Fully Vaccinated and Quarantines/Illness
Quarantine: To be fully vaccinated is to be 2 weeks out after your second dose.
If someone is exposed during that two week period, they would still need to quarantine, regardless of receiving the second vaccine.
Illness: Although a child or person may cross that glorious threshold of being fully vaccinated, it is still a requirement to test for COVID if you or your child has symptoms. If you need assistance accessing a test or need more clarification on when to test, call me ;)
Hang in there everybody! Keep doing that constant and difficult risk analysis for your family, we’re almost there and soon we can put this all behind us!
CDC: Tips for a COVID Safe Holiday
In protection of your family, your friends, your Normandale Community, and the community at large, please consider these tips as you plan your holiday gatherings:
Protect those not yet eligible for vaccination such as young children by getting yourself and other eligible people around them vaccinated and boosted.
- If you are sick or have symptoms, don’t host or attend a gathering.
- Consider using a self-test before joining indoor gatherings with others who are not in your household.
- A positive self-test result means that you have an infection and should avoid indoor gatherings to reduce the risk of spreading disease to someone else.
- A negative self-test result means that you may not have an infection. Repeating the test with at least 24 hours between tests will increase the confidence that you are not infected.
- You might choose to wear a mask regardless of the level of transmission if a member of your household has a weakened immune system, is at increased risk for severe disease, or is unvaccinated.
By working together, we can enjoy safer holidays, travel, and protect our own health as well as the health of our family, friends, and community.
Vaccine Updates
Edina is hosting a booster clinic for students, staff, and the community this Friday 12/17 1:30-3:30 at Edina High School. You can find more information HERE including consent forms.
HELP WANTED!! We need a group of medical and non medical volunteers for the booster clinic! Please come and help- you know i’ll be there jabbing away! Here's where you can sign up!
Thank you to all those who volunteered their time and efforts into making the vaccination clinic possible!