Quarterly Roundup
January - March
Helping you increase your understanding of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), address gaps in representation on your teams, and explore the unintended consequences that result from policy and advocacy that lack diverse representation, voice, and perspective.
Events to attend
Attending events can enhance understanding and provide exposure to new tools and ways of thinking. Below are upcoming events that offer an opportunity to recognize the barriers to increased diverse representation and sharpen various skill sets.

  • Plan ahead. Registration is open for the following annual conferences:
  • The National Diversity & Leadership 18th Annual Conference is taking place March 22-24, 2022 and April 4-7, 2022. The conference offers DiversityFIRST training certificates and a host of sessions focusing on topics ranging from “Corporate Response to Racial & Social Justice” to “Creating a Diverse Talent Pipeline.” Learn more about sessions here and register here.
  • The Forum on Workplace Inclusion 34th Annual Conference is scheduled for April 5-7, 2022 and themed, “Solving for X: Tackling Inequities in a World of Unknowns.” Learn more about the conference and registration information here.
Reports & resources to leverage
The impact on communities should always be considered when approaching advocacy and policymaking. Workplaces are microcosms of our broader communities, and workplace culture plays a large role in how we experience society. For meaningful policymaking, we must consider the impact of lived experiences personally and professionally. Below are toolkits to reference and reports to add to your reading pile illustrating the importance of accounting for differing experiences and providing a framework for incorporating equity into your role as government relations professionals and a member of the workforce.

Media deserving attention
Storytelling provides a window into life experiences that differ from our own. This increased awareness can help identify unintentional bias, shift from a fixed to a growth mindset, and cultivate more inclusive thinking and behaviors.
  • PBS Episode: Becoming Helen Keller,” an important corrective to the Keller narrative that revisits the complex life and legacy of the human rights pioneer who was deaf and blind and used her status to champion rights for women, people with disabilities, and people living in poverty
Thank you for your continued support!