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Weekly Desert Cross Update -

September 29, 2023


Faith and life with pastor Andrea


Photo by steph on Unsplash

Make your ear attentive to wisdom; Incline your heart to understanding. 

Proverbs 2:2

The 2023 Autumnal Equinox occurred at 11:50 pm on Friday, September 22. On Saturday morning, I promptly enjoyed my first pumpkin pie latte of the season with a loved one. We sat outside on the first beautiful morning of fall and together read our respective books. Fall is my favorite season, and coffee and reading together are some of my favorite activities. My current “fun” book is “The Weight of Ink,” a historical fiction novel that helped me to learn about Jewish life in 1600s London. My current “study” book is “Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma”, which will help with my personal and professional learning. The days of this week are dedicated to learning with colleagues at a continuing education leadership conference. Lifelong learning is a vital gift and responsibility imparting wisdom and understanding, and we are never too old or too young to learn. I invite you to fall in to learning with me! Pick up a book, take a class, listen to a podcast, watch a documentary, or join a study or book group to expand your knowledge which helps us understand the world we are living in, both past and present, so together we can make a difference for good! I wish you a happy fall and hope you do autumn things that you love. 

Fall in with me,

Pastor Andrea


Upcoming Faith Formation Dates

  • October 1: Fall Break--No Education
  • October 8: Sundae Sunday--Join us for fellowship and ice cream!

Desert Cross Serves Project

Sunday, November 5

Tempe Site at 9:45 am

Gilbert Site at 10:45 am

We're including service projects as part of our Faith Formation program. Folks of all ages gather together during our Education time to pack food bags. We'll take the bags with us for those in need we see around town and in our neighborhoods.

Hunger Jar Offerings September 30/October 1, October 7/8, and October 14/15 will support this project.

Trunk or Treat

You're invited!

🌭 Enjoy delicious HOT DOGS, crispy CHIPS, and refreshing DRINKS!

🎶 Be entertained by talented YOUTH MUSICIANS, showcasing their musical prowess!

👻 Don't forget to dress up your car trunk for a chance to win the coveted Prize for Scariest Trunk!

📅 Mark your calendars for OCTOBER 28th from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.

📍 We'll be gathering in the parking lot of Desert Cross Lutheran Church:

3225 S. Lindsay Rd., Gilbert

Bring your family and friends for an evening of spooky fun, great food, and awesome music.

Will you help beautify the altar in Tempe with flowers?

We have several opportunities left for folks to sponsor altar flowers in Tempe. If you are celebrating a special day between now and the end of the year, please consider donating flowers to mark that day. The cost of an arrangement is $33.

You may sign up on the flower chart in the Tempe narthex or contact Marie Maiorana at 480-730-8600 or

Adult Forum

Sundays  9:45 - 10:15 am  

Tempe Community Center Adult Classroom


Sundays  10:45 - 11:15 am  

Gilbert Sanctuary

Fall Break -- October 1

Sundae Sunday -- October 8

Meeting October 15

We're choosing a monthly theme based on the lessons read during the worship services. We'll explore the theme by discussing the lessons and using the Adult Playlist posted each month on our Faith Formation Website.

For more information, contact Pastor Andrea at

or Pastor Thadd at

Meditation Group

Tuesdays at 7:00 pm

Tempe Sanctuary

Meeting October 3


Thursdays at 9:00 am

Tempe Community Center Youth Room

Meeting October 5

Do you want to try meditation? If so, please join Elaine Kraemer on Tuesday evenings or Thursday mornings. Elaine is hosting weekly meditation groups. Elaine has practiced "passage meditation" for many, many years. She'll share the whys and hows of meditation and help you get started with this faith-growing spiritual practice.

To sign up or for more information, please contact Elaine Kraemer at


Serve Pancake Breakfast

October 22, 2023

Grace Lutheran Church

Desert Cross has supported the homeless programs at Grace Lutheran Church for many years. One of the ways that we do this is by serving pancake breakfasts approximately once a month on Sunday mornings. 

Grace Lutheran Church is located in Phoenix (1124 N. 3rd St, Phoenix 85004) and the arrival time is 6:30 am. There are large and small jobs available for folks young and old. 

