April 2021
Waterville UMC Ambassador
Dear Church Family,
God is so good. We are in the midst of Holy Week. God throughout history with his called and chosen people has provided yearly reminders of His grace. Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday we celebrate the Last Supper.
Jesus used this last meal with his closest disciples to teach about a new covenant between those who accepted Jesus as their savior and God. This holy celebration we call Holy Communion. Imagine for a moment what the disciples were thinking when Jesus broke the bread and poured the cup. What would they have thought when they heard the words for the first time, “this is my body and this is my blood.” Now 2000 years later, we are still using Jesus’s words as reminders that we are part of the new covenant in Jesus. Our sins have been forgiven and we are in the most loving relationship of our lives.
Don’t miss our Good Friday Cross walk. Be at the church at 11:45 am.
Easter Sunday proclaims that all that Jesus taught would happen did. We celebrate Jesus resurrection from the dead. As we accept Jesus, we too are resurrected from the dead. Easter is a dual celebration. Jesus resurrection and ours. We are alive in Christ. Praise be to God. We are celebrated our new beginning.
Let us a celebrate God’s blessings. Our New Beginnings Building construction is about to begin. Thank you to everyone who made Saturday’s Groundbreaking Ceremony a time of bringing glory to God. Watch for our weekly updates.
In the near future, we will be recruit four teams to serve the construction workers. There will be another opportunity to clean up at the end of each day. This will begin after the frame of the building goes up. Watch for details. Here is a thought. During actual construction only designated representative of the congregation can be on site. During clean up time those who sign up will be able to witness the progress of the interior of the building.
Another exciting opportunity with our Waterville Primary Partnership is to with mentors some students during recess. If you are interested or want more information please contact, Becky Allison at Rebecca Allison at beckyallison3@gmail.com or call her at 419-360-5240.
I want to thank everyone who have responded to God’s call and have been blessed by giving generously to Suzie’s Coats for Kid’s. Coats are still coming in and welcome. She builds her inventory all year long. If you find a great sale on winter coats of all sizes, please seek God, if this is a provision God desires to use you to provide for this partnership ministry. Also, tell your family and friends. Part of the vision for the ministry is to involve the whole Anthony Wayne School System. God has already used our congregation to bless many kids with warm coats.
God is moving in our midst,
Pastor Mike
Our Vision – Share, Celebrate, and Teach God’s Love
Our Mission – Serve. Connect. Love. Give.
Join us at 7 pm April 1st for our Maundy Thursday service.
Join us at for the Good Friday crosswalk. Meet us in our back parking lot at 1145 am.
NOTE: You do not have to carry the cross; join us to share in the words and for the walk.
The Community Easter Sunrise - 7 am at the area across from the Columbian House.
Celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ at 11 am at WUMC.
11 AM Sunday Worship with Waterville UMC
Opportunities to worship and praise the Lord with WUMC:
In Person - Social distancing and wearing masks.
Park in car near the church at 11 AM Sunday and listen to the service on FM 90.5.
Join us in worship in the manner you feel safe.
Finance & Stewardship
Facts, Figures, FYI’s
Quarterly Statements: Your 1st Quarter Giving Statements will be emailed on Monday, April 5th. For those who receive hardcopies, they will be sent via US Mail the week of April 5th.
Stewardship: Thank you for your generosity and willingness to share your financial resources. May God continue to bless each of you and this congregation, as we continue working together doing His work of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with others. Remember that stewardship is not just about your monetary giving, it’s also about sharing your time and talents. Prayerfully consider where God might be leading you to serve by giving you the answer to the question…………… Lord, what do you want to do through me?
Please contact Tom Wiggins, financialsec@watervilleumc.org if you have any questions about anything related to finance, stewardship or special giving.
“Money is an excellent gift of God answering the noblest of ends”
John Wesley
There are also apps through Bible Gateway and You Version to help guide you through this experience. Choose the one that works for you!
The APRIL HomeTouch is another source of reading the Bible. Start today! There are also fun word games that we share in the weekly blast.
Click on HomeTouch picture to open. OR...check the bulletin board, we post copies each month...OR if you know someone who may enjoy receiving the monthly HomeTouch in the mail, we do have a mailing list we can add them to.
Youth Alive! is meeting in person again. They meet each Sunday night at 7:00 PM in the sanctuary; wearing masks and practicing social distancing. We are thankful. It is a blessing to learn about the Lord and praise Him together.
See the Mission Focus for details on this year's Mission Trip.
Sunday School is held each Sunday from 11 AM to 11:40 AM. COVID guidelines are followed.
Photos from 2019 Youth Mission Trip
April's Mission Focus
Youth Mission Trip - June 20-25
This summer, our youth group will be traveling to Nashville, Tennessee to service others through the organization of Group Mission trips. We have 18 youth and 4 adults attending.
