This Week @ MUSM is the official student newsletter of Mercer University School of Medicine designed to keep students up-to-date on key information and events.
Create SMART Goals for 2021
The New Year brings a renewed sense of hope and positive change. Many make resolutions every year only to find them difficult to maintain. Creating goals that utilize the S.M.A.R.T. approach might help. The S.M.A.R.T. method helps break down goals and ensures they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely. To utilize the S.M.A.R.T. method, follow these three steps:

STEP 1: Make sure your goals are specific and measurable. If your goal is to "exercise more" or "be healthier," it is not specific enough. By being more specific with your goals, they can become measurable and a plan can be created. If your goal is to increase your exercise, a specific goal would include how many minutes you will exercise per week and how often. If you aspire to lose weight, a specific goal would include how many calories should be consumed per day and and how many pounds will be lost per week.

STEP 2: Make sure your goals are achievable and realistic. For example, losing 10 pounds in one week is most likely not possible and not healthy. However, losing one or two pounds per week is likely achievable. Additionally, goals should be relevant to you. If it’s a goal that someone else thinks you should set, it is less likely you’ll follow through on achieving it.

STEP 3: Make sure your goals are timely. Ask yourself if it’s the right time to pursue these goals and if they are realistic to achieve in the time allotted. Be flexible with your timeline and modify as needed. Realize that there might be setbacks when it comes to achieving your goals, but don’t give up. You can do it!
Ethics IG Meeting

January 13 @ 5 pm EST
The Ethics Interest Group is hosting a meeting this week. They will be discussing anti-vaxxers in general along with the ethics surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine. Please briefly skim the attached articles for discussion prior to the meeting.

Meeting ID: 239 226 4962
Passcode: ethics

Articles for Review
Home Financing for Graduating Medical Students

January 15 @ 2 pm EST
Presented by the AAMC, this session will explain the “ins and outs” of obtaining home financing. Emphasis will be placed on the proper steps to take when applying for a loan and the exact questions to ask mortgage officers. Details covered during this webinar will include what loans are available for doctors, understanding debt ratios and estimating funds required to close on a mortgage. When you join this webinar, you will have an opportunity to have your most pressing home ownership questions answered by an expert in the mortgage field.

Research Experiences In Medical School
SOARS (Student Organization for the Advancement of Research and Service) has created a resource for students interested in research while in medical school. This MUSM student-created resource is meant to be an introduction to practical ways to begin involvement and investigation.

Student Health Insurance
Do you have Mercer student health insurance? Mercer student health insurance provides coverage for inpatient and outpatient services, dental and vision care, prescriptions, behavioral health services and many other benefits. Click here for a brochure or here to watch a video that details the benefits included in the health plan along with deductible and co-pay information.
Extra Shirts for Sale
If you're interested in purchasing a shirt, please email Adrianne Smith at Be sure to include the following information in your email:

  • Name
  • Campus
  • Identify whether you're faculty, staff or student (include year)
  • Size (S-XL)

The cost of the shirt is $10. Send payment via venmo @MUSM2021Macon.
This Week@MUSM is the official student newsletter of the Mercer University School of Medicine. Visit our website to learn more or view past issues.