If you would like to serve, please get in touch with Joy Petroff. We need between 12 and 15 volunteers each time we serve. 

Vitalant Blood Drive

The Outreach Ministry and Vitalant will be hosting a blood drive on Saturday, October 28, 2023, in the Desert Cross Community Center in Tempe from 7:30 am to 12 pm. Art Krzyzewski will be contacting past donors for sign-ups. 

You can also go online to schedule an appointment at and use “desertcross” (all one word) as the sponsor code. You can donate whole blood or power red. There is a need for Type O negative, type A and B positive. Please remember that when you donate you earn points that can be turned in for prizes. 

If you have any questions or want to sign up, Art will have the sign-up sheet in the Narthex of the Tempe site. Or you can contact him at

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We offer many ways for our youth to be a part of our family here at Desert Cross!

Our DCLC website youth pages and DCLC App are updated weekly with new information and meeting times.

Tempe Sunday Morning Education Schedule:

  • 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM -- Sr. High School Sunday Education (Sr. High Youth Room)
  • 9:45 AM - 10:15 AM -- Jr. High School Sunday Education (Jr. High Youth Room)

Gilbert Sunday Education Schedule:

  • 10:45 AM - 11:15 AM -- Jr & Sr High School Sunday Education (Meet in the Fellowship Hall)

Jr. and Sr. High Weekly Meetings:

  • 5:00 – 6:30 PM -- Jr. High School Night (Sr. High Youth Room)
  • 6:30 – 8:30 PM -- Sr. High School Night (Sr. High Youth Room)

Please check the DCLC website for dates we will not be meeting.


Book Group

Thursday 2:00 pm OR 7:00 pm

Desert Cross Tempe Community Center Adult Classroom

September 14 - October 5

We're reading The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride, author of The Color of Water. The book tells the story of the residents of Chicken Hill, a neighborhood where immigrant Jews and African Americans live side by side, sharing their lives, ambitions, and sorrows.

Book Fee: $22.00

Scholarships Available

To sign up for the afternoon group, contact Lola Peterson at


To sign up for the evening group, contact Denise McClellan at or 480-730-8600.

Wise Guys

Mondays at 9 am

Tempe Fellowship Hall

Are you wise? Are you a guy? If so, then you are invited to this fellowship group that meets on Mondays for coffee and conversation.


Multiple Sclerosis Bike Ride

Art Krzyzewski will be participating in his 32nd consecutive Multiple Sclerosis bike ride on October 7 and 8. If you wish to contribute, you can donate online by using the button below.

Various payment options are available, including Venmo, Apple Pay, PayPal, e-checks, and credit cards.

If you prefer to make your pledge or donation in person, you can meet Art at the Tempe site every Saturday and Sunday leading up to the bike ride. Alternatively, you can reach out to him via email at

Donate to Art Now

Communion Kits

If you are unable to attend worship in person and would like a communion kit to use as you watch the live stream, you can pick one up from the office in Tempe. We have gluten-free options available.

Volunteer Opportunities

If you are looking to become more involved in our Tempe and Gilbert Faith Communities, please click "Read More" and find out today where you can be of value. You'll find all the needed contact info right there on the page.

We are actively looking for more volunteers in all areas of service.

Read More

Information on Baptism

If you are interested in having your child baptized, reach out to Pastor Thadd at

News Submissions

Do you have a news item, event, or ministry story to share? Please send the information to Joni at by the TUESDAY of the week that you wish to have it advertised.

May the Lord bless you in all your endeavors this week!

For your convenience, we have online giving up on our website or you can use the button that says "GIVE" at the top of this email. As always, we continue to appreciate all who are continuing to support the many ministries of Desert Cross!

You can also simply text the word "GIVE" to 833.636.1502 and complete the payment information. It securely saves your information and makes it possible to donate in 5 seconds once it has been set up!

Lastly, you can scan the QR code included in our live stream services and in the weekly Worship Aid. Giving is easier than ever - check it out!

All financial information is encrypted and stored by's banking partner to PCI DSS Level 1 compliant standards, which is the highest possible rating one can get in the electronic payment processing industry.

Desert Cross Lutheran Church | Gilbert & Tempe | 480-730-8600 |