Building Design Preemption Bill Passes Senate Committee
SB 284 (Perry) passed the Senate Community Affairs Committee by a vote of 6-3. 
SB 284 would preempt local governments from adopting zoning and development regulations that require specific building design elements for single- and two-family dwellings, unless certain conditions are met.
The bill was amended to exempt dwellings within a CRA, planned unit development (PUD) or master planned community. FLC is still opposed to SB 284 because it would prohibit cities from applying building design standards in all other areas, except historic districts.
Please Thank Senators Who Voted NO
on SB 284!

Jennifer Bradley, (R-5), Chair
Ileana Garcia, (R-37) Vice Chair
Dennis Baxley, (R-12)
Jason Brodeur, (R-9)
Ed Hooper, (R-16)
Travis Hutson, (R-7)

Janet Cruz, (D-18)
Tina Polsky, (D-29)
Bobby Powell, (D-30)
Thank you to everyone who contacted Senators in opposition. The bill will next to the Senate Regulated Industries Committee.