of spiritual practice.
The poem Crescent and Heart has always been one of my favourite poems as the theme is sound and music. Murshid SAM speaks in the voice of Khwaja Moineddin Chishti, the famous Sufi saint who brought Sufism to India. The Khwaja taught through music the experience of Cosmic Unity. Through the words of this poem so does Murshid SAM.
"Sing your note, learn to sing your note, perfect your note."
" I tuned my vina and sang,
It was only a single note but I sang.
I began: 'La, la, la, la...'
And it echoed: 'Al, al, al, al, al...'
Then my being sang: 'Allah, Allah, Allah."
Ruhaniat Cafe
A forum for dialogue in our worldwide community
The Board of Trustees hosted our first Ruhaniat Cafe on Sunday, February 21. "Real time" translation of the meeting occurred in three languages: Spanish, Russian and German. It was a rich exchange where people could listen and participate in their native language. Thank you to the Cafe committee for their bright vision and to the skillful contributions of the our tech team (Rahima Teall, Aliye Gallagher, Karim McIntyre) and translators (Sylvia Murillo, Victoria Saraswati Romanenkova, Regina Keespe) which made this breakthrough technology available to us.
We hope to have our next Ruhaniat Cafe sometime this summer - stay tuned!
Contact the Board of Trustees with your questions, suggestions and feedback:
Zoom could only record the meeting in one language (English)
for those who are facing financial difficulties due to the pandemic
Ruhaniat Mureeds Pandemic & Crisis Relief Fund
Connections ~ virtual gatherings, recordings and online communities
Save the Date
Thursday, April 30 - Sunday, May 2
Saturday, March 6, 2021
10:00 am PST, USA * UTC-8
Recordings: Ruhaniat Family Zoom Gatherings
Your donations help us to answer the continuing call of our mission. We are grateful to our donors, volunteers, teachers, the Murshids' Circle and the Board of Trustees, who help us in our work and service. Thank You!
Ruhaniat Pets ~ for delight's sake!
from Gayatri Kira Kull of New York City, New York
from Azalee Lindsey Molineaux of Sacramento, California
Content Submissions
Include your name, city and country. Your submission implies permission for us to use now or in the future. We reserve the right to edit content. We may not use all the content that we receive.