Tomoka Oaks Times Newsletter

An Independent Newsletter Focused on Preventing

Residential Development of the Tomoka Oaks Golf Course

Plan to Attend the Commission Hearing Tuesday, November 7, 2023

It is so important that residents attend the City Commission Hearing to show their opposition to the residential development of the Tomoka Oaks Golf Course property:

Hearing Location

Calvary Christian Center (west of I-95)

1687 West Granada Boulevard

Starts at 6:00 PM


You can give testimony at the hearing!

  1. Need some ideas for your 3 minutes of testimony should you wish to speak? Feel free to pick 2 or 3 suggestions shown below that mean the most to you and PROVIDE MEANINGFUL REASONS WHY THESE ARE CONCERNS. When giving your opinion, don't just say general statements such as "traffic will be a nightmare" or "the lot sizes are too small." It is important your opinion is backed up with facts to provide credibility.
  2. Print your testimony and provided it to the City Clerk after you talk so that your hard copy is part of the public record.

Possible Ideas

  1. Ever since its inception in 1963, Tomoka Oaks residents have had a reasonable expectation that the golf course property would remain a golf course or green space amenity. THIS HAS NEVER CHANGED.
  2. Jamming a large, dense incompatible development into the Tomoka Oaks golf course violates the implied restrictions (backed up by cited case law) that this property is safeguarded from such development.
  3. The City, County or State should purchase the property. I believe the City passed a bond issue setting precedent years ago to purchase property to develop the tennis courts next to the Casements. How about another bond issue to purchase the golf course property? We have a wide business community that can surely unite to preserve this gem in some form that keeps the land a showcase for the entire city of Ormond Beach.
  4. Too much additional traffic makes drivers, bikers and pedestrians unsafe. Everyone is skeptical of the Tomoka Reserve traffic study that questionably concludes the level of service will not be compromised in Tomoka Oaks, the Trails, Escondido, Talaquah or Tomoka Oakwood North. We all know it is already compromised and will only get worse.
  5. How will traffic be compromised when both Tomoka Reserve construction AND Nova Road construction (between US1 and Granada) merge into one bottle necked road full of construction trucks, worker vehicles, school traffic, and regular resident traffic?
  6. On the topic of unsafe roads, there are no sidewalks in Tomoka Oaks or The Trails. How many times have you intentionally slowed down to 10 miles per hour to cautiously drive around someone walking along the side of the street. We have to protect the safety of children, baby carriages, bikers, walkers, joggers, pets, etc.
  7. Also on the topic of traffic, as Planning Board Chairman Doug Thomas so honestly stated, there is a problem NOW which will only get worse; especially at the Main Trail entrance at Granada. When the new Tomoka Oaks Elementary school is completed in a year, and more students are attending the updated school, how will the school traffic safely and conveniently blend into existing traffic at this already busy, busy intersection?
  8. Has the developer or the City looked at how Tomoka Reserve's 272 homes might be compromised by the potential fuel farm just 1.5 miles to the north of Tomoka Oaks? We all hope this fuel depot gets sidelined and appreciate the city's denial of utilities for the depot. BUT - what if - the fuel depot gets built in some form? Traffic will spill over and affect ALL surrounding neighborhoods, and will increase rail road traffic on Nova by Escondido and Tomoka Oakwood North. Please, let's look at the reality of adding another subdivision to the mix before it is too late.
  9. Let's stop the pro-development mindset of the Planning Board which has dominated our city for too many years. Enough is enough is enough. We are all growing aware and concerned that over development is ruining Ormond Beach.
  10. Our property values will be lowered no matter what the developer claims to the contrary. Their 'modern footprint' of smaller lots is not compatible with Tomoka Oaks. And their density will only compound inadequate services, congestion, and medical infrastructure shortfalls. If the developer has a magic bullet to address this, please show us a development that retains the golf course, protects current homes, and presents a development that respects the current character of Tomoka Oaks as was demonstrated in the 2006 PRD approval.
  11. Inadequate emergency vehicle access has not been adequately addressed by the developer. Why are they allowed to get a pass on this?
  12. What about the destruction of green space and natural habitats for so many animals who call the golf course home?
  13. Is the golf course's poisonous soil and chemical remediation plan sufficient? The city does not need to address this until AFTER a development order is issued. Will remediation be adequately supervised? Will any of the current commissioners still be in office when this vital environmental concern has to be safely processed?
  14. What about possible flooding downhill from development. The developer only has to plan for a 25 year flood level by code. Will the dry retention ponds work as promised? There are still engineering questions about this issue, but again, it appears the developer is getting a pass. Why?
  15. Will our property taxes be raised to pay for additional services (water, sewage, garbage, police, fire, EMS, schools etc.)?
  16. Tomoka Reserve will ruin the quality of life for our neighborhood FOREVER. There is no going back once land is stripped, trees are removed, turtles and wildlife are buried alive, and the character of Tomoka Oaks is altered to accommodate the greed of a developer who will be long gone while we are left to deal with the negative fall out from their profiteering.
  17. Think about the 5+ years of construction noise, dust and massive vehicles in Tomoka Oaks, Trails, Escondido, Talaquah, Tomoka Oakwood North, Nova Rd and Granada.
  18. There is an inadequate plan for planting, irrigation and maintenance of the landscape buffer proposed by the developer. This is cause for the city to deny the development.
  19. Many, many Ormond Beach residents believe Ormond Beach needs a public golf course. Are city representatives who say "a public golf course is not what they want" truly in touch with how golf has grown in popularity and profitability in the last several years? Tomoka Oaks is NOT Riverbend. It is a Sam Snead designed course that with proper planning and support by community leaders can fill the need for a viable, profit driven golf course.
  20. Please, City Commission, be the leaders you are asking us to believe in. Show us foresight, wisdom and courageous leadership to deny this development because it goes against the implied use of the property to remain a golf course or recreational green space. This application should never have gotten this far to begin with. Commissioners, open your eyes to the huge legally allowed potential this property has to be much, much more than a densely riddled housing development.

Write emails directly to the Commission before the hearing! Speak up!

Write separate, personal emails to each commissioner. Use what you want from the suggestions above, but make them your own. Don't just copy and paste my concerns - give them YOUR voice; it will mean much more:

  • Suggested Subject Line: Please Deny Tomoka Reserve (or something similar)
  • CC: (this ensures it goes in the packet prepared for each commissioner)

Bill Partington - Mayor


Lori Tolland

City Commissioner, Zone One


Travis Sargent

City Commissioner, Zone Two


Susan Persis

City Commissioner, Zone Three


Harold Briley

City Commissioner, Zone Four; Deputy Mayor


Get a red SAVE TOMOKA OAKS T-shirt to wear to the hearing!

Darla and Doug Widnall, our supporters who live in the Trails, printed red t-shirts that say: "SAVE TOMOKA OAKS" - - All area residents can purchase one for $5.00 by calling or texting Darla at 386-235-5549. This red shirt will send a strong, visual message to the Commission that we oppose this development.

Read attorney Brent Spain's Letter of Opinion regarding why the golf course property cannot be developed with residential homes.

Read the Tomoka Oaks Times newsletters at

Not giving in or up,

Carolyn Davis

Tomoka Oaks