Sunday, December 13 at 10:15 a.m. via Livestream

Bread, in one form or another, dates back to humanity’s earliest settled civilizations, and it sits at the center of countless rituals, comforts, and controversies. Come learn about how our Unitarian and Universalist forbearers understood the ritual of breaking bread, and join our multi-faith community in considering how our heritage and traditions might continue to feed us today. If your family enjoys a traditional bread or baked good, this Sunday will be the perfect time to get that old recipe out and eat along at home!

Please send your joys or sorrows to any time before the Joys and Sorrows portion of the service. They will be read aloud.
Join our online Zoom Fellowship Hour after the service on Sunday (around 11:30 a.m.). Come chat with UUCUC members and friends! All are welcome.
Your contributions and support allow us to continue to respond with love and resources to the needs in our congregation and the wider community. We couldn’t do it without your support and we are grateful to each of you.

If you have missed any of the previous live streamed services, you can view them at our past streamed services page. You can also view previous live streamed services on our YouTube channel.
Sunday, December 20 at 10:15 a.m. via Livestream

Even though the Christian holiday of Christmas receives most of its attention on December 24th and 25th, there is a great deal to experience during the four weeks leading up to this sacred holiday. Advent is the 4-week season of preparation, anticipation and waiting which leads us to Christmas. It is a season where persons practice patience, reflection and giving. Michele Grove, Emily McKown and a host of surprise guests will lead us in this worship experience. Do you want to know more? Patience, friends…Patience. All will be revealed.
Bookmark our UUCUC Events and UUCUC Calendar webpages for future reference.
Thursday, Dec 17
Saturday, Dec 19
Starts Jan 5, 2021
We are in the middle of tremendous transition on our staff team. Just this week we said goodbye to Matthew Gladden and we are saying hello to our new Accompanist, Juan Camacho. Next week is Kate Barton's last week and we hope to hire a new Director of Facilities. We are also searching for a part time Web and Communications Assistant, a part time RE Assistant, and a part time AV Tech, to begin in late December or early January. If you know of suitable candidates, please let them know about our current and upcoming openings! For more information, visit Our Director of Facilities and Web and Communication Assistant positions are currently at that link above, in addition to snippets on the RE Assistant and AV Tech jobs.

The Board Business meeting is traditionally held the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Given the proximity of that time to the holidays for some people, the Board voted to move the date from December 22nd. At this time, we plan on returning to our regular schedule in January. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, your Board Chair.

Brian McDermott


By mid-December, a host of new adult religious education programs will be promoted to begin in January and February 2021. The next semester promises to be just as exciting as the fall semester. If you are one of the 98 adults who participated in one of UUCUC’s adult learning experiences, please tell others about your experience. These classes are not restricted to UUCUC members and friends. The community is encouraged to attend. Read more.

Dear UUCUC Community,

As you put together your giving plans this holiday season, please consider donating to the Little Free Pantries run by Julie Laut and AJ Herzog, which they have kept active daily since late spring. In order to address increased and unique needs this winter, they have created an Amazon wish list. All items will be delivered to Julie's house and shared between the two pantries. Donations of all items will continue to be accepted as usual at both locations, if you want to bring them in person.

Thank you for your support and generosity,
Julie and AJ

If it would be helpful to have someone deliver groceries for you, we have several folks who have volunteered to do this. Contact Julie Laut at: or 513-544-2682 & she’ll put you in touch with a volunteer.
Staying connected while
UUCUC facilities are closed

During this time of social distancing, staying in touch and checking in with each other is going to be very important. We hope you will consider being part of our "Buddy System" so we can care for one another.

You can sign up here: Buddies will check in with each other regularly by phone to provide connection, companionship, and connections to help if needed. This is a great way to help each other.
JOYS AND SORROWS sent to for last Sunday, December 6.

From Catherine Ritchie: December 4th was the 87th birthday of my best friend of 25 years, Brian, who died this past June. The void he's left in my life will never be filled.

