Special Update Edition | February 2021
Magnolia Love Match Campaign UPDATE

Double the Impact of Your Magnolia Love Match Donation
Give NOW before February 28th to take advantage of this generous opportunity

The Reimagine Magnolia Village project is feeling the love!

Since we launched the Magnolia Love Match fundraising campaign on January 26th, just over 50 donors have taken advantage of the generous matching gift of $25,000. These fab 50 donors understand that their gifts have been doubled due to the enthusiasm of an amazing donor who wants to encourage all of Magnolia’s 10,000 households to give and give big during February, the month of love.
If you haven’t yet participated in the Magnolia Love Match fundraising campaign, please do so. Show your love and double your gift to enhance and improve Magnolia Village. With your support, we will be able to complete Phases II & III of the beautification project and expand the streetscape improvements along W McGraw Street, from 33rd to 35th Avenue W.
Your generous gift – and those of your neighbors, family and friends - will be doubled and support more decorative poles with gorgeous, cascading flowers in the Spring through early Fall. Your investment ensures more festive wreaths and banners to welcome shoppers, diners, and visitors during the holiday and late fall/winter seasons. With your donation, more benches, tables, and chairs provide safe outdoor dining options while creating a welcoming ambiance in the Village. Your contribution adds more red umbrellas to provide bright and jaunty shade and cover. Your engagement results in enhanced safety for pedestrians by repairing sidewalks and adding environmentally safe Porous Pave to the tree wells.
Show your love for this wonderful place we call home. Make a matching gift before February 28th and double your investment in our beautiful, bustling Magnolia Village and the expansion of the Reimagine Magnolia Village project.

Thank you to every one of our donors. Happy Valentine’s Day 2021.

Show your love - make a Magnolia Love Match gift before February 28th.

To donate by check, please make payable to Magnolia Better Together and send to Magnolia Better Together #51 / 3213 W Wheeler Street / Seattle WA 98199

To make a monthly/quarterly pledge by check, please contact

Cheryl McQuiston, MBC Chair at cheryl.aaml@gmail.com