A community of learners over 50
August 2021 | Vol 1, No. 10
This year it seems that the usually quiet month of August is awash in many more changes than we expect in late summer. Certainly the COVID variant has thrown a monkey wrench into many traditional plans for August vacations and new school terms. This week the long anticipated Tokyo Olympics finally started, but much changed without fans in the stands and minus many scheduled competitors. Additionally, there are back-and-forth discussions about requiring masks or vaccinations, more evidence of true climate change, massive construction projects changing the face of Tampa Bay, and on and on.
Our OLLI is also undergoing some big changes. Here’s a heads-up about things to watch for in the new fall term:
Big changes are coming in our online registration process due to our new enrollment software. Information on that will be sent out before registration opens. We also will have a new way of discounting some course prices, much different from the ways we have done discounts as BOGOs in the past – look for the purple bird icon below and read the instructions for that.
Our fall catalog will be printed by the Tampa Bay Times printing machines for the first time, and a copy will be inserted into every Hillsborough County edition of the newspaper delivered on Sunday, August 29. Catalogs will be mailed by the post office to everyone on our mailing list right after that.
And if you haven’t renewed your yearly OLLI membership, the price goes up from $40 to $50 on August 20!
If you find something you think would be interesting to your fellow OLLI members, please share it by sending an email message to Sandy Buckley, Pat Dodge or Kathy Palmer.
It ain’t Over til it’s Over
Viruses do what viruses will do: mutate to survive. As I write this, the highly transmissible Delta variant of COVID-19 is spreading uncontrollably through Florida. See “People News” below for a story of a vaccinated couple catching this variant and becoming quite ill.
OLLI-USF must follow Florida law while keeping our population safe. Check out our guidelines for face-to-face classes here.
So although our fall catalog includes several face-to-face classes, chances look good these will also move online unless our local circumstances change. Here’s what Steve Specter, professor emeritus and OLLI instructor advised us:
“I would much prefer to return to in-person classes. However, as I have studied viruses for more than 40 years, and noting our participants’ ages … prudence dictates that Zoom courses in the fall should be continued. Noting the current surge ... we can expect coronavirus to be present in substantial amounts through our fall schedule.”
We have asked face-to-face instructors what their “Plan B” will be should we need to move all classes online. A few will be cancelled. Please bear with us as strive to keep everyone safe!
Meet the OLLI Bird
You know that early birds get the worm…well, the OLLI Bird gets the best deal.
This fall, we are offering over 40 classes at half price. You’ll find them easily as you browse our fall catalog: just look for the OLLI Bird! She signals that you will get a great deal on this class, provided you register early.
No matter what month the class starts, OLLI Bird discounts will become available to you on opening day, Monday, August 30, and run through 4 PM Thursday, September 16.
After that, the OLLI Bird flies away until the winter term.
Benefits of the OLLI Bird discount:
No minimums or maximums. You can register for just one OLLI Bird class and receive the discount.
No codes to know or remember! The system will always apply the discount, provided you register before the end of the OLLI Bird period. For fall, that will be Thursday, September 16.
Questions? Contact Charise or any OLLI staffer.
We are thrilled to announce that Daniel Ruth will once again be our Open House keynoter this fall.
Ruth, former columnist for the Tampa Bay Times, will talk about his latest passion, the crisis in civil literacy. Expect him to be as entertaining as he is insightful.
Open Houses are a great way to introduce friends to OLLI! The Fall Open House will be held Wednesday, September 15. Watch for registration links to become available later in August.
The Travel Opportunities Committee Has a Place for You!
Things appear to be getting somewhat back to normal since the beginning of COVID-19. Social and educational travel is back on OLLI’s calendar, and the OLLI Travel Opportunities Committee (TOC) wants to do the same since being on hiatus for over a year.
We need volunteers to join our team to start planning trips for our members. Here are some ways you can serve:
• Recreate your favorite trips for our members
• Plan your dream trips, and we’ll invite OLLI members to join us
• Research travel locations and vendors that meet OLLI’s travel needs
• Within OLLI, help us with the creative marketing and promotion of our selected trips
• Organize the necessary clerical work that keeps the committee working together
All these segments are equally important to the TOC. Don’t feel you fall into these categories? No worry; we will make a place for you!
So if you have been wondering where you would like to volunteer within OLLI and where you would like to wander, we hope you will give the TOC a try.
Please contact me, Pat Dodge, regarding questions or to join the TOC.
Your Input is Important to OLLI
As many of you know, we periodically survey our membership to understand your likes and dislikes with a view towards making OLLI better. We do this every two years or so.
Please take a few minutes of your time and click here to complete the survey. Your responses are anonymous.
We would appreciate your response no later than August 13th.
Help OLLI Grow North, East, South, and West!
Volunteer drivers are needed for any 2-3 hours during Week I, July 17 through July 24,
and Week II, August 30 through September 4, for distribution of OLLI print materials
to senior living facilities and public libraries in Hillsborough County.
