February 11, 2021

Dear Mercy Parent/Guardian,

We are excited to announce that we will soon welcome back all students to four days of in-person instruction! Wednesday will remain an online Flex Day. This change will further support the academic, emotional, spiritual and social growth of our students.

We are confident that it is safe to have more in-person instruction now that the number of COVID-19 cases has drastically declined, vaccines have become available for our faculty and staff, and community spread has decreased. Our health and safety protocols will remain firmly in place and will be required of all students. 

  • All students will return to four day in-person instruction in March. 

  • The GOAL (remote only) option for the remainder of the semester is still offered only for those students with compromised health who need special consideration. If you have questions concerning eligibility for the GOAL program, please contact Dean of Student Affairs, Mrs. Eleasha Tarplin at edtarplin@mhsmi.org or 248-893-3568.

  • The hybrid model will be discontinued.

  • We will first welcome Seniors on Monday, March 1 with all other students temporarily remaining on the hybrid or GOAL model.

  • We will welcome 9th, 10th and 11th graders to four day in-person instruction on Monday, March 15.

  • To maintain social distancing at six feet, different classroom solutions will be needed. Some classrooms will have ample space, others will be moved to a larger area to accommodate more students.

  • In a small number of situations, It will be necessary to split between two classrooms with an assigned teacher assistant to aid teacher-led synchronous learning, made possible by our robust technology resources. In these cases, students will alternate room location between the teacher and assistant.

  • Wednesday will remain an online Flex Day so that teachers can best support individual student needs and to allow for planned small group campus activities. It is also an opportunity for deep cleaning. Students will not attend class in-person.

Please submit questions you would like prioritized and compiled into an FAQ document as we return to four day in-person instruction.

Having enough teacher assistants is necessary for our full return. If you would be interested in being a Teacher Assistant four days a week until June, click here for further information. 

We are looking forward to our students returning to a schedule with more in school learning time with their peers. We once again need your help to do this. To assure everyone’s health, it is imperative that families continue to practice recommended health protocols including avoiding large gatherings, wearing masks, washing hands and social distancing. We also respectfully ask that you not allow groups of students to meet at your home and that your daughter not be allowed to meet with groups at other homes or indoor locations to help mitigate spread of COVID-19.

We are delighted for our students return and thank you for your continued prayers and support!

In Mercy,

Mercy Administration