Are you looking to become

a Modern Mid-Life Maven?

A special invitation for adults ages 45-65

and their allies

Coming this fall:

Monthly on Thursdays

7:00-9:00 PM

In person at the Synagogue

Register Now
View the Dates of the sessions

I’m inviting you to join me on a potentially transformative journey. This fall, I will convene a group of curious and intrepid folks to talk about mid-life.

In these interactive sessions, we will:

  • Take a mid-life pitstop
  • Question our mindsets about aging
  • Become great editors of our lives as well as curious learners, and
  • Engage in deep and meaningful conversations.

We will also develop new rituals and find more awe on the path to greater joy and purpose.

Think of it as a wisdom school for those entering elderhood (it’s not about being elderly, it’s about being an elder, an honorific title in many cultures and communities, including our own). 

A Jewish teaching says that 50 is the age of giving counsel. It is an age when we take our distilled wisdom and start to apply it in various aspects of our lives. Around this age is also a great time to take stock and ask deeper questions about meaning that may have nagged at us for some time (for some it may be earlier, some later; mileage may vary). 

Here’s why: at mid-life, we're halfway to 100; the U-curve of Happiness research shows that life satisfaction increases in these years. Many of us live through what is called our “Great Midlife Edit,” a period where we shed what no longer serves us and embrace a new life mindset which reflects our true passions and purpose. As Franciscan priest and author Richard Rohr says, “This is the age when our primary operating system moves from our ego to our soul, but no one gives us operating instructions.”

Combining the science of long-life living and Jewish wisdom through the ages, we are offering and beta-testing a new CSR program called, “Modern Midlife Mavenhood.” 

Our goal is to create a sacred space for life-changing conversations with “like-hearted” mid-lifers, aged 45-65 and their allies, who seek deeper meaning and purpose in their lives.

To determine if Modern Midlife Mavenhood is for you, take this little quiz. If you’re curious about this opportunity, reach out. Schedule some time with me to have a brief conversation and see if this is right for you. If you’re reading this and are saying, “sign me up!”

Have no doubt that this is for you?

Please register by clicking the button below.

Sign me up!

Mark Twain once wrote, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” I hope you see that as your encouragement. 

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Rabbi Daniel (a fellow traveler on the path to Modern Mid-Life Mavenhood).