HOVC Scouter Newsletter | August 4th, 2023

Last Friday, July 28th, the Richmond Flying Squirrels hosted their annual Scout Night at the Diamond Event! Scouts from across Council were invited to enjoy the game, walk in a special Scout parade, camp in the outfield, and watch "The Rookie" on the big screen. Big thanks to Pack 2831 for sharing their awesome photos! See our photo album

Hi Heart of Virginia!

Register to Race and Name Our Mascot!

REGISTRATION IS OFFICIALLY OPEN! Join us for our inaugural race event, bring a buddy or two (or three), and come out for the afternoon and evening to participate in a 5K and 1-Miler unlike any other! SIGN UP EARLY FOR A FREE T-SHIRT! We are on fire about our October 7th Glow Trail Run 5K and 1-Miler at our Scout Reservation in Goochland, and we need your creativity to help us bring our firefly mascot to life by giving it a name! Hurry over to our race page and submit your ideas.

[REGISTER!] [Submit A Name]

Heart of Virginia Council Master Plan

We invite you to visit our Heart of Virginia Council Master Plan page to learn more about where we've spent more than $855,000 to improve our Scout Reservation, and how we intend to continue making improvements in the years to come! These projects cannot be completed without the support of the units who participate in our annual fundraising (Popcorn & Peanuts, and Camp Cards) or our very generous donors! Thank you!

[View the HOVC Master Plan]

Popcorn & Peanut Kick-offs

It's time to think about funding your adventures for fall and next year! Scouts can sell Camp Masters Popcorn and Whitley’s Peanuts and earn up to 35% commission. We will provide tools and training so your unit can exceed your goals, and Scouts can earn great incentives! The next two Kick-offs are in Crater District on August 7th (Wesley UMC, 3701 Conduit Road, Colonial Heights) and Arrohattoc District on August 8th (Hopewell UMC, 6200 Courthouse Road, Chesterfield), at 7pm. Sign up TODAY... the popcorn and peanuts will be here August 25th!

[Register your Unit] [Learn More]

Last Call for Dorey Park Day Camp: August 12th - 13th

Registration for our final Day Camp at Dorey Park in Henrico closes this Saturday, August 5th! Come have a lot of fun with us August 12th through 13th for only $75... don't forget to bring a buddy along for the adventure. Race over and sign-up today and make the most of the last weeks of summer!

[On Your Mark, Get Set, GO!]

Be Prepared for Winter Camp

Don’t sit around this winter being bored – come chill out with your friends at Winter Camp! Scouts are invited out to Camp T. Brady Saunders January 12th – 15th, 2024 to get out of the house, have some fun, and earn merit badges. We can’t think of a cooler way to enjoy winter than being at camp. Registration opens soon! More details (including a registration link) will be shared soon.

[Bookmark Winter Camp]

Can you find our 5K Firefly? If you've spotted it, email with its location and win a fun prize!

Seems to me it ain't the world that's so bad but what we're doing to it, and all I'm saying is: see what a wonderful world it would be if only we'd give it a chance. Love, baby - love. That's the secret.

Louis Armstrong, American jazz trumpeter and singer, born this day in 1901

Scout Shop Hours of Operation
Monday-Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm
Thursday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon

Heart of Virginia Council, BSA

8090 Villa Park Drive, Henrico, VA 23228


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Prepared.For Life.