Fall Leadership Training & Association Meeting

All new and continuing PTA leaders are invited to join us for Fall Training and our first Association Meeting of the year.

Date: Monday, August 28, 2023

Location: Alameda County Office of Educ, 313 W. Winton Ave., Hayward


6:00 pm Check-in, Refreshments, Membership Card Pickup, Networking

6:30 pm Association Meeting - Budget & Program Approval

7:30 - 9:00 pm WORKSHOPS:



Treasurer/Financial Secretary



Register by Monday, August 21st. We look forward to seeing you!

Click here to register

CAPTA Leadership Call

One of the great things about PTA is our support structure. The Leadership Services Commission at California State PTA is responsible for strengthening and extending the work of PTA. Its activities include providing opportunities for leadership development and training to unit, council, and district PTA. Register now for the August 3rd Leadership Call, which will cover topics aimed at helping get your PTA off to a great start.

Strength in Numbers

PTA would not exist were it not for its membership. Membership dues help support programs and training, but more importantly, member voices collectively influence how PTA advocates for children who don't have voices of their own.

Does your school community understand how PTA helps all children at their school? Now is a great time to work on messaging that clearly states what your PTA does for your school and what parents, teachers, and community members can do to help. Enlist your principal's help introducing your PTA in his/her beginning-of-the-school welcome to all families. Another effective strategy could be to compare your annual membership fee as less than what you would pay for, say, a cup of coffee or the California State and National PTA member perks they stand to benefit from as a PTA member. Clarify that PTA members are not required to volunteer and that what we really want is for them to have a voice in PTA decision-making so that we can more effectively advocate for all children.

See membership recruitment tools and resources from CAPTA and

more tools and templates from National PTA here and here.

Busy parents appreciate the convenience of joining via Totem or other online platforms. Click here on how to get started on Totem.


Summer Financial Review Time

A year-end financial review (formerly known as an audit) serves as an official examination of the financial records at the times specified in the bylaws and when there is a change in financial officers.

Now is the time to collect your organization's financial records and go through the financial review checklist for July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. It is critical that the entire fiscal year be reviewed to be covered by insurance.

Don't have a financial reviewer? Consider partnering with another PTA unit in your community and trade treasurers to check the books for each other. You can also contact Peralta District PTA Treasurer Kristin Hergert at treasurer@pdpta.org. Once the financial review is done, don't forget to enlist a couple of officers and/or members to be on the financial review committee as required by our insurance. For more information, check out the PTA toolkit.

What You Need

Get IN on Reflections

Reflections is an art appreciation PTA program that lets students, families, schools, and communities come together to support the arts. This 50+ year-old, program helps youth explore their own thoughts, feelings, and ideas, develop artistic literacy, increase confidence, and find a love for learning that will help them become more successful in school and in life. To offer Reflections at your school site, all that is required to get started is a Reflections Chair who can lead the effort. Most of the work for this program takes place during September/December. The rest of the time you will be keeping an eye on any artwork that has moved forward, communicate with your school and push next year's theme.

Read more


Filling Board Vacancies

Whether your board has put out an open call for candidates or is actively searching your membership for just the right person to fill a position, each potential member of your board should be responsible and understand PTA policies as per your bylaws.

All candidates should be given the opportunity to develop a clear understanding of the role and responsibility of a position before committing (see Job Descriptions). Once a candidate is elected, be prepared to commit to working as a team. In the end, effective teamwork helps meet the goals of the group AND the individual.

Here are some ideas for filling board positions.

Good volunteers are hard to come by and should be valued and respected. Consider giving some committee chairs shorter-term commitments. For example, you can have a committee chair for the book fair, one for the fall fair, or a winter fundraiser, as opposed to having one committee chair handle all of them. Your team can achieve a lot when there are multiple supporting volunteers instead of just one.

Help Us Stay in Touch with the Right People

Thank you to all presidents who entered 2023-24 officers' contact information in myPTEZ. We are still missing some contacts. Be advised that the window for outgoing unit presidents to enter officer/board member contact info was May 15th thru June 1st. After June 1st, any units lacking contact information are considered by California State PTA to be Not in Good Standing. That could make your unit be subject to withdrawal of the PTA charter and dissolution of the PTA -- and we don't want that to happen!! 

Not sure if your current board is in myPTEZ?

Check this list of contacts in myPTEZ as of July 25th. We want to see all board members, chairs, and your current school principal's contact info - at least, email addresses. A paid subscription is NOT required to enter officer/board member contacts in myPTEZ

Missing contact info and not sure how to remedy it?

Current presidents, reach out to your immediate past president first. If no one from your unit can access your account, a PTA president above your level can help. In the meantime, please share this newsletter with your other board members. We want all PTA leaders in Alameda County to have the information they need to succeed.


If your PTA has not elected 2023-24 officers and is having difficulty, please contact the Peralta District PTA president to let us know your status and allow us to help. 

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