In this issue

The Legacy Art Show
June Second Thursday Workshop
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The Collective's Gift Shop
Jubilee Quilt Circle

"Rosey" by Marion Cole-Pitre, acrylic on canvas
"Bob Marley" by Leonard Freeman, charcoal on watercolor paper--limited edition Giclee print and hand enhance by artist
"Jazzterday" by Danny Russo, acrylic on canvas
"Tupac Gridlock'd" by Ezra Hezekiah Bailey, mixed media on canvas
Just one more week to view
"The Legacy Art Show at The Collective

Dr. A. Jan Taylor was honored at The Collective on the opening day of the Legacy Art Show.

Taylor, educator, pianist, singer and choral conductor, is Director of Choral Music Activities at Prairie View A&M University. A native of Houston she received the Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Houston, the Master of Arts degree from Prairie View A&M University, and the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Choral Conducting at the University of Houston.

The Legacy Art Show has been up during June and will close on the 30th. Artists participating in the exhibit are Ezra Hezekiah Bailey, Danny Russo, Marion Cole-Petre, Daniel Tesfai, Leon Thomas and Leonard Freeman.
June Art Activities
ArtSummer classes at the Julia C. Hester House
ArtSummer classes at the Julia C. Hester House
Juneteenth kickback at Project Row Houses
Juneteenth kickback at Project Row Houses
ArtSummer at The Collective with SHAPE Community Center
ArtSummer at The Collective with SHAPE Community Center
Juneteenth kickback at Project Row Houses

Second Thursday Workshop
Sakeenah Mubashshir taught various head wrapping techniques at The Collective's June workshop.
The ladies enjoyed the creations!