Opening Soon: Virginia’s Insurance Marketplace!
Beginning November 1, 2023, Virginians shopping for a 2024 Marketplace health plan will no longer buy that plan through the way they have for the past 9 years. This is because Virginia has become the most recent state to launch its very own Marketplace!
Here are some things that will be different on Virginia’s Insurance Marketplace:
NEW website! Instead of applying for a Marketplace plan through, Virginians will now go to* This new site is “for Virginians, by Virginians,” and is unique to Virginia. It features the dogwood logo and tagline, Where Virginians shop for affordable health insurance. * will redirect Virginians to beginning November 1.
NEW decision support will be available, to help those shopping on the Marketplace pick the plan that is best for them. Thanks to new federal guidelines, Virginians will have sufficient plan options to pick from, but not so many that they will feel overwhelmed.
In addition to the exciting developments above, Virginia’s Insurance Marketplace also includes some of the best elements of the federal Marketplace:
- Virginians will be able to shop for a 2024 plan on Virginia’s Insurance Marketplace from November 1, 2023 – January 15, 2024. Just like at the federal Marketplace, if they miss this window, they may only be able to sign up outside of it if they have a qualifying life event.*
- Virginia’s Insurance Marketplace will be able to give a full determination of Medicaid/FAMIS eligibility for some clients, the same way has since 2019. This means that a client who applies on Virginia’s Insurance Marketplace, and whose attested income and household information can be verified electronically, may get a notice of Medicaid/FAMIS eligibility. This means that that individual/family does not need to wait for a Medicaid/FAMIS application to be processed.
- Extra financial help will continue to be available. Thanks to state and federal changes, more Virginians than ever before continue to be eligible for savings on Marketplace plans. Even those who may not have qualified for financial help in the past might qualify beginning in 2024.
- The same health insurance carriers will offer Qualified Health Plans on Virginia’s Insurance Marketplace, and some will offer them in new cities/counties. Virginians can preview 2024 Qualified Health Plans (QHP) and prices at
*As a reminder, Virginians who are terminated from Medicaid/FAMIS due to no longer being eligible (e.g., having an income above the Medicaid/FAMIS limit) can shop on the Marketplace anytime from now through July 2024. Because of this new “Unwinding” Special Enrollment Period, they do not have to apply and select their plan within 60 days of the loss of Medicaid/FAMIS.
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And, don’t forget: Virginians can apply for/enroll in Medicaid/FAMIS 365 days a year. They are not required to enroll within a specific window. | |
Learn More About Medicaid/FAMIS Eligibility and Renewals
The Virginia Health Care Foundation has announced Fall-Winter 2023-24 SignUpNow workshops to help you prepare your clients to renew their Medicaid/FAMIS. SignUpNow offers 2 training workshops.
Please Note: Workshops cover different material, please read carefully to ensure you are registering for the workshop you would like to attend:
SignUpNow – Medicaid/FAMIS workshops cover the “ins and outs” of the eligibility requirements, application procedures, and post-enrollment information for Virginia’s Medicaid/FAMIS programs for children and families (Medicaid Expansion, and the FAMIS programs). Click here to register for a SignUpNow – Medicaid/FAMIS workshop.
SignUpNow – ABD workshops cover information for Virginia’s Aged, Blind, or Disabled (ABD) Medicaid covered groups, including ABD with Income ≤80% FPL; programs for Virginians who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI), an Auxiliary Grant, or Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS); and the Medicare Savings Programs. Click here to register for a SignUpNow – ABD workshop.
Register today at to attend a workshop!
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NEW Renewals Dashboard Gives Key Data about Medicaid/FAMIS Redeterminations
To better enable stakeholders to track Medicaid/FAMIS renewals, the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) has launched a NEW, detailed dashboard highlighting key renewal-related data. The dashboard includes demographic information about renewals and terminations, including:
- Numbers of renewed and terminated members by race and ethnicity;
- Locality-level data re: terminations, renewals, and redeterminations remaining;
- Numbers and percentages of members renewed and terminated by age and coverage category; and
- Top five nonprocedural (eligibility-related) reasons for termination, for those who have lost Medicaid/FAMIS.
DMAS will update the new dashboard each week.
Please note: Since most Medicaid/FAMIS terminations occur at the beginning of a month, the number of terminations may shrink throughout the month. This is because recently terminated members may either:
- Submit their renewal during the 90-day reconsideration period (“grace period”), or
- Appeal the termination, since members who appeal a termination automatically have their coverage reinstated while their appeal is pending. Appeals must be submitted within ~35 days of the coverage termination.
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Don’t Ghost Your Dentist!
Submitted by: Altise M. Street, VA Smiles For Children Outreach Coordinator
Your smile says a lot about you. Your teeth and smile are often the first things that people notice. Even so, many people think they do not need to visit the dentist to take care of that smile unless they feel pain in their mouth.
But, dental check-ups are important for staying healthy. This is because good oral health does not just protect your teeth and gums: It can also help make it easier to manage other medical issues, such as diabetes and heart disease.
Smiles For Children members can visit the dentist for FREE! They are eligible for a FREE dental checkup every 6 months. Here are some tips to share with your clients, to help them prepare for their next dental visit:
- If you need help finding a dentist, DentaQuest can help! Call us at the number on the back of your ID card (888-912-3456).
- Tell the dental office the best days and times for your appointment. Let them know how you want them to contact you (phone, text, or email).
- Add your appointment date and time to your calendar or mobile phone calendar, and set a reminder.
- Arrive at least 15 minutes before your appointment time.
- Bring your Medicaid ID card, and a list of all your medications to your appointment.
- If you cannot make your appointment, call at once to make a new one. The dental office will help you find a date and time that works for you.
Remember, the dentist wants to help you have a healthy, pain-free smile.
And, check out this flyer for dental tips during trick-or-treating!
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Medicaid/FAMIS Enrollment
As of October 1, 2023, there were 2.16 million Virginians enrolled in Medicaid/FAMIS. This includes:
732,561 adults enrolled in Medicaid Expansion (“New Adult Coverage”);
38,866 pregnant/postpartum enrollees in Medicaid for Pregnant Women (MPW), FAMIS MOMS, or FAMIS Prenatal Coverage;
857,174 children enrolled in FAMIS or FAMIS Plus;
234,028 individuals enrolled due to being Aged, Blind, or Disabled (ABD)
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