CCMBM Cores:
Featured Services
The Core Center for Musculoskeletal Biology & Medicine (CCMBM) defines itself
by emphasizing musculoskeletal-specific education and services that are critical to its members but not available elsewhere in the university system.
"Without my CCMBM Junior Investigator Research Grant, I would not have been able to generate the preliminary data and research experience which paved the way for my career development grant application and enabled me to start establishing my research independence."
-- Karin Wu, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, UCSF
The EBSD Core leverages services available at UCSF through CTSI Consultation Services. All UCSF investigators get one free hour per service (e.g., Biostatistics & Machine Learning, Study Design & Implementation, Data Management) for each of their projects. For CCMBM members, the EBSD Core will fund an additional 6 hours with a Masters-level staff consultant or 3 hours with a faculty consultant.
For more information, please contact EBSD Core Program Manager Lucy Wu.
Awards Given on a Rolling Basis - Apply Today!
The Grant Development Award provides funding for a junior CCMBM member to host a meeting (e.g., lunch or dinner) with 2-3 UCSF faculty members who are outside of the trainee’s current lab to:
1) brainstorm/solicit informal feedback on a study idea or research direction
2) learn about the latest methods and techniques used in related fields
3) identify potential collaborators
4) promote inter-disciplinary MSK research
5) expand the trainee’s professional network
If you are not a member, you may concurrently apply for membership while your Grant Development application is being reviewed.
The CCMBM would like to help investigators strengthen their grant proposals in advance of any upcoming NIH deadlines. We invite CCMBM members to participate in the Grants Review program to receive 1:1 feedback and/or live panel review with peers as well as coaching from experienced investigators. If you are not a member, you may concurrently join during your grants review period.
R15 Grants: October 25, 2023
R01 Grants: November 5, 2023
U01 Grants: November 5, 2023
K Series Grants: November 12, 2023
The Imaging Core is offering service discounts to Early Stage Investigator and Trainee members. The Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Study Design Core is also offering up to 6 hours of free UCSF Clinical and Translational Institute (CTSI) consultation time for all CCMBM members. Please contact each Core to utilize these member discounts.
October 23, 9:00-10:00am; Parnassus, N-225
Sergei Koralov, PhD, Associate Professor of Pathology, NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Hosted by ImmunoX
October 24, 11:45am-1:00pm; Virtual Event
Matthew Lyons, CCB Graduate Student, UCSF
Nicholas Freitas, Biophysics Graduate Student, Pinney Lab, UCSF
Karla Fonseca-Valencia, PSPG Graduate Student, Dorit Ron Lab, UCSF
Bryson Choy, Bioinformatics Graduate Student, Ye Lab, UCSF
RSVP to receive Zoom details.
Hosted by the PhD Degree Program in Biophysics
October 24, 2:00-3:00pm; Virtual Event
The Bay Area Open Science Group is intended to bring together students, faculty, and staff from the Stanford, UCSF, and Berkeley community to learn about open science, discuss the application of open science practices in a research context, and meet other members of the community who are interested in (or already are) incorporating open science practices into their work.
Hosted by the UCSF Library
October 24, 3:30-5:00pm; Virtual Event
Gain important knowledge about the following topics: Human Resources information and resources, Research grants – resources for finding your own funding, Careers – how to get the best job after UCSF, Ideas for maximizing your productivity and minimizing conflicts with your PI, and UAW Union Presentation.
Hosted by Office for Postdoctoral Scholars
October 25, 7:30am; Mission Bay, GenHall - Byers Auditorium
Mica Estrada, PhD, Professor, Institute on Health & Aging and Associate Dean of Diversity, Inclusion, and Outreach, UCSF
Hosted by UCSF Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
October 25, 1:00-2:30pm PT; Virtual Event
Matt Warman, PhD, Professor of Genetics, Boston Children's Hospital and Director, RNA Sequencing and Transcriptomics Core
RSVP to receive Zoom details.
Hosted by the Center for Musculoskeletal Research
October 25, 4:00pm; Parnassus, N-225
Meng Wang, PhD, Professor of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine and Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
"Metabolic Signals in Longevity Regulation"
Hosted by the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program
October 26, 12:00-1:00pm; Mission Bay, HD-160
Carrie Partch, PhD, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UCSC
"Lessons from an in vitro circadian clock"
Hosted by the Biophysics Graduate Program
October 26, 12:00-1:00pm; Parnassus, N-225
Kelsey Collins, PhD, Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, UCSF
Rukman Thota, BMS Graduate Student, UCSF
Hosted by the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program
October 27, 8:00am-4:00pm; Mission Bay, MH-2103
This team-based day-long simulation will teach participants the process and challenges of bringing a new chemical entity from the idea stage all the way to review by the FDA. Participants are broken into teams and assigned a specific role, serving as the expert in a particular component of the process. The team will work through the simulation together with the objective of obtaining approval for the best new oncology drug by the end of the program. Teams will win or lose the competition based on the value of their approved drug compared to that achieved by the other teams. In addition, teams will also be judged for the pipeline they create.
Hosted by the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
October 27, 9:00am-12:00pm; Virtual Event
Data obtained from the web or other outside sources is often messy and difficult to manage. Pandas, a popular tabular data frame library in Python, and SQL, a structured query language for databases, provide two different but effective tools for getting a better handle on your data. This workshop is designed to introduce you to both tools in the context of managing research data, demonstrate the strengths of each approach, and review how the two approaches can be particularly effective when used in combination.
This workshop will involve lots of hands on coding wtih JSON and Python and requires familiarity with core Python.
