October 8, 2023 Newsletter

Did you see the monster?

The season is off to a terrific start! MONSTERS OF THE AMERICAN CINEMA by Christian St. Croix was a critical and popular success. I am so grateful to the fantastic creative team, the actors, and all our patrons who embraced this tough, honest, and timely play. I love that KTC audiences eagerly engage with complicated plays — plays that deal with traumatic and challenging interpersonal situations and that also have so much heart and hope. Your adventurous spirit makes my job so fulfilling. Thank you from all of us at KTC!

Life in the theater – a look back and look forward to TICK, TICK…BOOM!

by Rachel Lampert

Early in the musical, Jonathan, the central character, describes the relentless feeling of a tick, tick of a clock, and then a distant boom. When I heard that line, I thought—I remember that feeling—the angst of waiting to be recognized as an artist and the fear it might never come. The compulsive, undeniable need to create and make work, plus the combination of gnawing self-doubt, over-achiever zeal, and the desperate fight to not wallow in all of it. My hindsight makes me shake my head and wonder what all the fuss was about, but back then, in my late 20s, looking to my 30th birthday milestone, it was tough. Career-wise, nothing was coming soon enough.

Those feelings are at the core of this musical. Jonathan is bursting with energy, having so much to say and wanting to say it in the competitive, capricious world of life in the theater — it is beautifully presented. But show-biz-hopefuls aren’t the only ones who face this moment.

The play celebrates the universal rite of passage to adulthood. I imagine many in KTC’s audience share a memory of arriving at this complex life juncture when we began to see that hopes and dreams may or may not be realized. It was a time when we were focused on ourselves and our futures and wanted control in a world where control was impossible—the only things that might make a difference were hard work, diligence, maybe brilliance, and old-fashioned luck.

I look forward to Forager Theatre Company’s production of TICK, TICK…BOOM! reimagined for KTC for so many reasons. First, for the reasons above—watching a young artist caught in the storm of becoming the creator they are meant to be. Second, because I love this immersive version of the show, it takes the energy of the original work and pushes it forward into the hands of today’s theater artists and audiences who want more than sitting back as observers but want to be in the action. The staging is constantly inventive, and the choreography is delightful. Third, I love that Kitchen Theatre Company can host another company’s work and offer them the chance to reimagine and further develop it. Fourth, because I love the sound of music in our space and can’t wait for a whole band to be playing and this terrific cast to be singing. Lastly, and sadly, because TICK, TICK…BOOM! and RENT were the only musicals of Larson’s that were fully produced before his untimely passing. Knowing his work, I wonder what the maturing artist would have given us and the American musical theater cannon. We can see the extraordinary development in composers like Sondheim; we can only imagine with Larson.

Whether you are like me, well into your third act, in your mid-life second act, or at the last scene of your first act about to turn thirty, together, we are in for another important conversation.


Cooking at the Kitchen

We are trying new things this season — among them is the earlier 7:00pm start time for evening performances. It worked well and only a few folks had to be seated late. I will send pre-show reminders for TICK, TICK…BOOM!

We also added ten-minute Kitchen Table Talks before some performances. Those who attended the two during MONSTERS had positive things to say about them. With the new early showtime, we started at 6:45 pm — we are going to push that up a little for the next series to 6:40pm and see if the talks can include more Q&A time. Any thoughts on this will be happily received.

The Post-Show Talkbacks after previews and the Meet the Artists on the second Friday night will continue for TICK, TICK...BOOM! Everyone is invited to those, even if you see the show on a different night.

We did two post-show events: screening Creature of the Black Lagoon and Singing Notes & Slinging Jokes. There will be post-show events for TICK, TICK...BOOM! We will have a Piano Karaoke Broadway Sing-a-Long on Saturday, October 22 at 9 p.m. Whether you are an accomplished singer or an only-in-the-shower warbler, join in the fun. The bar stays open, so the singing gets better and better.

We barreled through September and into October at what felt like lightning speed. However, the rollercoaster ride continues for a while. I'm glad I was brought up in Brooklyn and rode the Cyclone whenever we went to Coney Island. Set me up for ups, downs, sharp turns, and the rhythm of life in the theater.

AND, next up in the Judith Holliday Lobby Gallery: Tyrone Johnson-Neuland, Painter

Getting involved at the Kitchen

The Kitchen Theatre Board of Directors is looking to fill an opening on the Finance Committee. Knowledge of not-for-profit organization is a plus. Background in accounting and/or business management preferred. If you are interested in helping KTC in this way, please write info@kitchentheatre.org and we will get right back to you.


It’s immersive! It’s innovative! It’s in-your-face! Want to be in the center of the action? Contact boxoffice@kitchentheatre.org, and make sure you are in the middle of everything!

Many thanks to our show sponsors

Many thanks to our media sponsor

Want to support the important conversations that happen in the Kitchen? DONATE TODAY!