IPUL's E-News for April 2, 2021
Here are the highlights of our recent activity online. Not everything is included due to timeliness. If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off.
Disability Friendly Easter Egg Hunt in Caldwell
Sharing this from Indian Creek Plaza :
The countdown is on - three more days until our largest Easter Egg Hunt yet!
This year each group is limited to the first 300 kids, one guardian is permitted per family/kids.
There will be four different groups and they will each be located at the Caldwell Train Depot on Saturday, April 3 from 11-2 PM
Egg Hunt Schedule:
11:00 AM - 3 years old and under
12:00 PM - 4 to 6 years old
1:00 PM - 7 to 10 years old
2:00 PM - Children & Youth Disability*
*For Physical & Developmental Impairments
Please be safe and considerate to all
We shared this from the Treasure Valley branch of the National Alliance on Mental Illness:
NAMI Treasure Valley is providing support online during the COVID-19 pandemic that has impacted the mental health of our peers and family members. Family Support Group and Peer Support Group are meeting online via Zoom. We also have separate Family and Peer Facebook Support Groups to provide support and encouragement.
Women's Support Group
NAMI Treasure Valley now has a Women’s Group led by trained and certified peer support facilitators! The Women’s Group supports women with a range of mental health conditions including, but not limited to, depression and anxiety disorders, postpartum depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), borderline personality disorder (BPD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). This peer-to-peer group focuses on providing women with mental health conditions a safe environment to open up around other women, without judgment or stigma. The group shares experiences, daily challenges, and newly acquired coping skills to better manage mental health symptoms. During the summer, the group plans to include activities such as poetry analysis, creative art projects, and other mental health strengthening activities like hiking, walking the Greenbelt, and picnics in the park. The Women’s Group is currently meeting online once a month until further notice.
Upcoming dates for NAMI Treasure Valley Women’s Group:
Tuesday, March 23, 8 – 9 pm
Tuesday, April 27, 8 – 9 pm
Tuesday, May 25, 8 – 9 pm
IPUL Arts - Making A Difference
Many of you may not know that our IPUL Arts program serves children with disabilities through coordinated art residencies throughout the state each year. We have many teaching artists who work within school settings, community-based centers, and over the past couple of years, we've even been able to provide these in juvenile correctional settings. The impact of this work is joyful, inclusive, and helps children and youth to grow in so many ways. We don't often have an opportunity to share all of this publicly but when we do, we are thrilled. This came to us today through an arts residency at a community program for at-risk children and youth in collaboration with the Idaho Anti-Trafficking Coalition. We were so moved by this. As Heather Kirk, our arts coordinator said, "This is my WHY." #IPULArts #MakingADiffference
From the teaching artist:
* Symbolic Art Experience
The purpose of this lesson was to have the students related to positive attributes of themselves through creating meaningful positive art based on different cultural meanings of their names. One student insisted there was nothing good about her. I ended up handing her a stencil of hearts and she put them all over her canvas. After she placed them on canvas, she covered them with paint, with the hearts barely visible. When I questioned the paint hiding the hearts her reply was "you have to find them." This was my challenge to find her heart. As the weeks went on she would try to get out of doing art, but with encouragement, she would do a little bit more of the project each time. This is the final project she did together before she was transferred out. She said even though she didn't like art I made it fun! She chose the guitar page to color with marking pens because she is going to learn to play a guitar that she had just received.
Math Anxiety Survey To Help a Student
Dear families,
A few weeks ago, on our Facebook, we shared a post regarding a student who is focusing on supports for parents whose children have math anxiety as his senior project. We had a very small response so we thought we might try to help him by going in another direction. We've created a very short three-question survey that is completely anonymous for parents to complete.
Please take a look and see if this is something you might assist with. Thank you!
April 2021 - IPUL's Statewide Training - Developing Strengths - Based IEPs
April 2021 - IPUL's Statewide Training - Developing Strengths - Based IEPs
Join us Wednesday, April 14, 2021 for a look at having high expectations, and developing an Individual Education Program that is tailored to the strengths of the student.
Taking Place
Wednesday, April 14, 2021 @ 6:00 PM, MDT
March 2021
23: Lunch and Learn
- Interview with a Youth Advocate
April 2021
14: Webinar
- Having High Expectations and Developing a Strength-Based IEP
Contact Idaho Parents Unlimited!
The best method to reach us for assistance is through our website:
We monitor our intake phone line (208-342-5884) several times a day, and will try to respond to any request there within 24 hours. We use an automated intake phone system, so you will be leaving a message.
For questions that are not about something in our scope of work, you can still leave a phone message as above, send the question to the form on our website, or shoot us an email at parents@ipulidaho.org.
IPUL's programs are funded through grants and contracts with the following: