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Nurturing News

September 2023

Dear Deb,

It has been a while since we have reached out to you in a newsletter. To say that "life happens" seems a bit of a cop-out. Not that it isn't true, in fact a more absolute statement can't really be made: life is always happening... for all of us. And then the more time went by, the harder it got to write. And then you want a big bang-up subject to break the drought. And then..... well you get the picture. So it came to my attention in August that September is pain awareness month, and I thought.... "this is it!" but it wasn't. Then, two things occurred:

Wendy and I watched the Blue Zones on Netflix. The limited series explores characteristics of quality longevity in several different locations. The two usual components were there... plant-based diet and movement. But what seemed to be even more fundamental with these 80, 90, and 100+ year old people were psychological qualities of connection, having a sense of purpose, about enjoying and appreciating life.

Secondly, I read an article in the Mayo Clinic Newsletter titled: the power of awe. And this article dovetailed so well with what we had just seen in the Blue Zone series. It talks about the noticeable positive effects awe has on people, even though the research can't explain how.

Bringing these musings back to Nurturing Hands

and massage. There are so many important and researched physiological effects of massage; a lot of them have been discussed in this newsletter. What I have spoken about less are the more anecdotal effects of massage that can be as profound: feelings of warmth, connection, wonder and appreciation at the amazing body that is us.

Have an awe-filled fall,

Wendy and Deby

Nurturing Hands | 860.570.0268 |