Watercraft insurance - Are you covered?
Watercraft insurance is an umbrella term for three types of insurance: boat insurance, yacht insurance, and personal watercraft insurance. It protects against damages to vessels powered by a motor that has horsepower of at least 25 miles per hour (mph)
Boat Insurance
If you’re shopping for a new or used boat, you may be wondering what boat insurance costs. The answer to that question depends on a number of factors which vary by state and insurance company. (Length, Value, Type, Age, Speed....all are taken into consideration)
Can you get insurance on a kayak?
Yes. Although most inboard and outboard watercraft is excluded from a standard homeowner's policy, coverages against property loss of canoes, kayaks, and sailboats (26 feet or under) is typically covered. ... Your homeowner's coverage may even cover losses to the kayak of a friend who the insured borrow
from a friend.
Looking to learn more:
Call Jessica in Stroudsburg, (570) 421-7447
or Ronnie in Lehighton, (610) 377-4382.
August is Officially National Dog Month!
Looking to LEARN MORE:

5 foolproof steps for finding the right plan

This step-by-step guide will help you make a smart decision when buying pet insurance for your dog or cat.

1. Pick the reimbursement type that works for you.
2. Research the factors affecting your coverage.
3. Look at prices and value.
4. Decide what kind of coverage you want for your pet.
5. Look at the company’s track record for dependability.

Participate in our August Facebook Contest!
WINNERS will be chosen at random to receive a FREE gift from one of our sponsored businesses: Sit, Stay ‘N Play and Camp KCS. Contest starts August 1 so start sharing your dog (pet) pics today! Winners will be announced early September. 
Photo Contest Time
Share your DOG PICS (or PETS)....with FRM Group
@FraileyInsurance on FB & Instagram
Strike a Pose or a #Selfie - TAG @FraileyInsurance #ThinkFraileyFirst

During the entire month of August,
Please drop off food and pet supplies at our offices.
All donations will be distributed to local animal shelters throughout the County
#poconoinsurance #thinkfraileyfirst
FRM Group
1286 N Ninth Street, Stroudsburg , PA 18360
445 Coal Street, Lehighton, PA 18235