- For latest Covid 19 information, please dial 2-1-1 or 888- 892-1162.
- Get Updates by texting COVIDNC at 898211.
- For unemployment insurance, please visit NC Dept of Employment Security at https://des.nc.gov/.
- 1,390,660 NC citizens have applied for UI Benefits, 940, 019 have been paid benefits, and $9 billion of benefits have been issued.
Apply for Wake Forward program at https://covid19.wakegov.com/wakeforward/.
The daily percent positive test rate for COVID-19 in North Carolina has jumped to a concerning 16.5%, the highest of the pandemic.
The high comes after Sunday's 13.6% rate and Saturday's 15.5% rate.
The state reported 5,187 new COVID-19 cases on Monday and there are 3,635 people currently hospitalized with COVID-19, also a new high.
There have been 6,941 deaths (an increase of 31 from Sunday's report) from COVID-19 and 570,111 total cases.
Complete statistics are available on the state's COVID-19 dashboard.
5,187 New Cases (18,800 in first two days of January)
+ N.C. = 570,111 Cases (Deaths = 6,941)
+ 16.5% Positive Rate
+ Wake County = 47,435 Cases (Deaths = 348)
+ US = 20.9 million Cases/354K deaths
+ Worldwide 85.8 million/1.86 million deaths
+ Completed Tests: 7,119,201
+ 3,635 Hospitalized