June 2023
Wed, June 28 & Sun, July 2
6:00-8:00 PM
Wednesdays 5-8PM
Jul. 5, 19, 26, Aug. 2, 9, 23
Photo by Galactic Nikita on Unsplash
Thursday, July 20, 2023
5:30-8:30 PM
Inner Mandala ~ Parts of Self
Who are you, really? Which part of you is driving the bus?
 Recently, I woke up, feeling anxiety coursing through my torso. Another day of pressure. To perform. To get it right. To be the change I see is so needed in this world.

Like glass crunching under thick soles…I could feel my solar plexus grinding.  
Which way do I go? What do I do?  I wondered.

I noticed the beautiful sunflowers growing outside my window. Each one is actually a composite of many tiny flowers, together creating a mandala. The outer flowers have one giant golden petal. The inner flowers are tiny florets unto themselves. All together, the individual, tiny flowers make one complete being: the sunflower. They reminded me that this anxious feeling is just one part of me; it does not have to dominate. I am a woman with many talents, many roles, many ways of being and feeling. Like the tiny flowers creating spirals and angles in the center of the large sunflower’s mandala, I too embody many parts of self.  

I thought, Today I will put anxiety in the backseat…you do not get to drive the bus of my life! There are many other parts to me; I will choose another to lead! 

Though challenging on this day stacked with the pressure of a to-do list a mile long, and people wanting my attention that I'd rather avoid, I searched inside myself for the strength I know is there. I have a choice as to which parts of me get to drive the bus of my life. Today I choose kind, good listener, motivated, networker, dancer, painter, horse-lover. At work I will be kind and a good listener. While making breakfast, I will put on a fun song and dance around my kitchen. I will network with another horse-lover around my business. This evening, I will get out my paints and play, even if just for a bit!  

Which part of self is driving the bus of your life? Are you aware of all of your parts of self? Come join me for a Deep Dive into Self, Mandala Workshop. This is a great entry-level way to work with me and Cowboy!

In Serenity, 
Snuggle Boy :)