C i t y o f S o l a n a B e a c h | O c t o b e r 1 2 , 2 0 2 2 | |
Solana Beach Municipal Election Voter Information | |
Register to Vote:
- Election Day is Tuesday, November 8th
- Register or re-register to vote at: Registertovote.ca.gov
- The last day to register to vote online is October 24th
- Conditional voter registration is available through Election Day at San Diego County Vote Centers
Mail Ballots:
- Vote by mail ballots were mailed to registered voters on October 8th
- To track your vote by mail ballot visit: California.Ballottrax.net
- All Vote by Mail ballots must be postmarked or dropped to a San Diego County Ballot Drop Box by November 8th (Election Day) to be counted
Vote Center:
- Solana Beach's vote center is Skyline Elementary School Theater, located at 606 Lomas Santa Fe Drive
- Open November 5th to November 7th from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
- Open November 8th (Election Day) from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM
District Elections:
- Registered voters residing in Council Districts 2 and 4 will have the opportunity to elect City Councilmembers in their respective district
- View Solana Beach City Council District Map: 2022 Council District Map (All Districts)
Measure S:
- The Solana Beach Municipal Election ballot includes Measure S – the Solana Beach Streets, Parks, Beaches and Services Measure – a proposed local one cent sales tax
- If enacted, Measure S would provide additional funding to address priorities identified by City residents in a community survey earlier this year, such as repairing potholes and maintaining local streets, storm drains, and other infrastructure, keeping trash and pollution out of local waterways and off our beaches, and keeping neighborhoods, parks, and other public areas safe and clean
- If enacted, Measure S would also provide additional funding for local public safety which includes fire protection, paramedic services, response to 911 emergencies, and our Sheriff to address traffic safety, property related theft, homeless response and more
- If enacted, Measure S would not apply to housing, utilities, groceries or prescription medications
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Community Events & Programs | |
Temporary Public Arts Program Call for Artists
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ONE MORE WEEK TO SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION! The submission deadline is next Wednesday, October 19th.
Artists are invited to submit sculptures of various sizes for consideration for a one-year exhibition. The Temporary Public Arts Program is a unique opportunity for artists to showcase their works of art in a high-traffic urban and ocean-view environment attracting Solana Beach residents as well as tourists from around the world.
The program aims to select five (5) pieces to be displayed at designated, highly visible, temporary public art sites throughout our beautiful coastal community. If selected, the artist will receive a $1,500 stipend for each sculpture.
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City Hall Gallery Exhibition: El Mundo De George | |
The City invites you to come and explore the newest City Hall Gallery exhibition "El Mundo De George," by George Lozano. This colorful photography exhibit features uniquely familiar Solana Beach landmarks and highlights the colors, shapes and textures of Southern California. Come meet the featured artist at the closing reception on Saturday, October 29th from 12:00 to 2:00 PM. The gallery reception will be held at City Hall, 635 S Highway 101. These unique works of art will be on display in the City Hall Gallery until November 1st.
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Solana Beach Fire Department Open House | |
The Solana Beach Fire Department will host its annual Open House on Saturday, October 15th from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Come on over to the Solana Beach Fire Station located at 500 Lomas Santa Fe Drive and see where the City's Firefighters work and live.
A fun day is planned with live music, food, fire apparatus demonstrations, a haunted Halloween ambulance, sidewalk CPR and more. You can even get a guided tour through the fire station by one of our Firefighters. This is a family-friendly event so come on over and enjoy the fun!
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Come join the La Colonia Community Foundation and the City in celebrating Día de los Muertos and honoring the ancestral legacy of La Colonia de Eden Gardens. Solana Beach’s annual Día de los Muertos - “Day of the Dead” - will be held on Sunday, October 23rd from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at La Colonia Park. This year’s celebration is a tribute to our ancestors who worked in the agricultural groves of Rancho Santa Fe and surrounding areas.
This free family-friendly community event offers many exciting cultural attractions for the whole family to enjoy, including Ballet Folklórico Grupo Jaliscience, a Classic Car Show by Viejitos Car Club, Piñatas for the kids, a Catrin/Catrina costume contest, a dog costume contest, and musical performances by Los Gringos Muertos band, Smooth Groove band and a 15-piece mariachi by Mariachi Estado de Oro.
The highlight of the event will be more than 40 altars honoring the memories of family and friends who have passed away. The blessing of the altars by the Aztec Dancers Danza Coatlique Ceminitzli begins at 9:30 AM.
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Age-Friendly Community Action Planning Sessions |
Are you a Solana Beach resident who is 50 years old, or older? If so, please join us for the second series of interactive community discussions. Come hear the feedback received thus far and and provide your own input to create a vision, goals, and action steps to create an age-friendly community for all. The Action Planning Sessions will be held in-person and virtually in English. A session will also be offered in-person in Spanish. To participate please RSVP to Brenda Bothel-Hammond at bbothelhammond@sdsu.edu.
| Solana Vista/Skyline Halloween Carnival |
The annual Solana Vista/Skyline Halloween Carnival is back and celebrating its 65th anniversary on Sunday, October 30th, from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM, at Solana Vista Elementary. All community members are welcome and encouraged to attend even if they don't have kids at either of the schools. The event features games, inflatables, raffles, pony rides, petting zoo, a costume contest, and much more. There will also be food from community partners, as well as other delicious treats like tamales, hot dogs, ice cream, and a bake sale. The Halloween Carnival is the largest fundraiser of the year for these two schools, and it plays an important part in building community and supporting these awesome schools. The City is proud to be a co-sponsor of this wonderful community event.
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Scare Away Hunger Peanut Butter Drive | |
During the month of October, we encourage you to support the Scare Away Hunger Peanut Butter Drive by donating unopened jars of peanut butter to help feed local children living in poverty. Why Peanut Butter? Peanut butter is an excellent source of protein for children and families. It is popular with kids, it’s shelf-stable and one jar can provide more than 12 sandwiches.
There are two ways you can participate in the Scare Away Hunger Peanut Butter Drive. You can drop off donations at City Hall or you can make a donation online through the Virtual Food Drive platform.
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Be advised that, City Council returned to in-person meetings on October 12, 2022, in Council Chambers at City Hall. All meetings are also subject to cancellation. Please refer to the City’s website for updates on whether meetings will be held virtually or in person. | |
City Council
Tonight's Regular Meeting
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
City Council Chambers
(In-Person Meeting)
Next Regular Meeting
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
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Commissions & Committees
Parks & Recreation Commission
Thursday, October 13, 2022
Business Liaison Committee
Monday, October 17, 2022
View Assessment Commission
Tuesday, October , 2022
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Please visit the Public Meetings webpage for meeting zoom links, directions on submitting a public comment, or for more information on public meetings. | |
Current Employment Opportunities
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Come join the City of Solana Beach Team and discover how you can make a difference. The City is currently recruiting for the following positions: | |
Visit the City’s Career Page to learn more and to submit your online application! | |
Missed an update?
Check out previous Weekly Updates
on our website!
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Stay Connected.
Stay Engaged.
Download the City's
My Community App!
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