This will be the 15th mission trip that Adam has taken with the Group and the second trip to Nashville. The youth will participate in a variety of different service projects in the surrounding communities, daily devotions, outings with friends and building relationships with other youth. There are typically around 100 youth at each mission trip site so our group will be joined with the youth from other churches across the country.
If you wish to support the Youth Mission trip, please make sure to note in the memo or on the envelope the word "Youth Mission Trip" so it is applied correctly.
Anthony Wayne Community Food Ministry are go grateful for your donation to the AWCFM. Your gracious gift will enable us to continue to provide food to an ever-growing number of individuals and families in need in our local community. The AWCFM Board Members wish to thank you for your kind and generous support. Blessings!
Please place your items in the basket under the Mission Bulletin Board.
April Operation Christmas Child Focus:
Toothbrushes, floss, hairbrushes, combs, hair accessories, stick deodorant, soap (in a plastic bag), washcloths, chap stick, Q-tips, Bandaids, nail clippers, emory boards.
The prayer team is asking for the support of the rest of the congregation to join them in praying specifically for the the Prayer focus of the month.
April Focus - Evangelism
With our home church breaking ground for a new building, this month is the culmination of each of our (4) 2021 Prayer Topics. We started with; A World Divided, God’s Blessings, The Body of Christ and we are ending with Evangelism. The objective is to ask our Lord for the guidance on what us believers, as His disciples, are tasked to do. We need to get beyond the fear of approaching others and realize we are witnessing to them to save their eternal lives. Out of our Love, we must invite and nurture others to become the “good fruit”, God has asked us to bring forth. Who would stay in their comfort zone and deny God the opportunity? Who would sit in their comfort zone and allow others, (family, friends and neighbors) to be separated from God for an eternity? I would hope no believer would do so. Put on your armor, turn to the Holy Spirit in prayer and do what God wishes for you to do.
April Topics:
April 11: Three types of Evangelism [Get Ready]
April 18: Strategies for Evangelism [Get Set]
April 25: The Bible and the Holy Spirit are our Guides [GO!!!]
If Gathering 2021 was held March 5th and 6th. There were 17 registered for this virtual event through WUMC. There were 6,100 events taking place in 110 Countries and all 50 States for the livestream. The scripture for this event was Matthew 5:14-16, "You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. IN the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven."
It was an awesome time of learning that "Even If"....there's a pandemic, a fire, physical, emotional or financial devestations, etc, God is with us through it all. There were so many good speakers and topics. To summarize - We need to steward well through the suffering, know God is with me in the fire (Daniel 3), Revering the Father (The Lord's Prayer), and to get off the sideline on to the frontline. God wants us to get out of the "kiddie pool Christianity" and go into the deep where God will reveal Himself to us (can't anchor in shallow water), abide in Him, look to God and walk in His Holiness, choose faith over fear, and hold onto the anchor when going into the deep. An anchor isn't to save you from the storm but to sustain you through it. All these events are to refine us as long as we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus!
As a RightNow Media client we should be able to show this at a later date and in person now that restrictions with COVID are loosening up. You won't want to miss this event. Watch for details to come.
March 7... 125
March 14... 137
March 21... 157
March 28... 149
To the congregation and Pastor Mike of the Waterville United Methodist Church. We want to give you all our heartfelt thanks for all the cards, support, prayers, and words of sympathy you have expressed to our family. We are truly blessed with a wonderful church family and pastor.
Love to all,
The Mildred Hires Family
The April Card Ministry liasion is Melva Robinson.
Please reach out to her at 520mlr@gmail.com if you know of someone who needs an encouraging words through a card. Words of love can change a moment and often a life's direction.
Brian Snyder April 2
Larry Sheridan April 3
Chris Kirby April 3
Jack Peel April 4
Dawn Buskey April 5
Jim Pease April 5
April Snyder April 6
Brogan Eisel April 7
Owen Hildebrand April 10
Alexandra Meade April 10
Bob Spychalski April 14
Bob Hires, Sr. April 19
Steve Crandall April 19
Taylor Buskey April 19
Mia Rose April 21
Kate Hildebrand April 27
Megan Gregory April 28
Wyatt Studer April 30
Happy Birthday to you!
(If you have a Birthday that isn't listed here, please call the church office so we can add you to our birthday list!)
If you have an immediate need or a Pastoral need, please call Pastor Mike Denman at 419-469-0156 .
Office hours are generally Monday through Friday 9 AM to Noon, but may vary. Please call ahead at 419-878-3645 if you need to visit the office.
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Follow the church and youth on our Twitter pages:
Waterville UMC | 419.878.3645| Email Us |