For questions about CASA News, please contact Alyssa Downs at

It’s Time to Celebrate YOU (California Water Professionals)

This week we are thrilled to celebrate the seventh annual California Water Professionals Appreciation Week, during which time we are extra thankful for all the men and women who work hard to protect public health and the environment, 24/7, 365. We encourage CASA member agencies to showcase the programs and events that educate California water customers, local elected leaders, state and federal legislators and other key audiences. Sharing your agency’s activities during the week highlights the value of water and wastewater services and the important role that water professionals play in providing these services. It is also an opportunity to showcase careers in the water industry. Please share information on your website and social media accounts. For more information, visit CWEA’s California Water Professionals Appreciation Week webpage, and feel free to utilize materials from the toolkit with customizable social media posts, graphics and other items provided by ACWA.

Recording Now Available for the Perspectives on PFAS Webinar

Last week, the Clean Water Summit Partners hosted an informational webinar, Perspectives on PFAS , with over 250 attendees. Participants and presenters discussed where things stand with PFAS in California and nationally, the latest science and research, data trends, and what local water and wastewater agencies are doing to address these forever chemicals. Check out the PFAS Overview video, Perspectives and Communication in Addressing PFAS video, State and Local Approaches and Research Updates video, as well as the PowerPoint presentations now available on the CASA webpage.

Innovative Technology Seminars Coming Up Next Month

Are you ready to revolutionize biosolids and resource recovery management? California’s premier technology seminars for resource recovery professionals are just around the corner! Unlock the power of innovation with a lineup of leading experts from utilities, universities, and technology companies. These fast-paced presentations and discussions are moderated by CASA’s Greg Kester. Discover opportunities related to managing food waste with the implementation of SB 1383. Learn about new technologies for biogas, biosolids, energy-recovery, and the game-changing technologies reshaping our profession. Join CWEA and CASA in creating a sustainable future, as we showcase the breakthroughs supporting a cleaner and healthier California. Event will sell-out, register soon!

If you have any questions or would like more information related to state legislative updates, please contact Jessica Gauger or Spencer Saks

Saturday, October 14 is the deadline for Governor Newsom to sign or veto bills passed by the Legislature, and a full bill report will be coming in the next edition of CASA Connects.

Governor Vetoes Bills to Ban PFAS in Consumer Products

Early this week, Governor Newsom vetoed three bills that proposed to ban PFAS in different consumer products, including CASA’s co-sponsored bill AB 727 (Weber) which aimed to ban PFAS in cleaning products. Two other bills that CASA was following, AB 246 (Papan) and AB 1423 (Schiavo) to ban PFAS in feminine hygiene products and artificial turf, respectively, were vetoed with nearly identical veto messages. The Governor explained that while he agreed with the objective of the bills, he was concerned about the lack of enforcement and regulatory oversight, and noted that prior PFAS ban bills have proven difficult to implement. He further directed the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to “engage with the author and the Legislature and consider alternative approaches to regulating the use of these harmful chemicals in consumer products.” 


All three veto messages are available here:

AB 727

AB 246

AB 1423

AB 759 (Grayson) to Take Effect January 1, 2024

We are pleased to report that CASA’s sponsored bill, AB 759 (Grayson) relating to sanitary district accounting procedures was signed by Governor Newsom earlier this summer. This bill will become effective January 1, 2024, and updates the Sanitary District Act of 1939 to modernize the statutory accounting practices that require Sanitary Districts to submit their check register for approval by the District Board President at each Board meeting. AB 759 provides an alternative that gives discretion to the Board of a Sanitary District to adopt a policy that allows for the disbursement of funds. We greatly appreciate all the support and help from our members on this issue.  

AB 1594 (Garcia) Signed by the Governor

Early this week, the Governor signed AB 1594 (Garcia), providing public agency utilities the ability to purchase alternatives to medium-/heavy-duty zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) in order to maintain services during “major foreseeable events.” The bill defines a public agency utility to include, among other entities, wastewater treatment providers, and defines public agency utility vehicles as those essential to maintaining reliable water and electric service. The bill also authorizes public agency utilities to purchase traditional replacements for specialized vehicles at the end of life when needed to maintain reliable service and respond to major foreseeable events. For additional important details, please see the bill language.

If you have questions related to federal legislative updates, please contact Sarah Sapirstein

House Committee Considers “Do Not Flush” Labeling Legislation 

On September 27, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce examined the WIPPES Act (H.R. 2964) as part of broader legislative hearing on consumer protection bills. The bill received strong endorsement by both subcommittee leadership and the witness panel. The WIPPES Act establishes national “Do Not Flush” labeling standards for nonflushable wet wipes that mirrors California’s labeling law, A.B. 818 that CASA championed. The federal legislation enjoys public support from the wipes industry, clean water, civil engineers, and environmental advocate stakeholders.

Read More

$7.5 Billion in Available Financing for Water Infrastructure Projects

Last month, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced $7.5 billion in available Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) funding. This innovative low-interest loan program helps communities invest in drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure. More information available in the full press release:

Trailblazing Senator Dianne Feinstein Passes

On September 29, Senator Dianne Feinstein passed away marking the end of a remarkable career representing California at the national level. Senator Feinstein was the longest serving female Senator and her three-decade long career included a number of significant policy achievements that continue to impact national policies today, including policies focused on clean water and water supply. While there have been many achievements in her career, enactment of the Water Infrastructure Investments for the Nation (WIIN) Act is of particular note to California water agencies. Under her leadership, this consequential water supply and resources legislation delivered alternative water supply projects throughout the western U.S. and the led the way for years of federal support of storage, water recycling, desalination, and ecosystem restoration projects.

