Sept. 23, 2022


In this issue:


Teacher Lunch 

Fall Picture Day


BCA Helping Hands Day 


Lunch Menu

Dates to Remember


Our chapel service on Wed., Sept. 28 will be led by Mrs. Webb's 2nd grade. 

We will continue to support Heifer International with weekly chapel offerings.

Fall Teacher Luncheon! 

Thank you, BCA Parents!

Celebrating our SOUP-er teachers with a delicious array of soups and desserts today! Thank you, Chrissy Percy, PTL President and the family volunteers who contributed soups for today’s fall luncheon to treat our teachers and staff. Everything was amazing and much appreciated! We are so blessed to work at BCA and serve our incredible students!

Fall Picture Day - Sept. 27

Infants – 8th grade will have fall picture day on Tues., Sept. 27. Chapel dress code for K – 8th grade will be required. 

Note: The Fall picture day on Sept. 27 will only be for individual student photos. Class and sports team photos will be taken in the spring.

We would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to the following students:

9/25 – Kaylie Adams (1st)

9/25 – Kylie Adams (1st)

9/25 – Cheyenne Peoples (PK3)

9/26 – Maxwell Payne (PK3)

9/28 - Alaina Morris (PK4)

Fall Break Camp for K - 8th

Oct. 10 - 14 

(Infants - Pre-K4 open as usual.)

BCA will offer a Fall Break Camp, Oct. 10 -14, for our currently enrolled kindergarten - 8th graders!

Kindergarten - 8th graders who need care are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible so that director, Kirsten Hall, can have a count of students. She is also offering Christmas break and Spring break camps. Look for sign-up information closer to those times. 

Please complete the downloadable registration form below, and submit the $175 fee to the Business Office.


Helping Hands Needed

BCA Work Day - Sat., Oct. 1

9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

If you can offer your time and landscaping/repair skills and equipment to improve our campus, please take part on Sat., Oct. 1

Click HERE to see the tasks you can help with that day!

Contact Principal David Topp at 406-270-4917.

Thank you for helping to keep BCA beautiful!

Soccer Season Starts Next Week!

Kindergarten - 2nd grade will meet on Fridays, starting Sept. 30. Mrs. Barber will coach this group. There will be a parent meeting at the conclusion of the first practice, Fri. Sept. 30. 

Third - fifth grades will practice and compete on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, with Mr. Topp coaching this group. Some students will be finishing cross country next week, so we will hold our parent meeting for 3rd - 5th grades on Mon., Oct. 3.

If you haven't already registered your child for sports at BCA, please fill out the form here.

Information for ALL soccer players:

UPDATED Soccer Schedule - K - 2nd 

UPDATED Soccer Schedule - 3rd - 5th

In addition to completing sports physicals and paying fees, students must also bring cleats and shin guards. These are required for practices and games. If students want to bring their own size 4 soccer ball to practices, please label it with the child's name.

We had hoped to co-op our middle school students with nearby schools so that our older students also had the opportunity to play, but due to those locations being at full capacity with their own students, it isn't a possibility for this year. 

If your child is interested in playing on the BCA soccer team, please contact Sarah Barber, 3rd/4th grade teacher and athletic director at 

Lunch Menu


Mon., Sept. 26 - Hamburger, fruit, green beans, Tater tots

Tues., Sept. 27 - Beef soft tacos, black beans, corn, fruit

Wed., Sept. 28 - Chicken nuggets, fruit, green beans, mashed potatoes

Thurs., Sept. 28 - Spaghetti w/ meat sauce, fruit, roll, salad

Fri., Sept. 29 - Pizza, corn, salad, fruit

Dates to Remember 

Sept. 27 - Fall Picture Day

Oct. 1 - Helping Hands Work Day - 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Oct. 10 -14 - Fall Break (Infants - PK4 open) 

Belvoir Christian Academy
800 Belvoir Ave.
Chattanooga, TN 37412
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