From Julie Laut: Please keep my family in your thoughts as we mourn the death of my mother-in-law, Diane Holtorf, who died on November 30th from complications from COVID. Diane was a caring, creative woman with a sharp wit, and will be sorely missed.
Our grief is compounded by anger and a feeling of helplessness. Diane's is just one of a growing number of covid-related deaths in Yuma County Colorado, where Marc and I grew up, population 10,000. It has been heartbreaking to see that small community ravaged by this virus, now out of control in so many parts of the country. My family urges you to stay safe and continue to follow all guidelines from health officials. We are all weary of the isolation and vigilance, but the dangers are too real to let down our guard now. Honor those who have lost their lives by protecting your own.

From Rev. Sally Fritsche: A joy from Sue Stock and Anthony Brienza, newcomers here at UUCUC, who were married this Friday in a small courthouse ceremony. A thousand joyful blessings to them, and may their love know many years of celebration beyond this pandemic.

From Paul Kaiser: Joy for the birthday of my beautiful friend Heather Mizeur, ceaselessly using her heart and mind to light up the darkness and uncover beauty.

From Katriena Knights: A joy that Dancer, aka Danny, the Chihuahua is living at my house now and has found his place in my doggie herd. He has settled in remarkably well, and we are very much enjoying the addition to the family. A concern for my son, who lost his job on Friday and is going on the job hunt. A joy for all the music Matt Gladden has brought to our congregation, and for everything he contributed to our choir. We will miss his input a great deal.

From Jerry Carden: Joy that we've had the artistry and musicianship of Matt Gladden for the past six years, and sorrow that he's moving on, but happy for him in his new endeavors. ~ Jerry & Tim

From Janet Revell Barrett: My brother Robert Revell was hospitalized with COVID several weeks ago in Omaha, but was released after three days, much to our relief. He returned to the hospital on Friday with pneumonia and other serious symptoms. Please hold him in your thoughts.

Please send your joys or sorrows to any time before the Joys and Sorrows portion of the service each Sunday. They will be read aloud.
UUCUC Social Action Offering. Each month a selected organization is chosen to receive offerings from our congregation. You may donate to the social action offering for the month in one of the following ways:

During the month of December, we will support our Partner Churches with our social action offering. The mission and objectives of the Partner Church Committee are to develop long-term, mutually supportive relationships with our fellow UUs in Transylvania, Romania, and in the Khasi Hills in North East India.

During the month of November 2020, Unitarian Universalist Service Committee was selected to be the shared offering. The UUCUC congregation contributed a total of $1,780 that month!

Dates are subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, visit our UUCUC Calendar page.

Note: Parenthesized meetings/events are outside rentals. Asterisked meetings/events are closed.
As of Monday, March 16, the UUCUC building closed as a preventative measure to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus in our community.. All upcoming scheduled meetings and events at UUCUC listed on the calendar should be considered tentative. If you are planning on participating in a recurring meeting, please verify with the facilitator that the meeting or event is still scheduled to meet and is shifting to an online format. UUCUC leadership and staff are working to move all recurring meetings to an online format, but this may take some additional weeks. Stay tuned for more information! At this time, we are strongly recommending that no groups meet in person.
Next eNews: Thursday, December 17, 2020
Last day for content: Tuesday, December 15 by 5pm at the latest.

Don't forget to publicize your meeting/event!
IMPORTANT! Send your submittals to
Please do not send to
Regular Church Office Hours
Closed until further notice
Church Office
(217) 384-8862

Need reimbursement for a purchase or two made on behalf of a committee project? Fill out this online reimbursement form, which will go to the DCA, and submit your receipts via email, if applicable.
Rev. Florence Caplow
Rev. Sally Fritsche
Associate Minister for Congregational Life
Kate Barton
Director of Facilities / RE & Office Assistant
Juan Camacho
Austin Cody
Choir Director
Michele Townsend Grove
Interim Director of Religious Education
Emily McKown
Youth Coordinator
Zoe Valentine
Director of Congregational Administration
Shornor Vineyard
Custodian and Building Caretaker