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  Hello Carolina,

Definitions helps us have a collective understanding of words and key concepts; they help us to be on the same page with others when discussing or reading about a specific subject, and this is particularly important when discussing topics of child safety. 

We can all do something to help make the world safer for children. An important first step is to learn about important concepts and tools that will better equip us to stand up for children as well as empower them to be speak up, say no when the don't feel comfortable and know how to ask for help when they need it. 

- Child abuse:

Is any form of physical, emotional and/or sexual mistreatment that causes emotional damage to the child. The misuse of power and/or a breach of trust are part of all types of child abuse." - Red Cross Canada

- Negative Grooming:

Grooming usually starts with behaviours that don't look inappropriate and that could even be seen as the adult being very good with children. Abusers target children that are vulnerable and they start by finding ways to fill their needs - affective, economic, role model, etc. Negative grooming begins with actions that look harmless or even positive but the abusers uses this to gain access to the child, their family, etc. and then abuses the the child.  

- Gaslighting:

Is a type of emotional abuse where the bully or abuser misleads and confuses the victim, creating a false narrative and making the victim question his/her own judgment. The victim of gaslighting starts to feel unsure about how things happened, to the point where they will believe whatever their abusers tell them, instead of the actual facts.

- Active Bystander:

Being an active bystander can literally save a child's life; a trained bystander can recognize an unsafe situation and is able to take the required action to safely intervene. Prevention is key when we talk about abuse. There are specific behaviors that we should all learn to recognize.

- Family Well-being:

Family well-being requires that each member balances pursuing their personal aspirations, such as careers, goals and studies, and also contributing to the well-being of the family as a whole. Family well-being is more than the absence of discord; it is the presence of supportive, affectionate, and gratifying relationships that serve to promote the personal development of each member. 

- Safe Person:

 A Safe Person for children is someone who:

- can help a child if they are ever hurt or unsafe.

- doesn’t break the safety rules, or try to get the child to break them.

- never asks kids to keep a secret.

- someone with whom the child feels comfortable with and that they feel they can easily talk to about things that may be difficult to discuss.

- someone who acts in the child's best interest and has no ulterior motives that can hurt the child

We invite you to visit our website: www.worldhuggroup.org for more information on how to keep kids safe, active, motivated and healthy! 

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