Community Cat Newsletter
Our vision is to have a community where no kittens are born wild on the street, no cat capable of living in a home is lacking one, and no feral cats are wanting for food, water, and appropriate care and concern.
March 2021| Issue 3
Catch of the day: truly a family affair
In March 2020 while healing from two broken arms and having just gone into pandemic stay-at-home mode, Sandy had some time and a desire to do something positive. She had seen the outdoor cat population in her condo complex grow for years.  When a beautiful, very pregnant calico came to her patio one morning, it was time do something and be part of a change.   

Sandy contacted SAFCC and with help from the Trapper Team started TNR. Her HOA Board offered to pay the $20 surgery fee if she would fix all the cats in the complex. In only two months, 28 cats were spayed/neutered as Sandy made it a game to outsmart them. Her grandson helped and still talks about how fun trapping was. Her whole family took part as each cat was named after a family member. Sandy posted pictures, and
everyone enjoyed seeing when a cat was named after them. The first cat was named in honor of Sandy's mother who had recently passed and had been very involved in cat rescue. TNR has made a difference by stopping the population growth at Sandy's condo complex and by giving the cats a healthier life.  
SAFCC receives $2,500 from PetSmart Charities
The San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition has received an unrestricted grant in the amount of $2,500 from PetSmart Charities. This contribution is part of the PetSmart Charities Emergency Relief program and is to help support our organization’s mission in a time of natural disaster. The pandemic effected SAFCC as it did many other local organizations. With many clinic closures and an increase in phone calls for help with trapping and for medical care for community cats, our spending in some areas increased tremendously. Thanks to PetSmart Charities, this donation will be put to good use!
Signup for our TNR class
This sweet tabby girl is displaying her new "hip" ear tip received after her spay surgery. Now that she is spayed, she will no longer have any unwanted kittens.

Kitten season--which is the time of year we see kittens being born--has officially begun. Feline breeding season generally takes place during warm months (typically March through October, but can be year-round in San Antonio with our temperate weather). As a result of this influx of kittens, animal shelters and rescue groups become flooded with cats and kittens. Please prevent any unwanted litters by spay/neutering any community cats in your neighborhood. Click the link to get started by signing up for our online TNR class HERE.
Adoption success thanks to Petsmart Charities
This cute tabby is Starchild. She came into our Community Cat Adoption Program as a bottle baby and was adopted from one of our PetSmart Adoption Centers into a wonderful home. Starchild now has a four-legged best friend that she loves to snuggle with.

Starchild's mom, Melanie loves taking pictures of the two buddies together. Starchild is her furry bundle of joy. Thanks to our grant from PetSmart Charities we will be able to rescue even more kitties like Starchild this year!
Donate your car to SAFCC
Thanks so much to Margo B. for donating her car to SAFCC through Vehicles for Charity. SAFCC received $420 as a result of her thoughtful generosity! Contributions like this make it possible for us to continue our rescue and TNR efforts that reduce the suffering and over-population of cats in San Antonio.
Donating your old vehicle to San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition is convenient, easy, and may qualify you for a tax deduction. And best of all, your donation of a used car or truck will make a big difference in supporting San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition.

Why not donate your vehicle today? All you need to do is to complete our simple online form HERE or call 1-866-628-2277 and Vehicles for Charity will take care of the rest. 
Cat of the Month - Pangur Ban
Pangur Ban, a beautiful white cat with icy blue eyes, was a regular visitor to his finder's home for years. One day, he disappeared for a long time only to reappear with a paw that was dangling and unusable. When Pangur was examined before having his paw amputated, he combo tested positive for FIV. It was also discovered that he has chronic feline herpesvirus which causes watery eyes and sneezing when he is stressed ( a common illness for outdoor, unvaccinated cats.)

This poor guy couldn't catch a break!
Fortunately, Pangur Ban is incredibly sweet, loving, and fine with other cats. He is actually quite submissive and enjoys acting as a big brother to kittens. He loves to roll around and
be scratched on his big cheeks. He's playful and inquisitive and very vocal! He would be fine in a home with other cats as long as they are not territorial and are protected from herpes with the FVRCP vaccination. FIV only spreads through mating and deep bite wounds from fighting and he is neutered and very chill, so no worries there! He also doesn't appear to be deaf, despite his fur and eye color combo. He is ready to find his forever home thanks to the efforts of his rescuers and is looking forward to a long, happy life! If you are interested in adopting Pangur Ban, please email his foster mom Melissa at

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