
Together we proclaim and embody God's unconditional love for the sake of the world.

JANUARY 26, 2022



Colorado Lutheran Day at the Capitol is an important kickoff for our year of advocacy in Colorado. Our headline erroneously said "February 1," but it is actually February 17. So, make your plans accordingly and register now, we look forward to seeing you on Thursday, February 17!


Register NOW for Colorado Lutheran Day at the Capitol

Thursday, February 17

8:00am to 1:00pm

Colorado Lutheran Day at the Capitol is back! Join us on February 17 for a morning of learning, sharing and action. Even if you're new to the lobbying process, have never met a legislator, or have never even stepped inside the State Capitol, we want you to join us. Advocates will gather to learn about what's happening this year under the Gold Dome, better understand the connection between advocacy and our faith, and go to the State Capitol in downtown Denver to meet our legislators in person.

A remote participation option is also available for the morning portion (non-Capitol) of the event, and remote participants will be equipped with the tools to schedule virtual visits with their legislators. The morning event is at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 1600 Grant Street, Denver.

Registration is $20 and includes all materials as well as breakfast and lunch. Join us and make a difference through advocacy! Questions, contact Pete Severson.

Register HERE for Colorado Lutheran Day at the Capitol

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Kent Mueller, Assistant to the Bishop for Administration and Communication

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Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

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