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September 7, 2022

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In this Issue:

  • What Have We Been Up To?
  • Upcoming Events
  • Useful Links

What Have We Been Up To?

In August, our team's Rip Weaver along with Extension Specialist Dr. Amanda McWhirt attended the American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS) annual conference in Chicago. The UADA Extension faculty and staff were honored with two awards for creating Outstanding Educational Materials: one for the 2021 Southeastern Strawberry School webinar series, submitted by Dr. Amanda McWhirt (co-coordinators of this project include Dr. Aaron Cato and Lizzy Herrera) and another for the Agricultural Water & Microbial Water Quality Profile fact sheet series, submitted by Rip Weaver (co-authors of this resource include Dr. Amanda Philyaw Perez, Dr. Natacha Cureau, and Julia Fryer). 

Other conference activities they participated in included moderating workshops and oral sessions, presenting posters on research and outreach, and even coordinating a showcase of the musical talents of Dr. John Clark on his career in fruit crop genetics and breeding.

Ag Water Resources Here!
Arkansas Strawberry School Resources!

Click Here For OFRR Information!

In September, our team's Gaby Sanders and Dr. Amanda Philyaw Perez attended Phase 2 of On-Farm Readiness Review training hosted at Michigan State Horticulture Teaching and Research Center in Lansing, MI. During the training, we toured the farm and the open-air produce pack shed, pictured here.

The training focused on Produce Safety Rule-related issues farmers are facing and how we can help address them during our On-Farm Readiness Reviews. This training gave our team members an opportunity to collaborate with and learn from other state agencies across the US.

Upcoming Events

"Join other schools in the state to celebrate farm-to-school! We will gather at Pinnacle View Middle School on October 12, 2022, at 11:00 am to 12:00 pm CST. 

You will hear a message from Governor Hutchinson and the Secretary of Agriculture Wes Ward. Banners will be presented to the winners of the 2022 Arkansas Grown School Garden of the Year Contest during the event. You will also have the chance to win some fun farm-to-school prizes for attending!"

Register Here!

RSVP Here!

The Arkansas Local Food Network invites you to an Arkansas Food Forum on October 20th at 6pm at the Innovation Hub.

The Food Forum will provide a big picture overview of the state of our local food system. The event will be an opportunity to connect with agencies and resources that support equitable and economically viable local food in Central Arkansas and beyond. Information about a variety of local food initiatives will be shared. Dr. Amanda Philyaw Perez and Rip Weaver are invited panelists. Light refreshments will be served. The event is free and all are invited. See you there!

Be sure to save the date and come see us at our booth!

The Arkansas Department of Agriculture’s Arkansas Grown program is partnering with Arkansas agriculture associations and organizations to host the first Arkansas Grown Conference & Expo, focusing on the farmers and producers who grow for our local food system

with networking, workshops, farm tours, and a trade show.

Learn more here!

Useful Links
