"Sharing Christ's Love with the Greatest Number of People"
Redeemer Lutheran Church
January 28, 2022
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!  
The list of names on our prayer list is lengthy yet each name represents someone reaching out in need. This week we pray especially for Erica, Jolene, and Kelly who have cancer. We also remember in thanksgiving Marion Lockhard Schultz, wife of the late Milt Schultz. 

Preparing for the Annual Meeting 
And we are one week away from our annual meeting. Please read the Annual Report carefully. For those who would like to meet with one of our Executive Committee members before next Sunday to answer any of your questions, Ellen Kennedy will be available this Sunday (in-person) to talk with you after each service and via Zoom from 10:45 am - 12 pm. Ellen will meet with people in the library. Here is the Zoom link for those who want to connect remotely.
And if you would like to contact a member of the Executive Committee by email any time before Sunday, February 6, here is their contact information: Nate Paukovits, Ellen Kennedy, Laura Duval, and/or Rob Wenk .
For those of you who are not members of Redeemer but have an interest in our ministries I invite you to read the report as well. It contains the most current information of who we are and what we are about as we continue to serve God in Christ in this place and at this time. Here is the link to the report. 
Sunday Worship
Sunday Worship – 8:30 am, 9:45 am, and 11:00 am
We welcome everyone to our worship services. If you want to attend in-person, it is very important to sign-up ahead of time because of the way that we are distributing Holy Communion. We want to have enough elements (communion hosts and wine/grape juice) for everyone who comes. Our Youth Choir will sing at the end of the 9:45 am service in the Crossroads. 
Schedule for this Week
January 30 – We worship at 8:30 am, 9:45 am, and 11:00 am 
9:45 am – Faith Formation, Confirmation, High School Classes & Table Talk
2 pm - Visitor's Information Class via Zoom (no registration)
4 pm - Youth Group Activity
February 2 – Wed. 8 AM Bible Study & Wed. 7 PM Bible Study
February 6 – Annual Congregational Meeting at Noon
February 7 – Redeemer Day of Prayer, 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
February 13 – Installation of Council Members at all three services

Important News
Visitors' Information Session  Sunday, January 30, at 2 pm 
For anyone who wants to learn more about the mission and ministry of Redeemer, Pastor Josh and I invite you to a Zoom session where we will introduce ourselves, learn more about you, offer some insights on what it means to be a member of a Lutheran Church, and give you some highlights of our mission.  Click here for the Zoom link.

Annual Congregational Meeting – Sunday, February 6, at 12 pm
The meeting will start at 12 pm, immediately after the 11:00 am service. The meeting will be held in-person with a Zoom option (see link below) for those voting members who want to connect with us from their homes. Voting members are confirmed members who during the current or preceding calendar year, communed in this congregation and made a contribution of record to Redeemer. This includes all of our youth who are confirmed.

Annual Congregational Meeting Zoom Link and Zoom Instructions
Click here for the Annual Meeting Zoom link (for those who cannot attend in-person.) Click here to download the instructions on how to view the meeting, ask questions during the meeting, and vote (for those using Zoom).
Day of Prayer - Monday, February 7, 8 am - 8 pm
On Monday, February 7, people are asked to sign-up for a 30-minute time slot to pray. The purpose is to be in one continuous prayer from 8 am to 8 pm. You can pray at home, at work, or at Redeemer. Click here for a list of prayers written by several Redeemer members for your use or you can choose your own prayers. 
Redeemer Lutheran Church, 1545 Chain Bridge Rd., McLean, VA 22101