August 16, 2023

Welcome to our new newsletter: The Community Action Connection. This new name reflects the importance of and our commitment to connection.

  • Community Action Agencies and MASSCAP specialize in connecting.
  • We link the people we serve with programs.
  • We collaborate with local allied organizations.
  • We work with legislators to help constituents and offer our prospective on public policy.
  • And much more...

Taken together all of these forms of connection support the most important of all…the human connection.

In this edition, our new annual report is featured. The connections and their impact is evident in this report.

  • The 23 Community Action Agencies (CAAs) in MA serve approximately 600,000 people annually with more than 100 different programs and services.
  • 83% of those we serve have income from employment plus other sources and only 3% have no income.
  • Wages for low wage workers have barely grown over last 40+ years while incomes for the top 1% are more than five times what they were in 1980.
  • 1 out of 4 households pay 50%+ of income on rent.
  • Through thorough and systematic regular needs assessments, all CAAs identify the needs in the communities they serve and develop strategies and services to meet those needs.
  • Collaboration and teamwork at all levels is key. We are grateful for all the local partners, statewide collaborations and support from the legislature on budget and policy.

Statewide data above is a snapshot of how we are helping people. However, the impact is so much more than these numbers. Check out the full report to learn more.

Read Full Annual Report

Need help or know someone who does? Find your Agency or contact us at

Join us in supporting Tax Credit Fairness: Take Action Here

Looking for Affordable, Accessible, High Quality Child Care? Visit Early Education & Care

Looking for a job in Early Education? Visit Early Education & Care


Our Mission

To strengthen, unify, and advocate with the Community Action Statewide Network to advance economic, racial, and social justice and to create communities where everyone thrives.


Our Vision

All MA residents will prosper and thrive through equitable opportunity and resources to meet their basic needs, enjoy economic mobility, and build strong and inclusive communities.

The Community Action Network is strong and effective, known for its valuable work and excellent service delivery, and is an advocate and leading voice in the fight to end poverty and inequality.

Core Values

Equity • Inclusivity • Collaboration


Find your Agency

There are 23 Community Action Agencies in Massachusetts serving virtually every city and town in the state.  To locate the agency in your area and learn more about the programs they offer, click here.

#EndPovertyMA #CommunityActionWorks #CommunityActionMA

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