Following Senator Feinstein’s passing, Governor Gavin Newsom appointed Laphonza Butler to fill the Senate seat. Upon her appointment, Butler stated that “No one will ever measure up to the legacy of Senator Dianne Feinstein, but I will do my best to honor her legacy and leadership by committing to work for women and girls, workers and unions, struggling parents, and all of California.”

If you have questions related to regulatory updates, please contact Jared Voskuhl or Spencer Saks

Next SSS WDR Webinar Scheduled for November 1

On November 1, the Clean Water Summit Partners (CASA, CleanWaterSoCal, BACWA, CVCWA, and CWEA) will host another webinar in their series on the re-issued SSS WDR, which the SWRCB adopted in December 2022. SWRCB staff will be amongst the presenters, and topics will include an overview of the new CIWQS portal along with Q&A for the spill reporting portal and data entry forms, new Category 4 spill reporting requirements due in February, processes and submission of your Annual Report in April, conducting your SSMP audit, and performing your SSMP update for those agencies in the process of updating their masterplans right now and are having to plan for their next SSMP update. Register today.

Sign up for CASA’s Regulatory Updates: October Edition Now Available

CASA’s Regulatory Workgroup regularly puts together a comprehensive e-newsletter to share all regulatory updates on key issues and workgroup initiatives with the CASA membership. If you are interested in receiving these regulatory updates, please contact Jared Voskuhl. The latest edition is available here.

If you have a special project, agency update or other member news you would like to share in CASA Connects, please contact Alyssa

OC San Recognized as Leaders in Solving Water Challenges

The Orange County Sanitation District (OC San) was honored last week by several national water sector organizations through the Utility of the Future Recognition Program (UOTF). This program celebrates the achievements of water utilities that are benefiting their communities and inspiring the water sector through innovative, future-focused, transformational programs. The recognition program is a collaborative effort that includes the National Association of Clean Water Agencies, the Water Environment Federation (WEF), the Water Environment & Reuse Foundation, and the WateReuse Association with input from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Congratulations to OC San! Read more in the full press release.

UV Technology Survey

As our industry comes together to tackle increasingly difficult water treatment challenges, data-informed decision making is critical. HDR is collecting data from professionals with UV experience through a survey. The results of this survey will build upon the literature utilized by operators, regulators, engineers, and manufacturers as they make decisions surrounding UV technology. If you have experience working with UV technology in the centralized water treatment space, please consider filling out the survey. In return, you’ll receive a free survey report.


How will this data be used: The survey report, including conclusions on beneficial UV design and O&M practices, will be provided to all participants at no cost. Your submission can be fully anonymous and will not be used for marketing purposes or sold to third parties. The results will be shared through a series of published research and conference presentations. 


This survey will take approximately 5 - 10 minutes to complete. Link:

If you have an upcoming event you would like to share in CASA Connects, please contact Alyssa


WaterISAC is hosting its second H2OSecCon - Surging Toward Safety & Security event October 19 - 20! H2OSecCon is a virtual conference focused on IT and OT cybersecurity, physical security, and operational resilience for the water and wastewater sector. Each day will feature water utility and security experts sharing information, experiences, and best practices across 14 different sessions, two tabletop exercises, and mainstage speakers. Sessions will cover topics including:

  •  Physical security threats and solutions facing water and wastewater utilities,
  •  Securing remote access into your OT network, 
  •  Resources for utilities to improve the preparedness of their employees and communities, 
  • How to limit physical damage of critical OT assets from a cyber incident or accident

Are you a utility serving under 10,000 individuals? Complimentary registration is available! Email today for more information and coupon code.

Power of Waste: Renewable Natural Gas for CA Workshop 

Wednesday, October 25, from 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM, this full-day event, the fifth annual Power of Waste: RNG workshop, will discuss renewable natural gas and its critical role in enabling California to achieve its greenhouse gas reduction and air quality goals. Don't miss your chance to learn from and interact with many of the industry's leading experts. 


Attendees are expected to include biogas project developers, government leadership, local and state agencies, facility operators, equipment vendors, utilities, and academia. This no-cost event is hosted in collaboration with the national environmental research group, Energy Vision.

Register now as space is limited!

Fall Funding Fairs

The California Financing Coordinating Committee (CFCC) is hosting free 2023 fall funding fairs online and in-person, November 1 and 8, 2023 will be online and November 14, 2023, will be in-person (see flyer for more information). The funding fair will provide the opportunity to learn more about available grant, loan, and bond financing options for infrastructure projects from federal, state, and local agencies. For more information about CFCCC, please visit the website at

Innovative Technology Seminars

The 2023 Innovative Technology Seminars, co-hosted by CASA and CWEA, are happening on November 29th at the San Francisco Regional Water Board offices in Oakland and on November 30th at the Hyperion Water Resource Recovery Facility in Los Angeles. We are very excited to bring these popular seminars back this year with a tremendous lineup of speakers. Registration is now open! Please reach out to Greg Kester with any questions or comments.

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CASA represents more than 130 local public agencies engaged in the collection, treatment and recycling of Wastewater and biosolids to protect public health and the environment. Our mission is to provide trusted information and advocacy on behalf of California clean water agencies, and to be a leader in sustainability and utilization of renewable resources.

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