Materials will be provided in advance. Volunteer slots are organized by convenience to zip codes.
Call or text Pam Tyler for more information. 575-779-1382
Enjoying OLLILife?
Of course you are! Sandy Buckley, Pat Dodge and Kathy Palmer helped put together this month's edition. Join me in extending my gratitude to them!
You can help too. Things are better at OLLI because of our member-volunteers. We could use your help. Contact Ara Rogers for more information.
SIG-nificant Events for August
For more info on OLLI SIGs, see the full list here. Most SIGs are meeting on Zoom; a couple are starting to organize small group outings. To visit a SIG, email the contact(s) below.
Food, Glorious Food!
Mon, August 23, at 10am. Program - Jewish Holiday Foods presented by Cari Zielonka. For an invitation, contact Jane Applegate.
Thur, August 12, at 3:30pm. Play Scattergories with us! Email Kathy Palmer for the link.
German Conversation
Ici on parle français!
Mon, August 2 at 1 pm. For an invitation, contact Teresa Sokol.
OLLI Outdoors
Fri, August 27, at 2pm. Coffee and Conversation with the Curators: Rare Florida Natural History curated tour at the USF Library. For further information, email the SIG leaders at ollioutdoors@gmail.com.
Operatunity is enjoying an intermission until September. For information about the SIG, contact Derrie Perez.
P-SIG (Politics SIG)
Will meet Wed, August 18, at 1 pm. Email Bill Sapper for more information.
Talking Movies
Fri, August 20, at 2pm. Watch this month's movie, Honeyland, on your own and then get together with us to talk about it. For more information, and to find out where to watch the movie for free, contact Kathy Palmer.
Write Time for Poets
Will not meet in August. Email Cath Mason for more information.
China SIG
The next meeting will be in September on Zoom. For more information, contact Nancy Stuart.
OLLI Shutterbugs
The group will be out and about or enjoying a Zoom program soon.
Don Clark, OLLI's tour guide extraordinaire, is hosting these upcoming tours around the Tampa Bay area in the next few months:
Thurs, September 16, Circus Museum, Riverview See the circus as it was in the 1930s. The cost is $10.
Tues, September 21. Go behind the walls at The Raymond James Stadium (home of the Bucs). Go on the field, the Pirate Ship and a surprise room. Cost is $10, cash only. Meet there 10:15-10:20am.
Fri, September 21, 9a.m-noon We will have an OLLI booth at The Temple Terrace Expo at The Lightfoot Recreation Center, 10901 N. 56th St., Temple Terrace. This is a free event.
Thur, Sept. 30 Free boat trip around the Port of Tampa, starting at the Florida Aquarium at 8:40am.
Sun, December 14 Tour the University of Tampa's main building and the Plant Hotel as it was in 1891 when it opened. Meet on the back porch, facing the river. There is a fee, payable to the museum.
Tues, January 11 A free tour and lunch at Aston Gardens retirement community. See where you might be living some day.
For reservations on any or all of these OLLI trips, call Don Clark, 813-985-4859
Prelude to Justice: Art, Healing and the Work of Sister Helen Prejean
OLLI @ Oklahoma State University is launching a series on social issues with Prelude to Justice: Art, Healing and the Work of Sister Helen Prejean.
This five week, six session series will feature Sister Helen's books, the movie Dead Man Walking, a panel discussion on the criminal justice system, a presentation on the healing power of art and a live Q & A with Sister Helen. We are extremely excited about this new series. The link below provides additional info.
We will honor the $40 OLLI member fee for any OLLI member across our group. They will need to call/email the OLLI@OSU office to claim the discount. Here's to lifelong learning!
Members of the Lunch Bunch, a subgroup of the Food! Glorious Food! SIG, recently got together for lunch and conversation at the Garden Mediterranean Grill in Lutz.
The group meets once or twice a month to enjoy the selections at various restaurants around the Tampa Bay area.
Last Chance to Renew at Old Rates!
Did you see the notice in the summer catalog about membership pricing going up for the fall? Effective August 20, annual membership will be $50, and three-year memberships will be $125.
You can renew at the current rates until 5 PM August 19, 2021. You may renew up to 12 months early if you want to lock in those lower membership costs for a year or three. Call Charise at 813-974-5848 to take advantage of this special offer.
Mike and Sylvia Pheneger were exposed to COVID at a Lightning playoff game this summer. Sylvia's case was fairly mild; Mike became quite ill and is still recovering. Theirs is a cautionary tale for all of us. Read Mike's story here.
Our dear Mary Ettinger lost her husband, Mike O'Donnell recently to lung cancer. Mike's final journey was blessedly short and free from pain. Join the OLLI staff in grieving with Mary and Mike's family. Email Mary here.
Carolyn Clark, our Goodwill Ambassador, is keeping busy with news of member illnesses, setbacks and triumphs. Send your OLLI People News to Carolyn. Thanks to your efforts, we are learning more about the challenges (or joys) we are facing, so we can reach out to them. Email Carolyn here or call her at 813-545-7477.