Learn, Teach, Inspire

Wednesday Postings


Free COVID-19 Tests Available

Juicy Bits from MSDE's Tuesday Tidbits

  • Earn 1 PAU and a Raffle Ticket
  • Child Care Open Office Hours

Upcoming Zoom Professional Development Classes

Check Out Our 90 Hour Sweet Savings!

Online/CDA ............ Instructor-Led Schedule .......... Discounts & Coupons

Train Your Staff ..... Subscription Information ....... JOB BOARD ..... GRANTS

ChildCareED Facebook Group - CDA Club for Peers & PD Specialist

Juicy Bits from MSDE's Tuesday Tidbits

We need your input: Complete the Pathways to Success: Navigating Maryland’s Early Childhood Workforce System Survey!

Complete your survey to help JHU better understand how to improve the ECE workforce system: Survey

Earn 1 PAU and a raffle entry for 1 of 20 $100 gift cards are offered for survey completion.

We're trying out something new – it's called Child Care Scholarship Open Office Hours. We'll be doing this on November 14th from 12:00 to 1:00 PM.

Who should come? Well, families and providers who have questions about scholarships or open applications.

The folks who run the Child Care Scholarship program will be there to help you out. They can answer your questions and assist with applications and payments.

They'll also tell you what to do if you have any problems with your Scholarship account.

No need to sign up – just click on the link on Tuesday, November 24, 2023, at 12:00 PM, and you can join us.

Click on Zoom Meeting Link

And if you know anyone who might want to be a part of this, you can tell them too. We'd love to have them join us!

Upcoming Zoom Professional Development Classes

We have a collection of intersting Instructor-Led classes scheduled for the coming week. The classes are approved for professional development credits. There are 2 and 3 hour classes scheduled.

Monday, 10/23/2023, from 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Thursday, 10/26/2023, from 6:30pm to 9:30pm

Check Out Class Coupons

Check Out Our Sweet 90 Hour Savings!

Take advantage of our Spooktacular savings on 90 Hour Certificates! Select School Age, Preschool, or Infant/Toddler. A $200 savings will be given at the time of checkout.

To earn the 90 Hour certificate, you need to take 45 Hour Growth and Development and 45 Hour Methods and Materials for the age group of your choice.

Check Out the Offers and Coupons

Check out these ChildCareED blog posts for more details on 90 Hour Certificates. If you still have questions please call the office for clarification at: 833.2TEACH1 (833.283.2241)

The 90 Hour Certificate FAQs

Using Your 90 Hour Certification to Complete Your CDA

Why Take 90 Hour Preschool Training?

Why Take 90 Hour School Age Training?


ChildCareED Training Center

Phone: 1.833.2TEACH1 (1.833.283-2341) |

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