February 16, 2021
Lent at St. John's
Mondays February 8 - March 15 | 10:00 am or 7:00 pm
Luke is a gospel rich in detail and focused on the meaning of salvation. Unique to Luke are the extensive birth narratives and parables such as The Good Samaritan and Prodigal Son. As a Gentile, Luke brings an outsider perspective and show sympathies to other "outsiders" like women and the marginalized of his society.
Join other men on Zoom at either 10:00 AM or 7:00 PM on six Mondays starting February 8. Contact teacher Jack Nuzum at jcnuzum@juno.com or 265-5241 to sign up.
Tuesdays February 16 - March 30 | 7:00 pm
Weekly Lenten Zoom Study, based on the book Wind in the Wilderness: A Lenten study from the Prophets (D. J. del Rosario; available from Cokesbury). Tuesdays at 7 PM, led by our Certified Lay Ministers, beginning Feb. 16th. The chapters: Building a skyscraper, Sticks and stones, Worst baby names ever, Nine words that changed everything, Present in the waiting, A taste of the good life, and If a tree falls in the woods... . The first chapter raises interesting questions about when we find ourselves in a deep hole as the Israelites did during the Exile and how the experience changes us, drawing on texts from Isaiah 9 and 53. It goes from there. There are daily Scripture readings as well. To register please contact Michael Furnish (mdfurnish@comcast.net ). We are exploring continuing this after Easter with Adam Hamilton’s The Walk, led by Joe Marshall, CLM.
Wednesday, February 17 | 11:00 am - 12:00 pm & 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Ash Wednesday Drive-by Imposition of Ashes in the west parking lot:
Certified Lay Ministers, Larry Luna, Mike Furnish, Gina Rivera, and Joe Marshall will provide a brief liturgy and containers of ashes to be self-administered.

Wednesday, February 17 | 12:00 pm
Ash Wednesday Noon Concert featuring cellist Joel Becktell. Link HERE.

Wednesday, February 17 | 6:30 pm
We will celebrate a live Ash Wednesday service on February 17 at 6:30pm MST. To participate in the ritual, please prepare some ashes of your own (or soil from your yard works just as well!). You can also pick up some ashes to use during the drive-through times on Wednesday. Live-Stream link HERE.
Saturday, February 20 | 7:30 am - 1:00 pm
Del Agua Canyon / North Piedra Lisa Trail (SE of Placitas)

For the geologists: Amazing Precambrian metamorphic rocks and the structures of the Sandia Ramp.
For the zoologists: Big cat tracks and birds of prey.
For those looking for a special morning: A time set aside in the wilderness pondering our faith.

Please join us for this Mountain Cathedrals hike in the northwest corner of the Sandia Mountains on the first Saturday of Lent, as we remember Jesus’ time of fasting and enduring temptation in the wilderness. The route is about 4 miles, involving some clambering. Meet at the church at 7:30 or at the trailhead at 8:05 (Google Maps: Piedra Lisa North Trailhead; restroom available there). Please RSVP to Mike Furnish, mdfurnish@comcast.net. If you are interested in leading a devotion, please let me know!

Other near-future trips planned:
Saturday, Feb. 27th ~5 PM – 8 PM: Moonlight walk in Bosque near Campbell Rd (easy)
Saturday, March 20th Location TBD (morning; easy)
Palm Sunday, March 28th Joint trip with the Youth to Tomé Hill (afternoon; moderate).
Easter Sunday, April 4th: Sunrise walk to Travertine Falls outside of Tijeras (5:30 meetup; moderate).
Over the next several months we will be calling to update our contact information in our Shelby database. We know you get lots of crank calls but this isn’t one of them. When we call, we will want to verify your address, phone numbers, email addresses and birthdates. The caller will identify themselves as being from St. John’s and updating Shelby.   
ROAD RUNNER FOOD BANK - added services
Thursdays, February 18, & 25 | 11:00 am
The added drive-through food distribution is for February only and will be on Thursdays, Feb. 4, 11, 18 and 25, at 11:00 am at Highland High School. Find more information on the RRFB Webpage.
Sundays | 9:30 & 11:00 am
St. John’s will live-stream a worship service on Sunday morning at 9:30 am (Contemporary) on the Abide Facebook page and 11:00 am (Traditional) on our Youtube Channel. We hope you’ll worship with us! (Pastor Pam will lead, along with Shea Perry, Jim Ahrend, and Matt Greer). We hope that you’ll participate by singing and praying at home! Any questions? Email Matt at mgreer@stjohns-abq.org.

Sunday Community Activities: Click HERE to view all Sunday School Classes & groups! Join us in the virtual Sonshine Coffee Zoom immediately following the 11:00 am Worship with church Leadership Team members hosting. Zoom link is HERE
“What is special about being a Methodist?” “What is going on at St. John’s?” “Where do I fit in?”

These are key questions that newcomers ask about our church and we are having a Zoom orientation class to discuss the answers. Visitors and new members are the primary focus for the class, but those who have been around awhile are invited to reorient and re-energize themselves by entering the discussion. It's a great place to get to know others at St. John's as well.

  The class will take place four Thursday evenings at 7 PM. The first class will start Thursday, March 4, 2021, and we’ll end on Thursday, March 25. We will meet on Zoom to get acquainted and discuss the topics (our Christian faith, Methodism, St. John’s, where's my place.)

  To register for the class and for any questions, contact Jack and Carol Nuzum at 265-5241 or jcnuzum@juno.com.
Betty Jones is the recipient of the prayer quilt on display for February 5 - February 18.

In lieu of tying knots, please pray this prayer (or your own prayer) for Betty “Lord, you are Holy above all others, and all of the strength that Betty needs is in your hands. Amen."
FEBRUARY SPECIAL OFFERING: Covenant with Missionaries.
  February is the month we have the opportunity to support United Methodist Missionaries. As past recipients have retired, we have two missionaries to introduce.
    First, Desiree Segura-April. She lives in Honduras with her husband (also a UMC missionary) and son Nikolas. She is a Resource Person for Children at Risk Ministries in Latin America and the Caribbean. She partners with churches and other organizations to provide safe places for children to experience holistic and creative Christian education.
   Our second missionary is Dr. Belinda Forbes. She and her husband (also a doctor) and their two daughters live in Managua, Nicaragua. She works with Accion Medica Christiana (AMC), a Nicaraguan Christian Medical group, which specializes in health and development in impoverished rural communities. As a dentist, Dr. Forbes works with a community based primary dental health program where she also mentors volunteers and interfaces with AMC's international partner organizations.
   So this month, we have the opportunity to help people who don't have access to medical and dental services, and to help children who need a safe and loving place in the midst of often chaotic lives to learn about God's love. Please give generously.
Stephen Ministers are members of St. John’s who have gone through 50 hours of training to provide high quality, confidential Christian care to individuals experiencing a crisis or life challenge such as divorce, grief, job loss, hospitalization, relocation, or loneliness.

How does someone get a Stephen Minister?
If you or someone you know could benefit from the care of a Stephen Minister, please call the office 505-883-9717 or email stephenministry@stjohns-abq.org
Contact Us
(505) 883-9717
2626 Arizona St NE | Albuquerque, NM 87110
Office Hours (call only): Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Questions? Contact Shea Perry at communicate@stjohns-abq.org