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Article - Room Temperature Crystallography - Tools For RT - Funding News - Survey - Events/Jobs/News - Put Your Trust In Us
Article - Resolving Myths About
"Room Temperature Crystallography"
Image Source: Fischer, M. (2021). Macromolecular room temperature crystallography. Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics, 54, E1. doi:10.1017/S0033583520000128
In an article at Cambridge University Press, author Marcus Fischer makes a case for the use of Room Temperature Crystallography by outlining the uses of RT. In addition, he seeks to resolve "several myths that deter most experimenters from conducting routine RTX data collection at synchrotrons, and to facilitate the planning, collection, and interpretation of RTX data." Considering the method's merits, he hopes to spark a renaissance in RTX methods.
Tools For Room Temperature Crystallography
Looking to try Room Temperature Crystallography? Already using it? We have an array of tool for room temperature crystallography work.
NIGMS Funding For NANUQ Advance Cryocooling Device
The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) has funding available for equipment systems purchases with direct costs up to $250,000.

This funding is ideal for our NANUQ Advanced Cryocooling Device which will improve your crystal diffraction.
Please Provide Feedback
This month we are conducting a survey to understand what methods you use to solve structures.

We would greatly appreciate your feedback.
Upcoming Events
At MiTeGen, we sponsor numerous events, conferences, workshops and symposiums throughout the year. These events include fields such as structural biology, crystallography, cryo-EM, beamline research and more. We believe in supporting researchers and our industry. Listed below are two upcoming events you might find interesting.
Advanced Photon Source and the
Center for Nanoscale Materials user meeting is May 3rd to 14th. This years meeting is virtual. We are sponsoring and exhibiting at this meeting.
CCP-EM Spring Symposium is April 20th to 23rd. This years meeting is virtual. It also includes the Diamond Light Source biological cryo-imaging user meeting for eBIC & B24.
Looking For More Events, Workshops and Conferences
If you are looking for more events visit our events page. It lists conferences, workshops, symposiums, user meetings and more.

Topics include structural biology, material science, crystallography, cryo-EM, beamline research and more.
Industry Resources and News
Here is a small selection of hand picked industry resources and news for your browsing.

  • The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) on Cellular Biophysics has launched its training program for PhD students to investigate how subcellular architecture is created from molecular activities - Deadline May 15th - Learn More
  • NanED is an Innovative Training Network, funded by the EU commission, aimed to train a new generation of electron crystallographers thereby paving the way for future development and establishment of the method more broadly in academia and industry - Learn More
  • The University of Geneva Faculties of Medicine and Science are now accepting application for its PhD in life sciences program - Deadline is April 15th - Learn More
  • Applications for the ESRF/ILL international undergraduate student Summer Program on Xray and Neutron Science are now open - Deadline is April 11th - Learn More
  • Applications are now being accepted for the EMBO New Venture Fellowship. It helps early career scientists explore topics outside their current area to allow them to pursue a new research direction in their future work - Deadline is June 1st - Learn More
  • Registration for the 2021 EMBL International PhD Summer recruitment is now open - Deadline is April 13th - Learn More
  • National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) is now accepting beamline proposals - Multiple deadlines with the first being May 31st - Learn More
  • ExPaNDS is the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Photon and Neutron Data Service. The ambitious project will create enormous opportunities for the Photon and Neutron Research Infrastructures (PaN RIs) and through their findings for humankind across the globe - Learn More
Industry Jobs
Based on reader feedback we have moved the industry job postings to our website. This move will allow jobs postings with shorter deadlines to be listed.

And remember, if you have an industry relevant job, we are happy to list it on our jobs board.
Put Your Trust In Us
More Than 4,300 Researchers
have published their successes with MiTeGen products!

We care about your success in solving structures. MiTeGen was founded to enable the next generation of researchers to solve more complicated and challenging structures than ever before, by providing superior tools and methods. As a result, our developments are having a growing impact on research around the world.

Researchers have mentioned their use of MiTeGen tools in over 4,300 publications and articles. It is great to know that there are thousands of researchers not just using our tools, but utilizing them to help better the world's understanding of diseases, viruses, and materials.

We would like to thank each and every one of our customers for putting trust in our products and enabling us to continue to develop great innovations for crystallography and Cryo-EM.

We look forward to the next 4,300 publications and hope that you are a part of them!

-The MiTeGen Team
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