A recent article from the American Marketing Association said that every day, social network users worldwide spend an average of 2 hours and 30 minutes on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Nonetheless, 87% of posts to brand company Facebook pages go unanswered.
One thing came to mind reading this; Having 13% of your followers answering your posts, is actually an excellent thing!
In Direct mail, a 2-3% response rate is excellent and successful. If that is the case, then 13% of your followers responding to your post is Amazing.
What many people do not realize or take into account is that by creating and sharing posts regularly (3-4 times a week), you are creating content for future clients. When a prospect sees a new product or service you provide and wants it, they will do their research. Going to your website and social media accounts are the top two in my book. If you have posts that show benefits, testimonials, community involvement, etc. That is going to be a plus for you. If you have not posted to your social media account in 14 months, that will throw up a red flag.
So, being consistent and not having communication gaps will give you an advantage over your competition.