March 2023
Waterville UMC Ambassador
God IS moving at Waterville United Methodist Church just look and see: from our initial move (3/27/22), Easter Egg Hunt inside the church (it had rained), Good Friday CrossWalk from 5th St. to Waterville Monclova, Teachers Toolbox at Waterville Primary, Ukrainian Concert, Teacher Appreciation Lunch at Waterville Primary, the retirement of Pastor Mike, the appointment of Pastor Teresa, "Pop, Pop, Pop" Fireworks outreach, Vacation Bible School, the retirements of Adam and Stephanie Shelton, hiring of Music Director-Kayla Dye, participation in the Roche de Boeuf Parade with a float and tutus, Fall-O-Ween Jesus Trunk or Treat, Election Day Lunch, Operation Christmas Child, Children's "Emoji Christmas" Play, Susie's Coats collection, Salvation Army Bell Ringing, Sanctuary and Bell Choir performances, New Hope Grief Share support group established, hiring of a new Office Manager-Kayla Katafias, Scout Sunday, hiring of John Hinkle as Youth Director, Ash Wednesday Service, Hannah's Sock-Sock Hop at Waterville Primary School, and IFGathering 2023 to the reboot of Theatre for the World, May 3-5 with the play "A Little Piece of Heaven". 

We have a lot to celebrate at WUMC. To God be the Glory!
Glory to God Potluck

Join us on March 19 after church for a celebratory potluck for all the good things God is doing in our midst. Ham will be provided along with drinks. Please provide a dish according to the alphabet as follows:  
A-H brings salad/veggies; I-S a side dish and T-Z desserts.  
Theatre For The World

After a hiatus of three years, Theatre For The World is back at Waterville United Methodist Church with a funny and poignant production of, A Little Piece of Heaven.

Have you ever lost anything that means a great deal to you? Something that if you could ever find it again would make a huge difference in your life? If you have, the curiosity shop named A Little Piece of Heaven is the shop for you. It is the kind of shop where people find important things they have lost, and they just might have what you are looking for!  

This family-friendly comedy-drama by Matthew Carlin will be presented on May 5 
and 6 at 7:30 pm, and May 7 at 1:30 pm at Waterville United Methodist Church, 
7115 Waterville-Monclova Road, Waterville, OH. All proceeds will benefit the 
A.W. food pantries. There is no admission charge. Donations of canned goods or 
non-perishable items are welcome at the door. A free-will offering will also be 

This will be our 13th production and we are so thankful for all of the prayers, 
support and encouragement we have received over the years. Your contributions
have helped support our local food pantries, as well as fully funding two water 
projects in Africa and the purchase of farm animals for needy families in Central 
America. Since we began Theatre For The World in 2006, we have raised $32,348
and collected over 1,224 bags of groceries. God has blessed our efforts and we 
hope to continue adding to our totals. 
Join us for an entertaining show! Spoiler Alert: There will be both smiles and 

For information call the church at: 419-878-3645, send an email to: , or visit our website at:
Thank You:
Pastor Teresa and your Church Council would like to thank you for your
generosity and willingness to share your financial resources. May God continue to bless each of you and this congregation, as we work together doing His work of sharing the good news with others.

Contribution Options:
Your tithes and offerings may be placed in the Offering Boxes at the
back of the Sanctuary, dropped off to the church office or sent via the US Mail. In addition, this may be the time for you to consider an alternate method for your giving, especially if you make payments through electronic banking. Here are three options currently being used and may be of interest to you.

(Option #1) WUMC Direct Deposit Program:
A specified amount is automatically transferred from your checking account to the church’s checking account electronically on the 15th or the last business day of each month or on both if you choose. Details are available on our website or at the church office.

(Option #2) Bank Electronic Payment:
You set up WUMC as a payee on your on-line bank
checking or savings account. You enter the amount, follow the procedures and a check will be mailed to the church. See your bank or financial institution for details.
NOTE: If you choose this option, please list all designation(s) for your giving on the memo line, such as: General Fund, Capital Fund, Mission, etc.

(Option #3) Vanco Online Giving Program:
It is located on our website Under the “Give” icon, select “Safe and Secure Online Giving” and follow directions.

“Money is an excellent gift of God answering the noblest of ends”
John Wesley

Please contact the Church Office at
or Tom Wiggins at if you have any questions related to finance or stewardship.
Youth Alive is back in action, thanks to our new Youth Director John Hinkle.

Come join us on select Sunday evenings from 6:30pm - 8:00pm, we would love to have you!

Grades 7-12

Adult Volunteers are needed! Sign up on the table in the Gathering Space or contact John by email

Missions Committee Focus for March 2023
The mission of Connecting Kids To Meals (formerly, Feed Lucas County Children) is to provide hot, nutritious meals at no cost to kids in low-income and underserved areas throughout the entire year. As a nonprofit organization, we fulfill this mission by partnering with community locations where kids gather during the summer months and throughout the academic year.
Since they began operating in 2002, they have served over 6 million meals to hungry kids in need.

March Focus: Quality Crafts
Guide to Operation Christmas Child Year-Round Shoebox Shopping, Packing, & Tips

Savvy shoebox packers know that it’s never too early to start shopping, packing, personalizing, and fundraising for shoebox gifts. By preparing shoebox gifts all year long, you can send the Good News of Jesus Christ and the great joy of receiving an Operation Christmas Child shoebox to more boys and girls around the world! Use this year-round guide to maximize your impact for the Gospel

(includes online viewing)

Feb 5: 148
Feb 12: 125
Feb 19: 153
Feb 26: 147

March Card Ministry Liaison is
Melva Robinson
Please reach out to her at
if you know of someone who needs encouraging words through a card.

Words of love can change a moment and often a life's direction.
Happy Birthday!

(If you have a Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
Pam Cook..........................March 1
Bobbi Hires........................March 3
Gary A. Breymaier...............March 5
Connie Kirkman..................March 7
Cindy Nowak......................March 7
Judy Thompson..................March 7
Mike Hill.............................March 8
Tim Monroe........................March 8
Jason Hood......................March 13
Randy D. Breymaier...........March 16
Russell Clark.....................March 17
Ace Westfall......................March 18
Cynthia A. Box..................March 19
Nancy Michael..................March 19
Marci Gregory, Jr...............March 21
Ryan M. Shelton................March 24
Blake Allen McMillan..........March 25
Thomas J. Wiggins............March 26
Mary K. Breymaier.............March 28
Jenna M. Abbey................March 29
Megan Shoemaker.............March 30
Scout Tribute - Sunday, February 19th
Ash Wednesday Service - Wednesday, February 22nd
Sock Hop for Hannah's Socks - Tuesday, February 28th
If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need, please call Pastor Teresa Wenrick at 937-726-3758 or .

Office hours are generally Tuesday through Friday 9 AM to 1 PM, but may vary. Please call ahead at 419-878-3645 if you need to visit the office.
Praises to the Lord!
10:30 AM

Opportunities to worship and praise the Lord with WUMC:
  • In Sanctuary
  • Live Stream via You Tube at
  • Watch the recording of the worship service on-line when available at
Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645| Email Us |