Check out what's going on this week at the UMC of Red Bank!
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Worship Sneak Peek
February 20, 2022 at 10:00 am
Join us for worship this Sunday in person or online at 10:00 am as we continue our series on the story of Moses. We’ll be reflecting on the 10 Commandments that Moses shared with the Israelites; God’s guidance and rules for living in a faithful community. Hope to see you either in person or online!
Reminder: We have resumed in-person worship and continue to live-stream the service on our website and YouTube channel.
Masking Policy Update
In light of the high transmission rate of COVID right now, and highly contagious nature of the Omicron variant, we are rolling back our masking policy - requiring masks for EVERYONE in shared spaces throughout the building, regardless of vaccination status.
When you are heading to the church for any reason, please don't forget to bring your mask.
Let's keep one another safe and minimize the spread of COVID-19.
Thank you!
No More Racism Virtual Storytime-
Every Saturday in February at 10:00 am
All children ages 5-11 are invited to join us as we hear the following stories being read and have some discussion about the themes as they pertain to their lives. Register to get emailed the zoom link for the sessions. Kids can attend any or all sessions. Parents are welcome, as well.
Led by Bonnie Deroski, director of Children and Youth Ministries at the UMC of Red Bank and member of the NJ Social Justice Remembrance Coalition, and various, diverse guest co-facilitators.
Children’s literature is just one part of fostering a child’s positive sense of self and others and raising an anti-racist and anti-bias child. Children are not colorblind. When we talk about color, we honor who children are as learners. A conversation with a caring adult allows children to feel safe and ask questions instead of drawing conclusions about color and racism based on implicit and explicit messaging from the world around them and their own limited knowledge.
UMW Craft Group-
Tuesday, February 22
Craft Group will be meeting on Tuesday, February 22 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in the Lobby above the Church Library. Come for part or for all of that time to help us make our greeting cards. We will be working on St. Patrick's Day and Easter cards, and we will be trying some new techniques. If you like to knit or crochet, you are welcome to bring your handiwork to our Craft Group meetings and meet with others who like to be creative with those skills. Bring your own lunch. Masks must be worn throughout the meeting except when taking a socially distant lunch break. Contact Peggy Wien for more information.
Usher/ Greeter Training 2/20 & 2/27
In anticipation of returning to passing the offering plate in worship again on March 6, there will be training for ushers/greeters and anyone interested, this Sunday, February 20 and again on February 27, immediately after service in the Sanctuary.
Book Club Meeting-
Thursday, February 24
Book Club will be meeting on February 24 at 1:00 pm in the Lounge. This months selection is "The Pull of the Stars" by Emma Donoghue. All are welcome! Contact Helen Vetter for more information.
Come Lend a Hand-
Church Work Day Saturday, February 26th
Come to a church work day on February 26th from 9:00-11:00 am. We need your help to reorganize the basements and various areas of the church. Some heavy lifting may be needed and all who are able are welcome to come and lend a hand. Contact Bobbie Ridgely at for more information.
Soup's On!
UMW Soup Cooking and Sale February 26 & 27
UMW will be making and selling vegetable soup the weekend before Ash Wednesday. Soup will be made on Saturday, February 26, and sold on Sunday, February 27, after Worship. Soup can be purchased for $5 per quart. Please contact Gerri Poranski at to find out more about contributing quart jars, obtaining ingredients, cooking on 2/26 and helping with sales the following day.
Ash Wednesday Worship-Wednesday, 3/2 at 7 pm
Join in a service of reflection in the Sanctuary as we move into the season of Lent. Come in person to receive the sign of a cross in ashes - or pick up a home kit to participate in the service from home.
Backpack Crew Pantry
Donations Welcome
The Backpack Crew has continued to serve the increasing number of people who are impacted by food insecurity in the midst of this health crisis. Food donations are greatly appreciated on the back porch of the church, Monday though Friday from 9 am to 3 pm.
The current donation request is COFFEE, TEA & HOT CHOCOLATE. Thank you for your continued support. Email us at with any questions.
Mark Your Calendar For The "Best Corned Beef in Town"-
3/19 from 4:00-6:30 pm
The annual Scholastic Assistance Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner has returned but will be takeout only this year. You will be receiving in the mail soon, the usual letter explaining the details. The ticket price per dinner is $15. We also invite you to be a Patron of the work of the Scholastic Assistance Committee. Dinner proceeds, as usual, will go toward our Scholarship Fund which provides undergraduate scholarships for the youth of our church. Details to follow. Contact Barbara Guenther at for more information and ways to get involved.
Pollinator Garden Returns-
We Need Your Help and Ideas
The Pollinator Garden will be returning to our back yard at church. Men’s group will work on preparing the area and adding soil on April 2, and we will work on collecting seeds and native plants to add to the garden after we see what comes back up from last season. It was lovely, colorful, and productive and attracted a number of birds and butterflies and other pollinators. We need helpers of all ages, and this is a call out to the families who founded the garden. Please plan to participate this year as we will need planters, painters of signs, weeders, watering teams and photographers and observers keeping track of our special place. We also need your input on upcoming projects and ways to be green. Look for sign up and idea sheets at the church in the coming weeks! Sign up to help in Sunday School or contact Janie Schildge at for information.
Free COVID Tests Now Available for Order
Order your free COVID tests through the USPS by clicking here. Every household is eligible to receive 4 tests at no cost.
Adult Education In person or Online
Beginning in January, we will be starting a new book, "The Power of Parable - How Fiction by Jesus Became Fiction About Jesus” by John Dominic Crossan. This is a brief look at parables and discussion of why Jesus chose to teach primarily this way. It starts with some parables from the Old Testament and moves to the Gospels, eventually looking at each gospel as a parable of its own. Crossan says at one point that a parable is designed to make you think. If one left one of Jesus’s parables and said, “Great parable today Rabbi, what an inspiring message…”, Jesus would have been disappointed. A parable should spark discussion, questioning, differing opinions and perspectives, and challenge our thinking. I hope our class will do that for you.
We are no longer collecting bottle caps and plastic bags at church
Read on to find out why and discover easy ways to continue your recycling efforts for a greener earth!
At a recent visit to Mazza’s recycling center, we learned Bottle Caps are now accepted in our single stream recycling! However, unless they’ve been twisted back onto a bottle, they can fall through spaces in sorting equipment. So before tossing into the blue bin, make sure caps are screwed on.
Because it is now so easy to recycle caps from home, we will no longer be collecting caps at church.
Single Use Plastic Grocery Bags and other stretchy plastics do not belong in your single stream recycling as they can damage sorting equipment. However, they can easily be recycled at any number of locations in the area. Recycling sites include a variety of local grocery and department stores such as Target, Whole Foods and Kohl’s.
We ended our plastic collection efforts in February of 2020 when we completed our TREX Challenge and received a free bench. If you haven’t seen the bench stop by the playground and check it out!
Pastoral Care
If someone is hospitalized or in need of pastoral care,