Welcome to RVCC Moments, a monthly electronic newsletter that provides information about the latest developments at RVCC.
Register for Classes

Register today for Winter Session classes. Earn college credits in just 3 1/2 weeks by taking a course during RVCC’s Winter Session, December 22-January 14. Spring Semester registration begins September 15; classes start January 19.

Contact Admissions
908-526-1200 (Select Option 2)
Information Sessions & Campus Tours

RVCC is offering Admissions Information Sessions & Campus Tours in November. Upcoming sessions also focus on the Honors College, as well as our Beauty programs. Registration is suggested for all Admissions events.
Free Educational Resources

RVCC is helping students reduce their college costs by providing free instructional materials in a growing number of classes. Since 2018, the use of free Open Educational Resources (OER) has saved RVCC students $1,776,362.32 in textbook costs. Sixty RVCC faculty members are using free, online resources in their courses instead of expensive textbooks.
Sanofi Mentor Program

Ten students have been selected for this year’s Sanofi Corporate Mentor Program at RVCC. The highly selective program provides opportunities for students to participate in the Sanofi Mentee Academy and in Mentor/Mentee meetings to promote personal and professional growth. “Mentees” participate in the Sanofi Mentee Academy to work on goal setting, learn networking skills, practice their elevator pitch, connect their major to a career, learn to navigate a career fair, and participate in Sanofi networking sessions. Students who successfully meet all of the program’s requirement receive a $1,500 scholarship.
Federal Grant for Student Parents

The Children’s Campus Preschool and Childcare Center at RVCC has received a federal grant to help student parents remain in college in order to achieve their educational goals. The Department of Education’s “Child Care Access Means Parents in School” (CCAMPIS) grant will offer support to single and lower-income student parents—from registration to graduation—through campus-based child care services.
Professor’s Work included in National Publication

Time and Stress Management sessions created by RVCC Professor of Nursing Carol Patterson were recently published in Imprint, a publication from the National Student Nurse Association. The sessions were designed to help incoming cohorts of students in the College’s Nursing program.
Graduate Presents at National Conference

RVCC graduate Anusha Srinivas recently presented her Green Energy Golf Cart project at the American Society for Engineering Education Northeast Section 2021 Annual Conference, held at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Srinivas created the golf cart as part of her Honors Authentic Engineering Project course at RVCC.
Juried Student Art Exhibition

The Arts & Design department is presenting the 18th Annual RVCC Juried Student Art Exhibition, on display through November 24 in the College’s Art Gallery. Student artwork completed for visual art, graphic design, or interior design classes during the past year is featured in the exhibition.
OTA Pinning Ceremony

RVCC held its first Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Pinning Ceremony last month, celebrating the accomplishments of students in the College’s OTA program.
Museum Exhibit

School and community groups are invited to schedule a free tour of “And in 1948 I came to Canada, The Holocaust in Six Dates,” an exhibition from the Montreal Holocaust Museum, on display through January 14 at RVCC. The exhibition is being hosted by the College’s Institute of Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Tours may be scheduled virtually or in person, and the public may view the exhibition by appointment.

The exhibition also features photos of artifacts and 30 minutes of Montreal-based Holocaust survivor video testimonies from the Museum’s collection.

More info/schedule a tour:
Program Specialist Michelle Edgar
908-526-1200, ext. 8735

Did you Know?

RVCC has been ranked as one of the nation's most environmentally responsible colleges, according to The Princeton Review®. RVCC is featured as one of 420 colleges in the country in the education services company’s website resource, The Princeton Review Guide to Green Colleges: 2022 Edition. The colleges listed earned a Green Rating of 80 or higher, and RVCC received a score of 91.