The passing of time - we all experience it. It is not something that can be escaped, only acknowledged or denied. But what if the relationship we take up with time could change our experience of it? 

For some of us, we have recently celebrated the beginning of a new “calendar” year: January 1st. I say some, for not all mark the passing of time in the same way. For those cultures more closely connected to the natural world, the passing of time is in sync with the seasons and with cultural and spiritual practices that honour this. 

This year I was drawn to reflect on the season of winter with words surfacing like: Retreat. Reset. Darkness. Suffering. Depth. Space. Questions stirred for me: How do we create space, preserve space, honour space? 

How do we honour time? One way, I believe, is by not putting unnecessary limits on it - allowing it to unfold as it will, without our agendas. At least sometimes. We need to experience pockets of time like this, where we are not squishing it into little places devoid of air, with no way to breathe. Too often, we unwittingly snuff out the potential of what could be. What could be, that is, if there was room for expansiveness, for unhurried conversations, ... TO READ THE REST OF TAMARA'S EDITORIAL, CLICK HERE
What's included with a Scheduled Online Class registration?
In addition to a weekly live class with a Neufeld faculty member, you receive a 4-month study pass (or 8 months for Intensive courses) to our Virtual Campus featuring Dr. Neufeld's video material, discussion forums, study guides, supplementary resources, and much more. Participants view Dr. Neufeld's recorded presentations prior to the scheduled support session with a faculty member. 

Class recordings
Not able to attend the live class due to a scheduling conflict? No problem! Classes are recorded so you can catch up later in the week when it works best for you.
JANUARY 27 TO JUNE 9, 2022
11:00 AM TO 12:00 PM PACIFIC
Have you completed Intensive I and been hoping to start Intensive II? Now is the time! Building on the foundations of our Intensive I flagship course, the Intensive II course sheds light upon the profound impact of separation on a child's personality and behaviour. Special attention is given to the problems of aggression, resistance, oppositionality, bullying, distractability, impulsiveness, anxiety, alarm problems, alpha problems, attachment problems, and more. Read the full course outline HERE.
MARCH 10 TO APRIL 17, 2022
9:30 AM TO 10:30 AM PACIFIC
Play – at least the kind that builds brains, forwards development, and serves our emotions – is becoming an endangered activity among those who need to engage in it most and this includes us as adults. The science of play reveals the mind of Nature and gets to the very heart of the developmental approach. Read the full course outline HERE.

This course is a foundational studies course and also serves as a prerequisite to several more advanced courses with play as the focus. 

EARLY-BIRD DISCOUNT - Save 10% on tuition if you register by March 3/22 and use promo code 690004 at the time of registration.
APRIL 22 TO JUNE 24, 2022
9:00 AM TO 10:00 AM PACIFIC
Part III of the Power to Parent series focuses on the typical challenges of parenting. Every child gets stuck from time to time on the road to maturation. Dr. Neufeld helps equip parents to read the signs of a child in trouble, live with a sensitive child, cultivate resilience in a child, lead an alpha child, soften a defended child, discipline a stuck child, and more. Dr. Neufeld offers effective and safe practices that honour and preserve the relationship, even when the problems seem daunting. Read the full course outline HERE.

For this offering only, the prerequisite courses of Power to Parent I: The Vital Connection and Power to Parent II: Helping Children Grow Up are waived. All are welcome!

EARLY-BIRD DISCOUNT - Save 10% on tuition if you register by April 15/22 and use promo code 691004 at the time of registration.

Study through the convenience of your own pace via our Virtual Campus, with access to video material, study guide, discussion forum support, and supplemental resources (full details here).
The surge of anxiety in today's society certainly begs for an explanation. To make sense of anxiety is to make sense of ourselves and vice versa. There is probably no human problem that has been more of a riddle, yet more significant. This alarm spectrum covers a vast amount of troubling territory, affecting the majority of our children and youth as well as adults. The good news is that once we understand how these syndromes come to be, we are also more informed as to how they can be reversed. Read the full course outline HERE.
Many Neufeld students and supporters have expressed interest in streaming and/or downloadable video recordings of our seminars and webinars. We heard you, and announced in December that this is now possible for a few resources. In addition to Neufeld's Five-Step Model for Emotional Maturation and the Solutions to Sleep Webinar Panel Series, we've now added Keeping Children Safe in a Wounding World. We will be adding more resources in the months to come.

Visit Seminars & Webinars under the Resources menu on our website.

Keeping Children Safe in a Wounding World
Gordon Neufeld

$120 for four session recordings of approximately 1.25 hours each

We now know that there is nothing more stressful than emotional wounding, yet evidence strongly indicates that our children’s world is becoming a more wounding place. In fact, children's stress levels are even higher than in previous times of war or instability, while anxiety, aggression and suicide problems continue to increase.We also know that the emotional health and well-being of our children depends upon us being able to keep them safe, yet how are we to do this when our ability to control the situations and circumstances in their lives is waning? Although our educational systems have never tried harder to reduce discrimination and bullying as well as teach empathy, these efforts are proving futile as they do not address the underlying roots of the problems. Based on new insights in developmental science, Dr. Neufeld will reveal surprising solutions to this distressing problem – answers that every adult who cares for children should know. 
We’re excited to let you know about the Kid-Lit Book Club, which will kick off in February 2022. Join hosts Tamara Strijack and Sara Easterly, together with other members of the Neufeld Institute Book Reviewing Team, to read and discuss middle-grade and young-adult literature from a Neufeld perspective.

Honouring Gail Carney, who founded the Children’s Literature & Neufeld’s Approach collection on campus, book club discussions will centre around how various attachment dynamics are presented in the selected novels written for adolescents, and how they work (or don’t) from both a developmental and literary perspective.

Meetings take place via Zoom on the first Thursdays of each month from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Pacific Time. Open to anyone on our Virtual Campus (current students and subscribers). Free, but pre-registration is required. You don’t have to read the books to participate, but it will be more meaningful (and spoiler-free!) if you have.

To learn more about the Kid-Lit Book Club, including our reading schedule, and to register for our first discussion on February 3, 2022 of Mighty Inside by Sundee T. Frazier, visit this page on campus*.

*Are you interested in joining this book club, but don't have access to our Virtual Campus? Ongoing membership to the campus is available to all those who have been to a Neufeld conference or taken a Neufeld course – online as a campus course, onsite as a videocourse, or live from Dr. Neufeld or one of our faculty. Annual subscriptions are $150, discounted to $120 if initiated or renewed while on campus. Click HERE to read details about our Virtual Campus.
Catch up on newsletters you missed by visiting our Archived Newsletters page.
Neufeld Institute | 604-263-4278 |