Hosted by the UCSF Library
October 27, 12:00pm; Parnassus, N-217
Jonathan Ramirez, DSCB Graduate Student, Fattahi Lab, UCSF
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Hosted by the Developmental & Stem Cell Biology Graduate Program
October 27, 3:00-4:00pm; Mission Bay, HD-160
Karin Pelka, PhD, Assistant Investigator, Gladstone-UCSF Institute of Genomic Immunology and Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, UCSF
Hosted by the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
October 30, 9:00-10:00am; Parnassus, N-225
Michael Jensen, MD, Vice President and Chief Therapeutics Officer, Seattle Children's Hospital
Hosted by ImmunoX
October 31, 11:45am-1:00pm; Virtual Event
Cindy Pino, Bioninformatics Graduate Student, Pollard Lab, UCSF
Asa Kalish, Biophysics Graduate Student, UCSF
Catherine Shin, CCB Graduate Student, UCSF
Thu Pham, PSPG Graduate Student, Shen Lab, UCSF
RSVP to receive Zoom details.
Hosted by the PhD Degree Program in Biophysics
October 31, 1:00-4:00pm; Virtual Event
This workshop introduces biologists to functional enrichment analysis of high-throughput data. The workshop is focused on gaining practical hands-on experience using existing tools as well as interpreting and utilizing the results. Background on different enrichment analysis methods will be covered at an introductory level. No programming experience is required.
Hosted by the Gladstone Institutes
November 1, 5:00-6:00am PT; Virtual Event
Kelsey Collins, PhD, Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, UCSF
Lisa Carlesso, PhD, Associate Professor of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University
Kristine Godziuk, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow in Human Nutrition, University of Alberta
"Obesity and Osteoarthritis Research: Bridging Bench to Bedside"
Hosted by Osteoarthritis Research Society International
November 1, 5:00-6:00am PT; Virtual Event
Nadeen Chahine, PhD, Associate Professor of Biomechanics, Columbia University
RSVP to receive Zoom details.
Hosted by the Center for Musculoskeletal Research
November 1, 11:00am-12:00pm; Virtual Event
Applying for an academic position can be a daunting process. In this panel discussion, you’ll hear from new investigators who recently went through the process of interviewing and negotiating for academic positions.
Hosted by the Gladstone Institutes
November 1, 4:00pm; Parnassus, N-225
Houra Merrikh, PhD, Professor of Biochemistry, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Hosted by the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program
Application Deadline: October 27, 2023
The PIPE Interprofessional Clinical Opportunities Grant was created to support individual clinical sites in piloting new interprofessional immersive experiences for learners (students, residents and/or fellows) in the health professional programs at UCSF (Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy). Selected proposals will receive one-time funding of $10,000 to create and pilot a new interprofessional immersive experience.
Application Deadline: November 3, 2023
This cycle, proposals will be accepted for Team Science Awards, Academic-Industry Partnership Award (for Team Science Awards), Young Investigator Awards, Pilot Awards, and Dermatology Career Development Awards.
MRA plans to support at least $11.5 million in new funding in the 2023-2024 cycle.
Learn more about the different awards on the MRA website. Please note that the Young Investigator and Dermatology Career Development Awards require additional application materials that must be submitted by October 20, 2023.
Application Deadline: November 16, 2023
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs) are a set of programs established by Congress and designed to recruit and retain highly qualified health professionals into biomedical or biobehavioral research careers. These programs may repay up to $100,000 of qualified student loan debt for a 2-year award to those committed to a career in biomedical research. The goal of these incredible and potentially life-changing programs is to recruit and retain highly qualified health professionals in research careers by lessening the burden of student loans.
About 50 percent of LRP applications are funded each year and the mean award is $57,582. Many researchers have had all their student loan debt repaid by the NIH LRPs (over several awards).
Application Deadline: November 17, 2023
The Human Performance Center serves primarily as a research facility, partnering with other research labs, scientists, and companies around UCSF, and the entire Bay Area, to carry out studies in the areas of biomechanics, exercise physiology, and sleep & athletic performance.
This grant will provide “seed” opportunities for faculty, researchers, and trainees that have research needs involving biomechanics and/or exercise testing of which the HPC can provide and might lead to future funding. Proposals with novel ideas as well as proposals that are an add-on to a current research study will be considered if the goal is to acquire pilot data for possible future funding.
The maximal amount of funds available for this fiscal year is $5,000 in HPC Services.
Application Deadline: January 15, 2024, at 9:00am PST
The Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium (MTEC) is a public-private partnership that is authorized to serve by the Department of Defense to promote the development and delivery of innovative medical technologies to improve the health and safety of military personnel, veterans, and civilians.
MTEC is currently accepting project proposals for medical techniques, knowledge products, and materials (medical devices, drugs, and biologics) in the following focus areas: combat casualty care, military infectious diseases, military operational medicine, and aerospace medicine.
Recognizing the need for collaboration of MSK scientists with experts outside of the MSK field, we are providing support to MSK Center members to host a meal for a creative and enjoyable in-person networking meeting to stimulate these interactions and to further develop new research ideas and plans to fund them. Faculty, staff, and trainees who are MSKC/CCMBM members are encouraged to apply to host an event.
UCSF Talks is a new resource for anyone interested in learning about the latest seminars happening at UCSF. It lists all seminars open to the entire UCSF community including regular seminar series, special seminars, supergroups, and thesis talks. If you would like to receive weekly event listing emails, you can sign up for the USCF Talks Google Group. To add an event to the website, please contact Jon Zhang.
If you have received a CCMBM grant, used one of our cores, or formed a collaboration at one of our events that led to a publication, please acknowledge our Center in related publications and presentations. We suggest stating:
Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P30AR075055. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.