Newsletter, April 2022
Comets Giving Days a Success!
Thank you to the donors who supported our Research Experiences for Undergraduates' research projects on Comets Giving Days. CCF raised over $5,300 and came in 2nd place for the door decorating contest, earning an additional $100! These funds will be used to purchase materials and supplies for the students' projects. We can't wait to share with you the results of this research and the impacts this knowledge will have on children and families in years to come.
Founders and Sustainers Societies Updated
CCF's donor societies recognize and celebrate those who give to CCF to support our research, outreach, and educational programs, impacting children, parents, and professionals. Founders Society members donate at least $1,000 annually, leading the way in the Center's efforts to promote and support strong foundations for developmentally at-risk children. Sustainers Society members contribute year after year, lending steadfast support for our programs. See our updated donor society lists for 2021 here.
2022 Spring Lecture Series "Fostering Resilience in the Face of Adversity"
Videos from CCF's 14th annual spring lecture series are available on our website or using the links below. Lectures are free and open to the public!

Keynote Event: Friday, April 29th, 9:30am - 11am, "Socioeconomic Inequity and Child Brain Development" with Dr. Kim Noble. Register to attend virtually here.
The CCF REU Student Experience Podcast
CCF Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) students were recently interviewed about the REU program for the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences' podcast, BBS Mindful Minutes. In this episode, REU students discuss how the REU has shaped their professional and academic goals and given them a supportive academic community. They also discuss under-representation in research and how research can impact our communities. Listen here.
From the Director
We are a few weeks away from the end of classes and close of our Play With Me programs this semester. It has been a busy spring, and we have enjoyed connecting with you all again--many times in person--for our spring lectures, meetings, and programs. After a 2-year delay, we will host an in-person Screening Fair in Bachman Lake this weekend, providing at-risk children with hearing, autism, language and developmental screenings in partnership with the Callier Center for Communication Disorders. We are grateful to be able to connect in this way again and hope to see you soon at our next gathering.