web series explores challenges of past year
Watch trailer here
A Year in the Life is a new web series from The Episcopal Church that documents how Episcopal churches, schools, and ministries have navigated a very contentious and difficult year. New episodes of A Year in the Life will be released every two weeks beginning on April 20. The trailer is available for viewing on The Episcopal Church website here, on Facebook here, and on Instagram TV @theepiscopalchurch.

Prayer Puppets launched on Easter 
Prayer Puppets, the experiment that aims to find out what happens if you mix Sesame Street with Christian formation, launched on Easter Day. The first three episodes of the series (on the topics of Faith, Hope, Love) are available on the Prayer Puppets website for only $1. 

How to Try book set to release
The release date of How to Try by TryTank's director is July 16. The book demystifies the process of using design thinking for trying things in the church. Design thinking is the same process used by TryTank in coming up with experiments. The three parts of the process are insight, ideate, and try.
Check out the newly updated TENS website!
Our new member password is :James1:17

TENS is an association of church leaders who understand, practice, and proclaim God’s call to generosity.
Resources fall into four categories:

Year-Round Stewardship Best Practices
Learn best practices for theological formation, adult education, and preaching to keep the conversation on generosity going year-round.
Sat, April 24, 2021
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM EDT
Make sure to follow the guidelines of the clerical customary in regards to the Eucharist, etc..-Click here for guide

Does your congregation have a question about how to prepare for Sunday service? Just follow the guidelines of the revised
“On Being Faithful” -masks, sanitation, social distancing, etc-

Be creative as new opportunities arise, for example
drive by celebrations, meetings, fairs, AA meetings, etc
just remember to follow the new guidelines
created by your congregation

Important Things to Remember....
Hosting events outside is better than inside
Limit the number of people to ensure proper social distancing
(10ft is better than 6ft)
Masks must be worn (2 is even better than 1)
Practice increased sanitation, especially in restrooms
Stay home and quarantine if you are sick, get tested
Thanks to our partnership with
Episcopal Charities, Congregational Vitality provides you membership in